Chapter 30

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"Mom," Betty started, sitting down in the kitchen table, facing Alice who raised her eyebrows at amusement, understanding this talk was going to be Betty asking --or pleading-- for something she really wants. "Uh..."

"Just tell me what you're thinking, honey," Alice said with a soft smile. "It's okay."

Betty sighed quietly, lowering her head, dropping her eyes on the table and dragging her lower lip between her teeth. "I uh... There's this camp," she started, quickly glancing up at her mom before looking back at the wooden table, her finger unconsciously mimicking the pattern on it. "It's in Florida. I've went every year ever since I was little, because a friend of dad's owns it and I kind of got there for free..."

"What's his name?" Alice asked immediately, looking interested.

"Uh... Matt. He has a son. Matteo. I've told you about him?"

"Matt," she smiled, nodding a little. "He was a nice guy."

Betty's eyes lit up with hope but dropped again. "And um, so... I missed last year because... well I came here. But I'm 16 now. I could be an official counselor, getting money for it not like the last 3 years when I just hanged with a bunch of younger kids. All my old friends are going there. I'd volunteer, but I know he pays to everybody working there, and well, as always he invited me... And Toni... And you," she added in a whisper.

Her green eyes meet with her mom's blue ones. She looked pleasantly surprised. "You want to go and be the counselor," she stated. Betty nodded carefully. Alice sighed, dropping her head onto her nape. She knew she couldn't say no. She had promised her to spend time with her friends from California as well. She had promised her to let her go back home. But this was Florida, not Laguna Beach.

"You and Toni both?"

"Yeah," Betty nodded. "They all want to meet her. And you. I had heard a few stories about you before moving here... From Matt. Nobody told me what happened with you, I thought you were dead most of the time. But he was the only one who actually told us a few stories." Betty's mouth curled up in a smile. "Thinking back to it now, I do understand he hinted me of a twin sister and you in the other end of the country. I was just too young to notice."

After getting a permission from Alice, Betty still didn't leave, which made her mother raise her eyebrows. "Something else?" Alice asked.

"Umm..." Betty took a deep breath and then met her mom's blue eyes again, talking rapidly in order to get it all out fast. "My brother and his friends used to be the counselors too, but they're in college now. They need more and I kind of promised to talk with my friends in here... I need your help to convince the parents."

"Betty--" she sighed, but the blonde girl cut her mother off immediately.

"Please mom. Pea just told me the other day that he's never swam in an ocean. Like how?" Alice chuckled quietly at that, but Betty continued. "Veronica misses New York, she's been to a lot of vacations but never without her super controlling parents. And I won't even start talking about Cheryl... Fangs and Archie have literally never been to a normal beach and Jug..." she trailed off with a small sigh, making her mother frown.

"Jug what?"

"He needs a break, mom. It's not his fault his mother left and FP has to work all days. He says it's fine, but he's really tired of all of it. His dad's worried too. They do need somebody to watch Jellybean, but Jughead won't stop volunteering because he's so fucking selfless and it drives me insane..."

A few seconds later, she gulped quietly and while looking down at the table, murmured, "He has never seen the ocean either."

It was funny how every single parent agreed by Sunday. Once Betty had let them speak to Matt (Alice and him also catching up, promising to meet up soon), all of them were 100% happy the kids would go there. They were going to get some additions on their college applications, also paid for it, and they didn't have to feed the growing teenagers at their homes for a month. All they needed to do was buy a plane ticket for each of them and give them some money for snacks.

The kids were hyped. Not only could they go to a normal beach --basically a vacation-- in a month (it currently being May), they would also get paid for all of it.

Sweet Pea wasn't sure about the kids aged 6-14 in the camp, but there was no way he would miss out on an opportunity to lie on the beach, hang with his friends, and also teach little kids how to craft stuff he had no idea how to do by himself.

They didn't actually know what their roles were going to be just yet, but Betty was 100% sure Jughead would be the one who takes all the kids under his wing to teach them how to cook. He was so excited about it already and she couldn't hold her huge excited smile back either every time his eyes sparkled while talking about it. It was unbelievably adorable. He was unbelievably adorable.

The camp activities were going to be as always: surfing, cooking (and eating), crafting, playing, and free time. On the free time they were allowed to the beach, they were allowed to take naps if they wanted, or --with counselors-- go to buy some snacks from the small local store. At nights it was going to be stories around the fireplace and after the kids were supposed to go to sleep, making out by the fire.

(Betty had never experienced the last one just yet, but this time she wasn't going to miss out from Jughead's smell, hands, lap, and mouth. Definitely not when everyone was going to be doing the same with their partners.)

So on Saturday when she woke up at the feeling of small butterfly kisses being pressed onto the side of her head, she smiled and turned herself around to face Jughead, away from their spooning position. "Morning," she murmured, not moving her face into his chest as usually, just letting him kiss her face.

"Morning." She sensed the small puff of air that left his mouth, hot, a smile on his lips from the voice he made. "It's a good morning," he murmured, mostly to himself, his one hand moving up to hear breasts, resting over his S t-shirt she was wearing, cupping her boob.

"It's kind of sore," the girl murmured comfortably. He loosened the grip slightly, brushing his thumb on it, stroking the place her nipple should be at.

"'M sorry," he mumbled into her cheek.

"You know a year ago I thought you were a tough guy. You seem so broody and mysterious. And then you cope to my bed to stroke my body and wake me up with small little adorable kisses," she smiled, tiredly opening her eyes. Jughead smirked at her amused face when she discovered the blush on his cheeks.

Betty's one hand moved to cup the side of his face gently, pulling his lips on hers in a brief kiss. Once she was done a few seconds later, a content sigh escaped her mouth and now she did hide her face into his chest. "One more hour?" she asked quietly.

"As long as you want," he answered, continuing to play with her hair, his one hand sliding onto her bare thigh, thumb stroking it now. He felt Betty's face growing hot against his chest and grinned, wondering if she had just remembered where his mouth had been last night. It had been amazing.

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