Chapter 26

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The next two days, Jughead stayed glued to Betty's side; partly because he needed to make sure she was okay and not hurting herself and partly because she didn't want to let go of his hand. It worried him, but he was happy to be her comfort when she cried or couldn't sleep.

So when Monday came around, he was horribly worried. Betty had made sure he had understood that she was fine and she could handle herself, but as he walked home in the dark, it being 7 a.m., he didn't know if it was acceptable that he didn't believe her.

Back at home, Betty took a hot shower, only to step out of it onto a cold tiled floor and into her chilly room. She got dressed in black tights and broken light blue jeans, a black tank top, white sweater thrown over it, her black winter boots completing the look. Next she packed her bag. (None of the kids had any idea what their homework had been and didn't even want to know, most of them still staying home today.)

"Morning," Alice smiled once Betty walked into the kitchen.

She smiled at the huge amount of pancakes already on the table. "Morning." She sat down in the table and put one on her plate, drowning it in syrup.

"Honey are you sure you want to go to school today?" Alice asked after kissing her head, seeing the tired look and her red eyes.

"Yeah," Betty sighed, digging in.

"Is Jughead here?"

"No, he went home like hour ago," Betty murmured, disappointed.

"He'll come back to eat, don't worry," Alice said, making Betty smile while chewing on her first bite.

Betty reached the Blue and Gold office where Jughead worked at after buying herself some lunch. He was already there, sitting on the first table, reading some book. He looked up with a smile once she entered, but it was quickly replaced by a worried frown, seeing tears in her eyes. "Betty, what's--" he started, placing the book down, interrupted by Betty who quickly dropped her bag and walked to the table, wrapping her arms around his torso.

"Hey baby, what's wrong?" Jughead murmured, pulling her closer to him between his legs, hugging her back. 

Betty's face was in his shoulder as she murmured, "I wanna go home."

"What happened?" Jughead whispered, his hand starting to stroke her long blonde hair.

"Nothing," she cried.

"Something did happen," Jug sighed. "I'll take you home, just tell me please."

Betty nuzzled her nose further into his shoulder. "I get startled at everything and they just keep slamming their lockers and making me fall on purpose," she said quietly.

Jughead's jaw clenched tightly. "Who do?"

"I don't know, some stupid jocks," she said, pulling away now and wiping her tears while looking at the ground. "I think Jason noticed at the hospital. He probably said something."

When the boy didn't answer, Betty looked at him, her green eyes sad and scared. "You know their names?" he asked.

"Juggie," Betty sighed. "It's fine. I just want to go home."


He shut up once Betty touched his clenched jaw softly with her knuckles. He took her hands into his and pushed his thumbs into her fists, not wanting for her to hurt herself. "Please?" she asked quietly. "Take me home?"

He nodded and pressed a kiss onto her forehead. "Let's go get our stuff."

They walked in the hallway hand-in-hand towards their lockers, Jughead glaring at every person who even looked at Betty. They got his things at first and when he was done, moved to her locker, taking her coat, hand, gloves, and changing some of her books.

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