Fourth Date Fail

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Hi everyone! Thanks so much for 4.3K reads. This is an AU, and I didn't really give them a specific age, so you can just imagine one. It's in Nico's POV. I hope you enjoy!

 I put down my phone, excited because Will and I had just coordinated our fourth date. We had met through mutual friends, and we had really hit it off. Although I hadn't told him this yet, I felt like I had known him for way more than a month.

Since our last date was at Will's apartment, I felt like I had to have the next one at my place. Both Will and I loved staying in, but Will was a little more extroverted than me. While we were texting, I had the idea to have a romantic dinner, candles, roses, everything. It didn't matter that I didn't know how to cook- it couldn't be that difficult.

We had agreed to meet tonight since it was the only day when both of us would be free for a while. Will was a doctor, so he frequently was on call at night and at other times. I had told Will to come over at seven, so that gave me a good three hours to get everything done. I was confident that I could do it.

I grabbed my laptop and opened YouTube. I knew there were a bunch of videos that could give me inspiration on what to make. I clicked on one video after the next, until I finally found one I was satisfied with.

The whole video detailed a three-course meal, with a salad, pasta, and chocolate lava cake at the end. It looked delicious, and I was sure that Will would love it. I quickly took out a sheet of paper and copied down all the ingredients I would need to buy- which was pretty much all of them. I rarely cooked anything more than scrambled eggs or avocado toast.

So with two and a half hours until the date, I headed to the grocery store.


Half an hour later, I returned home from the grocery store, arms full of ingredients I knew I would never use after this date. Seriously, I had to buy so many containers of spices that I lost count. The two hundred dollar bill better have been worth it.

I had to get started if I wanted everything to be ready by the time Will arrived. As the instructions said, I got started on the pasta before everything else, since it would take the longest. It started off easy enough, with boiling a pot of water. The only problem was, I had never boiled water before.

It was going to be fine. The video made it look really easy. I filled the pot nearly to the brim with water, then put it on the highest setting. Bold of the people in the video to assume I knew how to boil water. They hadn't even put any instructions in.

I moved on since the instructions then told me to cut the chicken into small pieces and let them cook individually. I pulled out the slimy, wet chicken that I bought at the supermarket with a recommendation from one of the people who worked there. It's cold juices dripped down onto my favorite shirt, and I threw it away from me in disgust. Did people really handle stuff like this?

There was no way I was gonna get my hands all over this chicken. I put it to the side, hoping that maybe I would have the courage to do it five minutes later. For Will, I reminded myself.

I turned my attention to the pot of boiling water, horrified to see foaming water pouring out of the pot at a high speed. It was going everywhere, the stove, the floor, and even on the ceiling. I quickly ran over there and turned the heat off, wondering if I had burned the water.

This was going off to an amazing start. And this wasn't even the hardest part. How had I assumed that cooking a romantic dinner would be easy?

I dumped the pasta I had bought into the water, according to the instructions on the box. I didn't know how long it had to be cooked for, so I figured I would take it out once I was done with the chicken. The slimy, pink monster seemed intimidating from across the kitchen, and I shuddered at the thought of touching it.

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