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Bill and I were walking to Stan's house, his arm was wrapped around my shoulder, which may I add made me blush intensely. We approached eddies house almost way to quickly. "You should knock, sh-she likes y-you," Bill explained, moving me toward the door, to which I only nodded. With making my way up to the door, I wasn't as nervous as I thought i would be, perhaps it was because of the fact the bill was taking up my mind.

I looked back st bill, who nodded at me and offered a small smile, to which I returned, and took a small breathe, knocking 5 times on the wooden door, Bill not far behind me. The door opened just a little bit only to show Sonia's face. "May I help you?" She asked me, not bothering to take notice of bill. "Um," I began, clearing my throat, "I was just coming to ask if you would allow eddie to come and play a few games of chess with uh, Bill and i." I'd have to remind myself to give me a pat on the back for that lie, "no Richie?" She asked me, very obviously suspicious, "Uh, no, no not at all ma'am." I told her, at this point it was just lie after lie after lie, I hated it, "I'll go get eddie, stay here boys," she told me and finally acknowledged Bill.

I took a few steps back, "w-wow, chess" bill teased me, I put my hands up defensively. "It's the best I could come up with, that lady is quite intimidating," i laughed a little, Now that was the truth, Sonia was quite intimidating, "I couldn't come-" "Here he is boys, make sure that Richie is no where near my Eddie, you got it." Sonia told us, interrupting me, mid sentence. "Bye mom, and yes, I have taken my medicine," Eddie said, waving goodbye to Sonia.

   "Chess? If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were lying," Eddie teased me, knowing my tendency to always tell the truth, "Ed's, it's Richie, he-something's happened to him-" "what!? Is-is Richie okay!?" Eddie's eyes widened at the mention of Richie, "n-no, hes p-perfectly fine, j-just won't come o-out of h-his room," Bill explained, placing a hand on my shoulder, "Well, I gotta go see him, is he at his house?" I just nodded, pushing him slightly toward the direction of richies house. "Go, Eddie, try an' cheer him up," I sighed a little, looking over at bill sadly, instead of replying, he pulled me into a hug. "H-he'll be f-fine, Eddie w-zillion take good care of him," Bill promised me, I just nodded, still in fear for my friend.



nvm im sorry don't hate me


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