Lessons for Jay and Carlos

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Rachel wants me to sign up for gymnastics right away.  She's the captain and wants me on the team right away.  "We have a tournament with Sherwood, our biggest rivals for tourney and gymnastics.  Honestly, I bet they stuff steroids in their athlete's food."  I almost bust a gut laughing, "Rach, I seriously doubt that.  But I'll think about signing up, okay?"  She nods and waves goodbye as she heads back to our dorm.  I walk by the bleachers and notice Jay and the tourney coach talking.  I decide to listen in.

I walk up to them and plop down on the bleachers, "What's up, Jay?"  He looks up from a rule book, "Hey Madison."  "Woah!  You're reading?!  Someone get me a camera- I need to record this."  He rolls his eyes and gestures to the coach, "Coach Jenkins, this is Madison Hatter, my oldest friend.  Madison, this is Coach Jenkins."  I shake his hand and stretch my legs as Coach Jenkins turns to Jay, "I could really use a tough guy like you. The team's a bunch of princes, If you know what I mean."

I snort in agreement- even though I hadn't seen them play, I can imagine Jay knocking them down and them rolling in agony because they can't take a hit- and Jay nods.  "You're telling me. It's all, 'After you, old chum. Oh, pardon me, did I bump into you?' Where I come from it's, 'Prepare to die, sucker!'"  The coach cringes and glances at me for confirmation and I nod.  Jay stands up enthusiastically, "As my father says, 'The only way to win is to make sure everyone else loses!'  You rip-"  Coach pulls him down, "Jay, Jay, Jay, Jay."  He calms down and I stop shaking from trying not to laugh.  "Let me explain a team. Uh...it's like a family."

Jay looks serious and deadpans, "You do not want to be at my house at dinner time."  I snort again, "Believe me, you really, really don't want to."  Coach Jenkins eyes widen and he nods slowly, "Okay, okay, um... You know how a body has a lot of different parts?  The legs, elbows, ears. But they all need each other. Well, that's what a team is... different players who work together to win. Make any sense?"

Jay considers this, "Can I be the fist?"  Coach looks confused and I laugh, "That means he gets it, Coach."  I stand up, "I'm gonna go check on Carlos.  Y'know, make sure he hasn't died from embarrassment or anything.  See ya around, Jay.  Nice to meet you, Coach Jenkins."  As I walk away, I hear Coach Jenkins say, "I guess she really pays attention to Fairy Godmother's Goodness class."  Jay replies, "She doesn't have to.  She's not a villain.  She's the least villain kid you will ever meet."

I walk on the field where Ben is holding a timer and Carlos is waiting to start his sprints, "Hey boys.  Mind if I watch?" Ben looks up and smiles, "Hi Madison.  Uh, nope.  I don't mind.  I'm helping Carlos for the tourney team."  I nod, holding back my comment that Carlos can barely hold a bat straight.  I plop down on the grass and cross my legs.

"Okay. Carlos, we're gonna do some sprints. You ready?"  Carlos nods and Ben starts the timer.  Carlos takes off running and I notice a small dog following him, barking.  He starts screaming and breezes by me and Ben.  Ben yells, "Sweet!"  But we notice he doesn't circle back.  I scramble to my feet, "Carlos!"  Ben follows me to the woods where Carlos jumped on a tree and is holding on tightly.  "Ben, Maddy, help me! This thing is a killer! He's gonna chase me down and rip out my throat. This is a vicious, rabid pack animal!"  I start giggling and then try not to smile.  Ben holds up his hand and I pick up the dog, "Hey, who told you that?"

Carlos looks at him like he's stupid, "My mother."

"Cruella?"  I nod, scratching the dog behind his ears, "The one and only, I pray."

"She's a dog expert.  A dog yeller," Carlos explains.  He turns to me, "Why are you holding him? He's gonna attack you!"  I laugh and dip my head back as the dog licks my face.  Ben looks at Carlos, "Carlos, you've never actually met a dog, have you?"  Carlos shakes his head, "Of course not."  Ben smiles and gets the dog's attention, "Dude, meet Carlos. Carlos, this is Dude. He's the campus mutt."

Carlos stares at the dog, "He doesn't look like a vicious, rabid pack animal."  I smile at Carlos, "Wanna hold him?"  He nods and jumps down from the tree.  I hand him Dude and he pets him, scratching his ears, "Jeez. You're a good boy, aren't you? You're a good boy."  Ben watches us bond with Dude, "I guess you guys have it pretty rough on the island."  I nod, scratching Dude's ear as he licks my chin, "Yeah."  Carlos adds, "Let's just say we don't get a lot of belly rubs."

Ben looks sympathetic and puts his hand on Carlos's shoulder, "Good boy."  He quickly realizes what he just said, "I mean, you're a good runner. You're... you're fast, you know."  Carlos looks proud of himself, "Oh. Yeah. Thank you."

I grin up at Carlos (he's a few inches taller than me- I am short enough to put my head on his shoulder), "You should get chased by dogs more often."  He laughs a little and turns his attention back to Dude.  Ben looks between the two of us for a minute, "Yeah. Listen, I'm gonna give you guys some space, yeah? You guys get to know each other and just...you know...come find me when you're done, okay?"  Carlos nods and Ben leaves.  I stand to leave them alone too, but Carlos calls me, "Maddy?"  I turn, "Hmm?"  

"Can...can you say a bit longer?"

I grin, "Sure."  I sit beside him on the log and he hands me Dude.  Dude licks Carlos's cheek and he grins, scratching his ear, "Thank you.  Good boy."  I mockingly pat Carlos's white hair. "Good boy," I coo and we laugh until we're almost crying.

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