I love you too.

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Something sounded very weird.. It was the noice of a scissor... Then a ripp... What in the holy heck was happening?

Peters mind was exploding with thoughts and imaginations. He couldn't focus on one certain thing, instead his mind focused on eleven different things at the same time and at the speed of light.

The pounding in his stomach had gone away a long time ago, now he just felt empty. And dizzy. It was as if he'd been riding rollercoasters all day and then went to bed to get some sleep. Either Peter was spinning or the world was.

"Hey. You gotta keep him awake, alright?" Bruce declared, "You guys, could you give us some space?"

Natasha and Clint nodded and joined Steve outside the room, which left only Tony and Bruce to work with the injured kid.

"If you hold him still while I examine the wound..." Bruce mumbled and started to poke around the blood.

A moment ago, Bruce had cut Peters shirt open and ripped it off. Peter was now lying on his back with only his pants on.

Maybe that's why he felt so cold...
Something took a grip of his shoulders and the light that pushed through his eyelids was covered by something dark... Maybe it was somebody- OUCH!

A hand started to dig around the hole in his stomach, and the pain had certainly decided to come back. It pounded and stung like hell.

Peter started to panic and tried sitting up, but the hands over his shoulders pressed him down so hard into the bed that he almost got buried in it.

He grabbed the arms of the hands that held him down and clenched them as hard as he could.
He held his breath and squeezed his eyes together.

Peter had never experienced pain like this. Not even when being buried alive under a building.

"Tony!" Bruce yelled when Peter started to kick.

"I'm trying my best!" Tony stood by the side of the bed and held Peter down with the help of his iron-suit hands, because god - he'd never be able to hold Peter down with barehands.

"MMMHHPPH!" Peter grinned and grunted, he couldn't hold it in anymore. He couldn't bare being pushed down into a bed and having somebody poke in your stomach. So he started to yell. He yelled as loud as he could.

"Tony! Hold him down for gods sake! I've almost got it!" Bruce cried and tried his best to get a hold of the lost bullet inside Peters stomach.

Peter kicked his legs around and clawed at the ironarms above him.

He hadn't even opened his eyes yet. He didn't want to see the mans look. Because of course he knew it was Tony - the kind of worry in the air that was present in the room could only be let out by one person and that was Tony. Though he hadn't felt that presence in a long time...

Peter then remembered how nice it was before.. How he could just swing by the tower and order a pizza with Tony. Or just go there to get help with homework. Gosh it was nice.. So nice.. Almost as nice as it would be to just relax and fall asleep..

"Got it!" The sound of metal meeting metal didn't strike Peters ears.

Peter let go slowly of Tony's arms and his kicking legs had stopped just a few seconds before.


"Just a second, I have to get the sewing equipment.."



"He's not moving!" Tony cried and started to shake Peter. Bruce turned around quickly to meet the worried mans eyes.

"Oh fuck.."

Bruce grabbed a needle and pulled some liquid from a glass-jar into it. He then pushed it a little to see that the fluid squinted out of it properly and stung it directly into Peters arm.

Bruce and Tony exchanged silent looks as they waited for any kind of response.

Peter gasped and rose into a sitting position. His eyes were stretched open and he looked like he'd just had a really bad nightmare.
Then the hyperventilating came, he couldn't breathe.

Peter put his hands against his throat and looked in panic for help into Tony's eyes. He gasped and gasped for air, trying to catch it but it wouldn't go down. Tony sat down on the bed and pulled Peter into his chest and pressed his head between his neck and shoulder.
He wiggled as if he held a sleeping baby and nodded at Bruce who stood ready with another needle filled with sleeping-drugs.

Bruce pushed the needle into Peters arm and watched as the heavy breathing and gasps turned into slow and noiseless motions.

Tony wouldn't let go. He finally had him in his arms. He was finally safe.

"Tony.. You have to lay him down," Bruce patted Tony on the back and looked at him in sympathy, "Tony?"

Tony nodded and drew a breath before slowly letting the boy sink into the bed again, supporting the back of his head with his hand while doing so.

Bruce then turned to grab the sewing bag and started threading the needle into Peters pale skin.

A while of silence later, the wound on his stomach was sewed tightly back and the blood around it was cleaned up.

"Call me if there's anything you need." Bruce told Tony before closing the door carefully. Tony just nodded back. He didn't dare speak now, his voice would be too cracky of all the emotions.

Beep beep beep

A noice. Distant, but still very much alive. He walked toward it, trying to find its source. He opened his eyes and light came pushing through.

A while later, he could resemble the contrasts of the room to a medical room. He must be in some kind of medbay. But what had happened to him? He couldn't remember...

He blinked slowly and turned his head to the figure beside him on a chair. Tony. He was sleeping with his head resting on his shoulder and one hand holding a tight grip over Peters.
Thats nice.. Peter smiled a little at the thought of Tony. Maybe he had finally gotten him back. Maybe Harley had gone back to his mom and- wait.

All the memories of the past days came back to him like a train hitting his brain.

Holy cow - had Bruce poked inside his stomach?! Euw!?

But Peter couldn't resist being happy. Not even if he was laying in a medical bed being scratched up to different kinds of machines. For once, he was actually happy.
For once, he knew that everything would be getting better, because what just happened to him was definitely rock-bottom.

He watched Tony in his sleep a little longer before deciding to squeeze his hand.

Tony slumbered in a gasp and went awake.

"Peter!?" His surprisingly warm voice came out in a worried way.

Peter didn't feel like answering with words, he didn't really feel like having a conversation right now. He just wanted to lay there.
So he smiled. And Tony smiled back.
But it still felt like he owed something to say to Tony, after all - he had just done very much to get him back from Yldir.
So then he spoke the first thing on his mind.

"I forgive you." He whispered, still sore in his throat after all the screaming during the 'poke in stomach' experience.
Tony smiled back and squeezed Peters hand harder.

"I love you, kid."

"I love you too."

If you liked this story, I have another one quite similar! Called "A light in the dark" check it out! ;)

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