𝐥𝐚 𝐯𝐢𝐞 𝐞𝐧 𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐞

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hey! here is this, uh, thing :)
i love this song so much so, why not make a short lil thing for you guys?
requests are open, please like ,,, don't be shy to message me ?? i don't bite, lmao.
this was a bit rushed - and it is unedited so don't hate me ... anyways, hope u guys enjoy :')

warnings: implied smut

word count: 1,181

Life did seem as if it were in pink when you were with Roger.

You didn't actually expect Roger to do anything big for your two year anniversary - still seems so weird to say that you and Roger have been married for two years - but he did.

Surprising you a whole bunch.

He bought plane tickets to visit Paris, a place he knew you had always wanted to visit with the person you loved the most. Roger thought he was so lucky to be that one person.

It had been a dreamy week - on the first day you had arrived at Paris, Sunday, you had insisted on going to have just a peek at the Eiffel Tower. Roger had tried asking for directions to the site, failing miserably.

But it had been cute to see him try.

You had snapped a picture of him, his eyebrows were furrowed as he read what was in his small book to try and learn French. There had been a slight smile on his face, and his cheeks a rosy pink because of the embarrassment. The sun hitting his face in such an angle, he looked mesmerizing, and his eyes squinted because of the sun rays.

Monday, you had actually taken a small tour around Paris and to the most popular attractions. You had taken a lot of polaroids of Roger without him noticing - adorable pictures too. Which he hadn't even seen yet.

Tuesday, Roger was the one who had said to go on a small picnic to the park - where you had made a sunflower crown for him. It would be a lie to say he didn't look pretty, more than usual, with it on top of his head with a huge smile gracing his lips.

Wednesday, nothing really had been done. It was decided between the two of you that you would just go out and have breakfast at a small café - then go back to the hotel to watch movies, where a heated make out session happened.

Thursday, you walked around Paris some
more - taking pictures and having a glass of wine at one of the restaurants nearby.

You slowly opened your eyes, immediately smiling as you noticed Roger sitting there beside you, glasses perched on the bridge of his nose as he read his book.

"Morning, love." Roger told you, once he noticed that you were awake with a goofy, stupid, smile on your face.

It was these kind of mornings you loved - wherever you were at. Roger almost always waking up before you, reading so peacefully, a pink hue in the room since it's too early, and just waking up with the darling of your soul by your side.

You scooted closer to him, wrapping your arms around his torso as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders. You nestled your face into his chest, letting out a muffled 'good morning.'

Roger placed his book on the nightstand and payed all of his attention on you.

"How'd you sleep?" He questioned, placing a small, sweet, kiss on your forehead.

Looking up at him, you noticed how his blond hair was muffled, his blue eyes seemed like they had pecks of the sun in them, and his lips looked so plump and pink.

You wrapped your leg around his hip, snuggling even closer to him.

"Hm, comfortably as always." You answered, tracing small circles on his chest as you listened to the soft rhythm of his heartbeats.

He hummed, starting to play with your hair.

"Since today is our last day, I thought of having a fancy dinner at a restaurant a couple minutes away from here. Then we can do whatever you'd like." Roger told you as he twirled a piece of your hair - smiling softly down at you as you stared outside the window, a small smile of your own tugging at your lips.

"Seems perfect."


You would never get over Roger wearing a fur coat, with a white button shirt under it, of course the top buttons undone.

He saw you through the mirror as he buttoned his shirt up - a smirk plastered on his face as he saw you with the dreamy stare you would always give him.

God, you were so in love.

"Like what you see, love?"

Your cheeks tinted pink - even after two years of being with him and hearing all those flirty things he would say to you, when he would whisper inappropriate things into your ear in a public place making you blush, it all still sent you over the edge.

He chuckled, turning around towards you once he was done fixing himself up.

"I'm just joking, love." He wrapped an arm around your waist and brought you close to him, leaning down and placing his lips on yours, his tongue lightly tracing your bottom lip. He was obviously asking for you to open your mouth - wanting to take it farther.

But you smiled and pushed him away.

"Maybe when we get back. In the shower." You shrugged, looping your arm in his. "Let's just go eat now, I'm starving." You told him, walking out of the hotel room.

"What do you think would be nice for dessert?" You questioned, pressing the down arrow of the elevator and looking up at Roger, waiting for an answer.

"Obviously you."

You playfully slapped his chest, rolling your eyes as a smile graced your lips while getting into the elevator.

Looking down at your attire, you smiled lightly. You decided on wearing a silky champagne colored dress, with spaghetti straps. Your black heels to match - you were proud of it.

Roger thought you looked lovely, of course, but he was more excited on taking it off of you once you got back from the dinner.


The dinner had been splendid, except for the embarrassing part where Roger had told the staff it was your birthday so he could just see your face turn pink while almost the whole restaurant applauded, and they sang happy birthday. Truly an embarrassing moment.

At least you got free macaroons, which you did not share with Roger, making him pout.

Now you aimlessly walked around Paris, fingers intertwined with Roger's as you got closer and closer to the Eiffel Tower.

The small shops illuminated the place, alongside with the street lamps, and of course the Eiffel Tower.

"You hear that?" You asked, turning towards Roger as your eyebrows furrowed in wonder.

La Vie en rose was playing from somewhere nearby, obviously loud enough so the people around would hear and enjoy of the music.

You giggled - wrapping your arms around Roger's neck, not before placing his hands on the sides of your waist.

The glasses of the strong wine were kicking in more now, making you a smiling, giggling mess as you danced under the Eiffel Tower with Roger.

He could only admire you, and how beautiful you looked under all of the lights.

Yep, life definitely was in pink when you were in the arms of the man you loved, as he tells you how much he loves you.

𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥,  roger taylorWhere stories live. Discover now