Silent Voice Part 1

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Rosaline had finally reached the ground and she was on her knees and hands panting for air. The climb had really drained her but she has no idea how long she was climbing for but it's dark now, not dark that you can't see anything but dark that made the world look gloomy and gray. The sound of hooves come closer to Rosaline startling her.
"Lucinda." Rosaline hugs the stallions neck touching the soft hair under her hand living the feeling so much more than the flowers and roots. Rosaline jumps up and positions herself comfortably on Lucinda. Pulling out the satchel Rosaline picks up the hand mirror to see Killian sitting in his usual cross legged position cupping his chin with his hand but this time he is smirking.
"Glad to see you made it out alive, Marchioness." He says making Rosaline roll her eyes.
"Just tell me where to find the girl, Prince."
"Well, i can't tell where she is but i can show you." Before Rosaline can question what he meant the mirrors glass clouded into mist swirling around then eventually cleared showing a pretty girl with blonde her and freckles wearing rags outside of a small cottage that looks old and like it's about to fall apart.
"That's her, what was her name again?" Rosaline asks watching the girl clean the front of her house.
"Astra Emric." Killian reappears shattering the illusion of what Rosaline was watching before.
"Astra." Rosaline says testing out the name. "Her cottage looks similar to the ones in the kingdom, by the marketplace but her house looked so worn out."
"To the market place it is." Killian agrees and Rosaline starts riding into the direction to where the tunnel starts.

Lucinda gives out a small sneeze. Killian raises his eyebrow and puts a hand to his chest. "Marchioness, bless you." Rosaline huffs
"That was the horse! I might not be a ladylike Marchioness but i can sneeze in a more women like manner." Rosalines eyebrows had furrowed and lips were pressed together tightly.
"My apologies, Marchioness." He grins obviously amused of her small outburst.
"You know, you don't sound like what I expected." Rosaline admits.
Killian raises his eyebrows and tilts his head. "Oh? What was this fantasy in your head that I didn't match?"
Rosaline takes a second to think. "I thought you would have more appropriate speech and you know. Not trapped in a mirror." She shrugs.
"I obviously know how to sound like a prince when i need to, but I'm gonna be king someday and no one is changing that. So i talk in the manner however i want." He explains. He runs his hair through his hair before snickering.
"What's with the giggling?" Rosaline asks pushing past the vines finally relieved to be out of the tunnel.
"You know, your mother has already planned our wedding." He finally stopped snickering. Rosaline winces.
"I know, it's the top of her dream board." Rosaline surpasses the bloomed flowers to where the lake was. "We should stay here the night." Lucinda stops and Rosaline swings off and takes her satchel off. Laying down Rosaline places Killian against a tree so they can see each other.
"Why? Is it the power she wants?" He asks curiously.
"Yep. But instead she ended up having a daughter who wants to be a seamstress." Rosaline sighs. "This is all that witches fault, how can a horrible person have a daughter who's so nice?"
"Well, like i said before, she isn't a witch." Killian responds and Rosaline doesn't say anything for a few seconds
"That doesn't make any sense."
"That's because you don't know anything about her. Luckily for me this mirror can show me things when i ask." He shifts to lay on his back, hands behind his head.
"I don't understand. She's cruel, curses people and is bald like hello, screams witch." Rosaline argues.
"Ah well, let me tell you a story about Octavia Dawn but please leave questions to the end." Killian starts and Rosaline was instantly intrigued.

"Octavia was born in the Atlantic Ocean. The only mermaid ever to be born without hair. She was fed up with the life of ocean, getting treated like an outcast and her magic wasn't like the others. She couldn't do simple good things that everyone else could, so she started making potions and tried harder darker spells. When she was 17 she transformed herself into a human but unfortunately it wasn't completed because she didn't have a voice. While she was sitting by the rocks naked trying out her new human legs a human showed up out of nowhere to come swim. He gave her his cloak and gave her food, eventually he showed her his castle where they stayed the night. The first human Octavia ever met was Pince Roderick." Killians smile became twisted "My father. Octavia fell madly in love with him, but the bastard only wanted to use her for her body and when that was over he didn't need her anymore. Octavia was convinced it was because she didn't have voice so she spent countless nights and ours perfecting her solution til it finally worked. Turns out having a voice doesn't matter when no one even bothers to listen. My father was awful to her and it was a fun game to him, so he hired her as a maid. He would go round smacking her if she didn't do his exact orders, tiring her out until she collapses and betting money for men to rape her. That's when she finally ran away, when she got sick. I guess that was the beginning of Cecilia." Killian finishes.

After a few seconds of Rosaline processing everything in her mind she finally speaks. "Do you feel sorry for her?" The questions makes him do one of his signature smirks.
"I hate her for what she's done to me and everyone else. I just hate my father more for making her become this way."
"How did she curse you, i mean why?"
"Well, My aunt had the Glasseater. It was the first i had ever heard of the disease and i was really close to my aunt Blythe, more so then i ever was with my parents. When i found out she was sick i was desperate to do whatever I could. So i snuck out to the marketplace hoping to find someone who could help me. While looking for medicine i come across this bald women with amazing violet eyes. From the corner of my eye i saw her heal a cut on her finger and I immediately went to her. She seemed nice but"- he frowns thinking -"twisted, like she was sick. When i told her about my aunt she babbled something about the curse of human punishment and then she went on to say she was sorry for me. She took me out to the forest because i had to prove her somewhere that i was 'pure' or something. When she asked what my name was her hand went straight to my throat. And then i was suffocating. I woke up to being like this. All i can do is watch from this mirror, everything i have been missing." Rosaline repeats the words in her head. She couldn't imagine about to be a ruler of the kingdom and you can't do anything but watch it. It feels so helpless and pathetic.

Rosalines eyes start fluttering shut as she feels them weigh down.
"Goodnight, Marchioness." Killian starts getting comfortable himself.
"Goodnight, Prince."

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