Bitter Swan Part 1

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Rosaline was returning back to where she left Astra and Killian but this time her satchel is fuller with goods she bought. Rosaline attention was trying to close the filled bag.
"I got the food but I might of over di-" Rosalines voice gets caught in her throat when she looks up. Her lips and eyes widened looking at the sight of Killian on his hands and knees in front of her.

Killians eyes were a mix of surprise, fear, confusion and relief which also reflected on Rosalines. Rosaline about to speak, realizes that she was holding her breath.
"How did yo-"
"It wasn't me. It was her." Killians words make Rosalines mind reel. Her? Rosaline suddenly starts looking around the area. He's talking about Astra.
"Where is she?" Rosaline panics, looking over Lucinda. Killian stands up dusting his clothes which are clearly from the palace, he picks up the hand mirror he was once trapped in and Rosaline swore she saw his face pale.

Killian turned the mirror so it was face to face with Rosaline who looks she might have a heart attack any second. Astra is seated on the side of her legs inside the mirror.
"I was gone, for five minutes." Rosaline groans waiting for some sort of explanation.
"I'm sorry I should've waited for you but i was curious, if it really was possible for me to teleport places with someone in a mirror." Astras voice trembled as she still felt surprised of the teleportation.
"I think you just might have switched our curses." Killian says his voice hoarse. Rosaline takes the mirror in her hands as Killian hides behind Lucinda.
"What are you doing?" Rosaline questions still feeling a bit strange to approach him, the 3D him. Killian sighs.
"I can't risked being noticed. If any commoners find me they are going to get the palace guards, and they would never leave the palace again."
"We need to leave." Rosaline commands climbing over Lucinda and Killian pulls himself up. Rosaline looks at Astra in the mirror and winces. "Are you okay in there?"
"Y-yes."- Astra nods looking at her new surroundings. -"Just.. adjusting."
Killian also looks at his new surroundings and takes a big deep breathe. "I'm finally out. Remind me to pay you back when we break free."
Astra smiles, feeling almost proud of herself. Rosaline gets in a comfortable spot on Lucindas back.
"To the lake." Rosaline says, almost like a vow.
"To the lake." Killian agrees, and Lucinda takes off.

They take the same path they previously used before, through the woods to the lake. By the time they reached their destination, the sky was already dark an filled with stars. Killian jumps off Lucinda and stretches his arms behind his head.
"Are you sure that this is the right place to go, Marchioness?" Killian inquires, Rosaline starts setting up a small fire keeping the silver hand mirror close to her.
"I figured it's a start, we'll stay the night here."
Killian sits down watching Rosaline spark a fire that feels so nice and warm on his skin. "How's Astra adjusting?"
Rosaline looks down to see Astra sleeping peacefully in the mirror. She looks so at ease and relaxed. A smile slowly appeared on Rosalines face, She can finally rest now.
Killian was in a beetle position ready to fall asleep. Rosaline cocks her head at him.
"Your highness"- she mocks - "I think you have already forgotten about your new curse."
Killians eyes widen in realization which subtly turns into his signature smirk. "Oh, well. Gives me more time to think about how I'm going to save this kingdom."
Rosaline lays positioning til she's in a satisfying position. Hesitant to ask him a question, Killian sees her struggle and murmurs a Hmm? Rosaline suddenly had the urge to tug at her dress which had a few splits and dirt smudges. "Do you think your parents are good rulers?" The question makes Killian smile drop.
Tipping his head to face the night sky he asks "Do you think they are good rulers?" Rosaline hesitates again which makes Killian chuckle. "I think they are shit rulers. That's why when i am king everything is going to change, and it will be for the better."

The morning spills into the sky with only the sound of the leave bristling on the trees and a few birds chirping. The beautiful sounds of nature gets interrupted by a suddenly angry prince.
"Hey! What are you doing here? Go on you little-"
Killians sneering voice snaps Rosaline to awake.
"What's-" Rosaline voice dies in her throat to the sight she has awaken to. White pearly feathers, the exact same as the swan Rosaline had previously seen before but Killian is trying to shoo it (or kill it) with a stick.
"Stop! Killian you need to stop!" It was the first time Rosaline ever heard Astra yell or use Killian's first name. Killian doesn't obey Astras wishes.
"Why should i? This goose was looking through our stuff." Killian continues, Rosaline gets up to hold him back.
"Listen to Astra." Rosaline says, trying to calm him down by holding his shoulders which Rosaline realized that they are basically the same height, and Rosalines mother always was disappointed about how she was taller than average.
"It's her." Astras voice travels from the floor to Rosaline and Killian. When no one says anything Astra continues. "The swan, her name is Catherine Rain." Killian and Rosaline slowly turn their head to the feathered creature at their feet.
"That witch-"
"Mermaid." Killian cuts Rosaline off correcting her.
"That mermaid, turned her into a swan." Rosaline approaches closer to her as Catherine backs up a bit.
"This is her? How come you could see her and I couldn't?" Killian furrows his brow then leans down to the swan. "My apologies, I'm Prince Killian Hunter." Killian offers his hand but the swan only stares at him. "She's not very smart-Ouch!" Killian pulls his hand away as it gets pecked by Catherine.
"Yeah sure, insult the bird." Rosaline rolls her eyes, Catherine makes her way to Rosaline and pecks the side of her leg. "Hey!" Rosaline screeches as Astra yells to the swan telling her to stop.
"She's feisty." Killian smirks, Rosaline bends down covering where Catherine pecked her and a small marigold flower blooms. Catherines small eyes slightly widen to see the flower bloom out of human skin.
Rosaline looks up from the flower and plucks it offering it to the swan. "Sorry, we didn't mean to frighten you. I get that this isn't exactly a great situation to be in but we are just like you, cursed." Catherine takes the marigold flower in her beak, as if she was apologizing by taking her gift.

Astra believed it was best to go back to the cottage because we found Catherine and think of a way to break the curse.
Entering the cottage Killian coughs.
"This smells a lot different since the last I came here." Which earns him a small slap from Rosaline. Astra asked Rosaline to take her to see Peter in his room but what they found was an empty room. Astra should of known that he was stubborn enough to not stay still. He left a small note on the bed and Astra didn't need to read it to know what it said. He's gone looking for a job.

Rosaline takes Astra back into the living room to find Killian nibbling on some food and feeding some to Catherine who still had the marigold flower with her. Killian sighs sitting down.
"What's the plan?"
Rosaline takes a moment to choose her words carefully, she eventually lands her gaze on Astra, in the mirror. "Do you have any books, specifically magic books?" Rosaline asks, Astra looks down at her bare feet making her golden blonde hair fall around her face.
"A couple, but they are old very old and I'm not sure if its useful because..." she can't read. Rosaline finishes in her head. Rosaline puts a smile on in understanding. Astra tells her about a small desk that contains the books. Rosaline opened it to find only 2 books, both of them are torn and very worn out. Killian whistles as Rosaline lifts both of the books.
"Never seen one so old before." Killian claims as Rosaline blows the dust off the book. Rosalines fingers trace the edges, ripples and scratches on the first book. They are both so warm, unnaturally warm. Like a persons skin or more like a hug. It made Rosaline think of the huge mothers would give daughters which made her stomach churn a bit thinking about how empty her mothers love was for her.
"Why is it... so warm?" Rosaline questions which makes Astras blue eyes cloud in confusion.
"Warm." Astra drags out the word. "When I held them they felt so gentle and soft, like clouds." Astras voice turns dreamy. Killians fascination turns into a grin.
"Books that contain magic are able to feel what the reader envies most by just being touched, then it shows the reader what it feels like." Killian says matter factly showing off his knowledge from the education his royal name has given him. Without asking Killian takes one of the books that Rosaline is holding. His smug face turned softer, making Rosaline question what he feels when he touched the books.

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