Silent Voice Part 2

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Cecilias head rests on Elliots chest listening to his heartbeat as he holds her hand making circular motions with his thumb. Cecilia transformed Elliot to looking like his normal self because she felt really uncomfortable when Elliot was touching her as Rosaline. Suddenly he stops moving his thumb so Cecilia looks up at him even though there's no point because his eyes are hidden by a new piece of clothing he ripped.
"Elliot, what's wrong." Cecilias voice is gentle and low.
Without hesitation Elliot quickly answers. "I'm sick of the darkness. I'm ready to see your face again." Cecilias heart flutters and she reaches her hand to his eyes removing the ripped clothing. "Cecilia I can feel you doing it again. Why do you always take it off?"
"Because I wanna be able to see your eyes. It's hard to explain but"- for the first time Cecilia was glad Elliot couldn't see her because she can feel the heat coming to her cheeks -"It makes me feel homesick not being able to see it. I know it's strange, the girl who can never leave her house feels homesick." Cecilia chuckles at her own words but Elliot just stays silent for a moment more.
"That's how I feel. Homesick." Cecilia didn't need to ask Elliot to explain because she already new exactly what he was talking about. Cecilia feels as the floor beneath her disappeared and she fells herself falling quickly. She jolts grabbing onto Elliot tighter.
"Cecil-" He gets cut of by a shiver that goes down his spine. Cecilia transformed him back into looking Rosaline.
"Quick, go." Cecilia pushes off him and guides Elliot to the next 2 floors so he can be in the spare room, pretending to clean.
"No talking, don't walk anywhere and remember-" Cecilia rambles before getting cut off.
"Cecilia, I know." Elliot smiles but because he looks like Rosaline Cecilia studies the new smile and tries to think back if she ever saw the real Rosaline smile when she was stuck here.

The sound of Octavias heels echo up the tower. She has a basket lopped over her shoulder, all full of directions for Cecilias 17th birthday which is in 2 weeks and Octavia wanted it to make sure she had everything to be perfect. She does this every year for Cecilia, so she doesn't ask about trying to be free and hopes to be happy here. The thought of Cecilia leaving the tower and meeting outsiders made Octavia feel nauseous. Cecilia will never understand the monsters hide under human skin, Octavia knows she's too naive for that.

Entering the spare room Octavia sees the outsider on her hands and knees with a cloth cleaning the same spot. Octavia ignores her going up just satisfied that at least she's good for something. Octavia hides the basket in the library room but takes the lavender incense with her. Once Octavia reached the top floor she sees Cecilia at the dining table with a opened book, most likely about stars. Cecilias eyes avert from the book to her mother, smiling.
"Back already?" Cecilia jokes and Octavia comes around to give a quick hug to her daughter.
"Yes, and look what I brought." Octavia sets the gift on the table and Cecilias eyes light up.
"It's the lavender ones."- Cecilia picks it up -"Thanks, mum." She says getting less enthusiastic.
"You never need to thank me. I should thank you for being so perfect." Octavia praises putting her hand on Cecilias shoulder.
"I'm not perfect."- Cecilia laughs which dies down -"How can I be perfect when I'm not so knowledgeable in things." Octavia purple eyes darken.
"Your knowledgeable in stars, fruits, cleaning. Honestly Cecilia there's nothing more to be bright in."
"Your right but you're also forgetting one thing. I know nothing about our family." Cecilias gaze turns back to her book but she feels her mum bend down closer and grip her shoulders so she has to face her.
"Cecilia, I am your family. You are the only thing I have left. We only have each other." Octavias boney fingers leave Cecilias shoulders. Brushing her fingers against her bald head her face returns a overdone smile. "I'm so Lucky you exist."

Lucinda had finally reached the markets edge where the lake is blocked with rocks and there our only a few cottages standing distantly apart. Out of all the cottages these houses were the oldest and smallest. Rosaline groans flexing her back.
"You better be right about finding everyone, prince." Rosaline mutters at the Hand mirror she strapped on her hip.
"Or what? Marchioness, you're gonna drop me again?" Even though she couldn't see him she could hear the grin in his voice and her natural response was to roll her eyes.
"I think I found her house." Rosaline swings her leg to slide of Lucinda. Getting her satchel she pulls out an apple to feed Lucinda knowing she won't wonder off. Rosaline slips of the mirror from the hoop of her dress and slides it into her satchel.
"Hey, hey, hey! Marchioness? What are you doing?" Killian quickly says.
"I don't want to scare her." Rosaline hushes.
His eyes squint at her. "I actually happen to attract people, not the opposite."
"I'm sorry to burst your royal bubble but your stuck in a mirror. Not a completely normal thing."
"Yes well, we aren't in a completely normal situation now are we?" The prince raises one of his eyebrows and Rosaline shoves him in the satchel ignoring him. "I'm going to let this go only because I like seeing sassy marchioness!" He calls from within the bag.

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