Let's Make A Deal Part 1

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The long passage way was nothing like the cave that led to Cecilias tower, that cave was draining and full of dark power while this passageway feels safe and even thrilling. Everyone walks in silence as in fear of being heard, but the passageway felt like it kept going and going, almost like a rabbit hole that never ended.

It led up to highest level in the palace where the sorcerer is kept. Once Killian confirmed that the other side is the end, Astra switched Rosaline's and Catherine's curses turning Rosaline into a brown swan and Catherine in a human form that bleeds flowers. Rosaline knew that this whole time coming was going to lead to her being a swan but she still can't shake the nerves and uncomfortableness of it.

Killian reaches for a torch that is attached on the wall, wrapping his fingers around it. "Everyone, stay low."
"You sure we won't get caught?" Astra speaks up and Killian just smiles.
"This floor was built purposefully for the sorcerer, there will only be a few guards, besides Catherine works here so she shall lead." Killians smile floats to Catherines face who is taking charge and pulls the torch like a lever over his hands. The brick walls open up without making a single sound.

Killians heart speeds up. He's home. But it doesn't feel like a home anymore.

Killian places the hand mirror in the satchel and picks up Rosaline hoping that the swan won't be a distraction. The halls are just like Catherine remembers, gold walls with crystallized lights hanging from ceilings and walls. There's a few guards in bodied with iron and silver for armor standing by each door. The walls close up behind them and not a single guard sees as they gossip to eachother across the halls.

Catherine walks with purpose and grace, almost like she owns the place and is confident with herself. The guards glance at her and the crew behind her.
"Aren't you the dancer?" One of the guards speak, his voice is low and rough. Catherine ignores him and continues walking to the last door of hall which is bigger and wider compared to the other doors.
"What business do you have with the sorcerer?" The other guard speaks and Catherine this time stops and looks to him. Killian also turns but keeps his head low even though Astra enchanted him to look different from the outsiders of their group.
"Myself and my backup entertainers have been requested to get some healing done with the sorcerer specifically." Catherine says still holding her blank expression while proceeding to walk to the sorcerers door.

Catherine wasn't sure what to expect once the sorcerer opens the door. She's never met him in the palace because he's always doing something, working on something or obsessing on something. Catherine's knock echos down the halls making a slight shiver go across her back. At least I'm human, Catherine thinks but it's not enough. She wants to be riddance from this curse.

The door doesn't open but they could hear a man whispering, neither Catherine or Killian could make out what he was saying, it was all nonsense. Catherine bangs on the door. She is cursed and needs to be released, she has no time for being patient.

This time the door opens. What greets them is a tall man with bright red curly hair and very sharp cheekbones. He tilts his head to the side, his eyes look big, almost too big. "What are you?" His words sound slurred, like one of a drunk man but Royce looks completely sober.
"I think you mean, 'Who'." Catherine corrects, folding her thin arms over her chest.
"No, i think i mean what." He says eyes scanning past Catherine to Killian which he smiles opening his arms to him giving him a embrace which startles Killian and Rosaline in his arms.
"I thought no one but us could see you, you're spelled right?" Catherine fidgets feeling fooled.
"I'm a sorcerer, magic is my eyesight." He smiles, teeth slightly crooked but the smile is kind and warming anyway.
"Royce, We need your help." Killians eyes looked harder and determined, Catherine thought it made him look like a king.
"If a favour is what you want then there's something we can give each other." The sorcerer welcomes them in, shutting the door that slightly scares Rosaline. Catherine takes out astra.
"Well, you have been busy Killian." Royce tsks, eyes scanning over to Astra who gives him a weak wave.
"Have you not noticed my absence?" Killian questions as he sits himself down making himself comfortable, which wasn't hard since  Royce's area is so crammed yet cozy.
"I'm not sure if I'm completely aware of what present and past absence is." Royce thinks about this, tapping his chin. Catherine digs her nails into her palms and groans. "Listen here 'MadMan' you obviously can sense our curses. Help us and get it over and done with,"

"You see, i can't release you. Only the person that placed that curse in the first place can." Royce mutters which only makes Catherine and Killian exchange confused glances.
Rosaline squawk picking up the sorcerer attention. "I do suppose i can make some quirks." Royce snaps his fingers.
"We nee-" the brown swan speaks. "Thank you, that was killing me." Rosaline sighs relived to at least have her voice. Catherine only scoffs. "How were you even able to do that? You said before that you can't-"
"Yes I know what I said. Magic is kind of like a thread, if you were to sew your the one in control, others can only simply poke, stretch and bend it." He gestured in the air which is assumed to be sewing.

"We need to free this girl called Cecilia." Killian firmly says, leaning one hand onto his head.
"I think you all needed to be free." Royce is now speeding around the room, picking a few things up like a quill, ripped book pages and a, a rock?
"She's a different kind of trapped." Catherine speaks up and gestures the mirror to the madman who's now stopped going all over the place. "Do the thing."

Astra closes her eyes, the mirrors glass gets misty and clouded and parts away to show Cecilia laying in her bed with a big book in front of her.
"I don't see the problem, unless she's trapped in a good book which I have been through before, have you ever—"
"Please." Astras face reappears. "I'm afraid that we might not have enough time." Astra eyes glint with plead, Royce simple nods his head and mutters a small "Very well, follow me."

Catherine and Killian follow him into the next room, with Rosaline in Killians arms and the mirror on Catherines palms. They walked past a mess of papers, pots, ink and the overfilling scent of lavender.

Rosaline sneezes which makes Killian slightly snicker.
"What's so funny?" Catherine asks, still walking past the mess.
"Just you know,"- he runs a quick hand through his hair, still smiling. -"Never thought I'd be in such a interesting situation, you know? curses, evil mermaids, people in mirrors."
"Sneezing swans." Catherine continues for him which earns her a smile which she tries hard not to return but Killians smile must have been contagious because she gives him a small smile.

"In here." Royce gestures them into the room. Rosaline has never seen such a small cramped room, but what surprises her the most is a sleeping women on her back with golden hair and a very few wrinkles.
"Royce, is this? Sahar?" Killian examines who looks to be Royce's wife.
"Is she?" Catherine hesitates, how does she ask a sorcerer if his wife is dead in their bed?
"No, just cursed." It was the first time Killian heard Royce's voice go dark with sorrow.
"What happened to her? It must've been long." Rosaline says.
"No far too longer then what I wish it wasn't, what your decision on your poor judgement?"
"Really?"- Rosaline gasps - "her makeup still looks so fresh."
Catherine raises her eyebrows at the swan, "I don't think this is the time to be complementing on her beauty products."
"It was a terribly accident"- Royce interrupts, not taking his eyes off his sleeping wife - "Not too long after Killian vanished, Sahar started to pale, her lips turned black, her skin started to glisten with crystals."
"The diemond plague." Rosaline whispers under her breath.
"Yes, she was slowly dying like autumn leaves. Beautiful but terribly."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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