Passageway Part 2

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Octavia pulls down Elliot (Who is transformed as Rosaline) using his earlobe by Octavia, she hisses in his ear and slaps his face feeling more like a cat scratch then a slap. Elliot instantly presses a hand to his cheek as if it were to ease the pain.
"Mum, stop!" Cecilia shrieks, the tears in her eyes were on the verge of falling down her face. She standing between Elliot and Octavia with a recent spill of tea on her collar that Elliot accidentally spilled. She tried her best to guide him to pour into the cup because of his lack of sight that Octavia can't know about.

Octavias eyes are like ice, looking past Cecilias shoulders.
"Get out of the way dear." Her voice is still hard as stone.
"No." Cecilia presses, she feels Elliot tense behind her.
"You don't get it. I tried all my life to protect you from people like her!"- She gestures to Elliot with her bony fingers -"They will take away the things you love most, strip away your every living being, strip away your happiness until you're bare naked between their teeth!" Her mothers words only echo in her head, paling that her mother is going crazy.

When Cecilia doesn't say anything Octavia rubs her forehead in circle motions.
"I'm sorry Cecilia, didn't mean to yell at you." She looks at her daughter who is still protecting the intruder. She forces at smile a Cecilia. "How about i go out for a bit and get you a gift to apologise."
"Yes!"- Cecilia quickly exclaims, if her mother leaves she can be alone with Elliot again. -"Well i mean, thanks mum." And hugs her knowing that she sealed the deal.

After saying their goodbyes and Octavia takes off, Elliot falls down to his knees and relieves a huge sigh.
"I'm sorry." His words are small but mean a lot to her. Cecilia lays on her knees before him and cups his cheek, turning him back into his normal appearance.
"It's okay."- she smiles pulling herself closer to him. -"You actually did a really good job of pouring before, you know." He finds her hands in his.
"Did it hurt?" Elliot asks referring to the tea spill. Cecilia looks above her clavicle that has a small pinkish tint of a burn. It did burn but not as much as seeing Elliot getting slapped.
"Not really." She lies not wanting him to feel bad but all it does is make him sigh into his hands. Cecilias hands immediately feel abandoned.
"Where is it?" He asks gesturing his hand out so she can guide him. She take his palm and places it over the burn. It didn't hurt anymore but the slight feeling of pressure causes her to suck in a breath which Elliot hears feeling guilty. Pulling his hand away he places a soft kiss above her collarbone landing it on the small burn making Cecilia giggle.

After her laughter died down there's a peaceful silence for a few moments before Cecilia speaks again.
"Do you think they're okay?" Cecilias pictures Rosaline in her mind remembering the last moments of her climbing down with the hand mirror.
"You mean the girl?"- Elliot slightly chuckles -"If there's anything i learned about Rosaline in the short time i was with her, is that she knows how to take care of herself."

The fire flickered, growing upwards like it was trying to reach up to the sky and the stars. The glow of the fire is on Catherines face as she sits with Rosaline and Killian observing her human face closely.
"Catherine, do you now want to tell us your plan?" Astra asks breaking the silence. Catherine shifts on her spot, using her thumbs to massage her feet.
"I want something in return for my idea." Her voice is sharp but not unkind.
Killian sinks his chin onto his hand. "What would you like, fair maiden?" His smug smile is returned with a scowl from Catherine.
"I want"- she clears her voice -"Some bandages, please." Her voice gets softer at the end. Rosaline and Killian look at each other both sharing the same confusion.
"Bandages?" Astra repeats.
"I'm pretty sure i packed some." Rosaline digs through her satchel and finds some wrapping bandages and small bandaids. Rosaline stands up and passes Catherine what she requests.
"Thank you." This time Catherines voice is very delicate, almost fragile. Catherine waits for Rosaline to sit before continuing. "I work at the palace as a maid and ballet entertainer."- her big eyes quickly dart at Killian. - "from the years i lived there I found these passage ways." Killians eyes widen and he feels his heart skip a beat. He thought he was the only one who knew about them. He used to use the passage ways to sneak in and out all the time without getting caught.

"An entry to one of the passage ways is inside an oak tree with a pink ribbon tied on a branch." Killian recalls, Catherine looks to him and her eyes giveaway the surprise in her eyes.
"Yeah,"- She hesitates -"The ribbon from my ballet shoe, so I could remember where it was." Catherine admits and Killian flashes her a smile which she looks away.
"That's great and all but what about when we go inside?" Rosaline questions.
"I work there and have my separate room because the queen was quite fond of me. I can just say you're my backup." Catherine offers and Killian sighs.
"Unfortunately, fair maiden. I don't think the inside of the palace will believe a swan." Killian says making Catherine pierce her gaze on him.
"Then think!"- Catherine digs her nails into her palms -"You're supposed to be a prince. Which means that you grew up with an excellent education so use those brains of yours to think!" Killian flinches at her words.
"Catherine calm done. We are all on the same side." Rosaline says hoping to soothe the girl but all it does is anger her more. Catherine turns away and lays down to sleep.

The next morning they continue their journey but this time Catherine flies above their heads.
"I hope she's okay." Astra sympathized, to which Killian makes a sound from that back of his throat.
Rosaline furrows her brows. "What did you do to her?"
"Me?"- Killian chuckles but you can hear that it's bitter -"I didn't do anything."
Rosaline rolls her eyes thinking about the girls voice from the night before, it was filled with so much venom and anger. "You had to of done something to anger her. Maybe it was before any of us were cursed."
Killian shakes his head recalling memories of her. "I did see her around the palace doing choirs and her ballet dances for balls and festivals but i never talked to her."

The gates of the palace grew closer into view. Rosaline has been inside the palace before but it still amazes her how big and beautiful it is, seeing it also makes her hate the sight.
"May i see please?" Astra asks, Rosaline lifts the mirror so Astra can see the view. At first she was at awe but her face slowly flickers into disgust. The people who live in luxury treat money like it's not much and aren't afraid to loose a few coins, i would care Astra thinks knowing that if she ever dropped a coin as simple as a dollar that she would go looking for it even if it was through cement that made her hands bleed. Astra thinks about Rosaline how if she bleeds its always a beautiful flower, like that pretty lavender rose she gave Astra.

Astra suddenly feels excitement builds up in her chest. Rosaline turns the mirror to her.
"Rosaline, i think Catherines idea can work." Astra says feeling the idea making her idea.
"How?" Rosaline tilts her head and Killian looks over to hear this idea.
"I got Killian and i to swap talents, why can't i do that with Catherine and you." Astra comments and Rosaline looks to Catherine who is now closer.
"That just might work." Rosaline smiles, swallowing the sick idea of having to be a swan.
"We should first head to the oak tree before anyone else sees us."

They approached closer to an oak tree that was definitely the biggest out of the trees surrounding the palace gates, on the lowest branch you can see a pick ribbon tied into a bow flapping in the wind as if it was dancing with the air. Killian walks close enough to the tree that he could reach out and touch it, he tugs the cloak tighter around himself.
"Are you sure no one will notice me?" Killian asks, feeling his stomach curdle like bad milk. If he gets seen then he'll never be able to leave the palace again, and he'll still be cursed. A nagging reminder under his skin, besides how can he prove that he can become a great king when he's still cleaning himself up.
"Yes I'm sure." Astra confidently says.

In the distance you could see the reflection of the bouncing off the knights armors guiding the palace. Killian pulls the branch like a lever which opens up a door shaped hole to enter. Rosaline looks in to see it was a passage way lit up with candlesticks attached to the walls.
"Oh my thorns," Rosaline whispers to herself before entering in.

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