Passageway Part 1

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Astras eyes flutter open and her chest immediately tightens in excitement. She slept and had the most amazing dream. She really was homesick for dreaming and now that she has that back she couldn't care less about being stuck in a mirror. Astra recalled dreaming about dancing in a ballroom, everything inside the ballroom was made of gold and quartz including a massive chandelier that sparkled like a thousand fireflies. Astra could also vaguely remember wearing a big ball gown, the color of silver and stars that twinkles perfectly once it hit the light. Astra suddenly had the urge to draw this dress. She could give it to Rosaline so she can watch how her eyes light when she saw her drawings causing a fluttery feeling in her chest. Astra has wondered about how Rosaline isn't what she... expected. Rosaline is a marchioness but she's been treating everyone equal, including the prince! And he has power above her. Astra has learn to admire her kind offerings and strong wellbeing. Another detail she almost forgot about her dream, she stepped outside to see a night sky that was completely starless, almost like Rosalines smooth clear skin that Astra thought was so beautiful.

The hand mirror that Astra is trapped in is laying on the dining table since she didn't need a private room. Astra could hear a light sound of shoes coming closer. Rosaline had been awake for a while trying to make sense of the books but found nothing. Rosaline left her room to go in the kitchen, feeling hungry for bread and an apple. On her way she spots Astra awake in her mirror, looking like she was daydreaming.
"Morning." Rosaline says grabbing Astras attention, who's cheeks have a pinch of pink in them.
"Good morning." Astra smiles with her eyes squinting. Killians head pops out from the wall, he smiles satisfied to see someone awake.
"Ah, rise and shine ladies." Killian offers himself a seat and looks around the room. "Where's Catherine?"
Rosaline digs up an apple from her satchel before replying. "She's still asleep over there." She gestures to the old couch which Killian gets up to follow. He sees that the swan is cuddled in a corner sleeping. Killians smirks gently picking her up trying his best to not awake her.
"What are you doing?" Rosaline sighs.
"Just admiring her. I must say, I like her a lot better when she is sleeping." Killian says observing her, watching her feathers rise and sink as she breathes.
"I really feel bad for suggesting this but I think it's best that she wakes up."
"Astra's right, we need to call up some sort of 'meeting' and we are gonna need everyone awake." Rosaline announces after wiping her mouth with her arm and chucking the apple core in the trash.

Killian lays the swan girl down on the table. Catherines small eyes flutter open observing where she has awoken from.
"Okay."- Rosaline picks up the hand-mirror so Astra can face Killian and Catherine -"Killian you said we needed everyone who was cursed by Octavia, that should include Elliot and he won't come unless Cecilia is with him. I think we should look for a way to break her free." Rosaline explains feeling confident with her idea.
"I'm sorry, the books we had were useless." Astras clear blue eyes gaze at the floor.
"It's not your fault, we'll find another way." Rosaline assures.
Killian puts a hand under his chin as if he was thinking til his eyes light up with an idea. "We need a sorcerer."
Rosaline eyes turn directly to Killians "Do you know any?"
"In the palace we had a sorcerer that lived with us and his wife. He can help." Killian says proud of himself for his plan but Rosaline was caught off guard.
"Wait a minute, in the palace?" Rosalines free hand slams the table.
"I can see him. His name is Royce Abbey." Astra interjects.
"Yes! That's him." Killian smiles confirming.
"Hang on, did you guys misheard what he said? The palace! Killian if they see you the might never let you out again." Rosaline states which gets interrupted by a grunt coming from Catherine. Catherine waddles to the edge of the table jerking her head towards Astra.
"I think Catherine is on to something." Killian suggests.
Rosaline heads goes back and forth between Astra and Rosaline til Rosaline finally speaks."Astra, can you transform Killian so he looks different?"
Astra thinks making a small hum sound "That's gonna be draining. Oh! I'll try this."

Astra looks at Killian and closes her eyes making them squint as she bites her lip. Astras concentration turns into a small huffs of laughs which turns into giggles.
"Uhh, Astra? You're adorable but I don't think it worked." Rosaline says turning the mirror to her.
Astra grins and shakes her head "Believe me, it did. It just only works to the people outside our group."
"What was all the giggling about?" Killian raises his eyebrow.
"I hope you don't mind your high- Killian but i got to decide what you looked like to other people." Astra tweedles her fingers hoping it was okay.
"It's fine but it really depends, am i still incredibly good-looking?" Killian kids which makes Astra giggle.
"Hopefully not because that might be distracting and we don't want to be notice." Rosaline objects.
"I agree, that's why i went with boring. Sorry Killian." Astra apologies.
"I get it." He nods understanding.
"How are we gonna sneak in?" Rosaline questions running a hand through her dark hair.
Catherine makes another swan grunt sound which grabs everyone's attention.
"Catherine, i get that you have an idea... And I believe it must be a good one but we can't understand you." Astra says feeling pity for the girl that's unable to speak.
"Not to worry, the palace is a far trip so when the sky reaches sunset she can tell us her plan." Killian grins.
"I'm lost." Rosaline raises her hand slightly.
"Rosaline, Catherine is a swan by sunrise and a human by sunset. It's her curse." Astra explains watching Catherines eyes darken but she couldn't tell if it was from embarrassment or anger.
"Huh. Well then,"- Rosaline bends down so her and the swan are eye level - "Can't wait to meet the real you." Rosaline smiles and she swore she saw something glint in her eyes.

With the satchel, Rosaline, Killian, Catherine and Astra aboard Lucinda following the princes direction to the palace.
"Hopefully it'll be sunset soon." Rosaline is riding behind Killian holing the satchel and Astra.
"Same, i can't wait to sleep again and have another beautiful dream." Astra sighs dreamily.
"Right, you have been waiting on this forever. Though i suppose being stuck in a mirror never seeing your reflection isn't ideal."
"I actually prefer looking at other people's reflection. Sometimes the face can reveal things that words can't." Astra says meeting her eyes with Rosaline who's face grows a slight smile.
"That's very touching and all but there's something i need to tell you about this sorcerer." Killian admits.
"If it's bad, i swear prince-"
"No, uhh. More of a warning." Killian says trying to put his words carefully.
"Killian."- Astra hesitates -"When i saw him he looked well, not angry or sad but uh-"
"Crazy." Killian finishes.
"Oh thorns. You're taking us to a madman aren't you?" Rosaline sighs.
"Don't worry, he's a nice guy just a bit... energetic."
Killian feels Catherine stir in her sleep as she lays in his lap.
Rosaline peers over to look at her "I'm curious, is it common for swans to sleep like that?"
"I don't believe so." Astra thinks.
"It's because the only time she's human is at night, so she tries cherish the time she has." Killian says matter-of-factly.
"That's a very interesting accusation."
"Yeah it is. Did you happen to see her?" Rosaline questions.
"Possibly." Killian smirks.
"That would make sense seeing that you can't sleep." Astra adds.
"I'm sorry but my curiosity is getting the better of me, what does she look like." Rosaline asks trying to picture a human face to this swan.
"Well it's going to be sunset soon, so until then I'm keeping my mouth shut."
"That would be a first." Rosaline comments.
"Says the Marchioness with attitude."
"They sky is starting to golden with a new sunset." Astra says and Killian stops Lucinda.
"Time to set up a fire." He hops of the horse and places Catherine down who has awaken.
"Someone's finally awake." Rosaline says feeding an apple to Lucinda.

The swan looks at the sky has her form got taller and her snow feather wings outline in golden before transforming into a human. "The sunset just couldn't be any slower."

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