Chapter 4

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Trigger warning: homophobia and mention of suicide

(Carter's pov)

I was putting the finishing touches on my drawing of Aiden, I was still blushing at the fact that he had seen it, and at the fact that he complemented it. I had never shown anyone my art before, I saw no reason to. I'm not the greatest at it, and I highly doubt anyone would care. But, for some reason I wanted to show Aiden my art, my art is something I do to forget about all the real world problems I have, I don't do it for complements or attention. My dad always said that my drawings were girly, and anytime he saw one he would rip it up, and yell at me. I guess that's another reason why I never show anyone my art.

  I started thinking about my dad, and remembered the time he found out that I was bisexual.

I was sitting on my bed, I was drawing a picture of forget-me-not's tied into the shape of a noose, tears were rolling off my face and onto the paper, staining it grey where they fell. My friend texted me half an hour, saying that he told my dad everything I told him. Last week I came out to him, and I also told him of my suicidal thoughts. He explained that he was worried about me, and that he wanted me to be happy, and the only way to do that was to tell my dad. 

I was terrified, I know my dad is extremely homophobic, and old fashioned. He hated it when ever I do art, he said I should be outside playing sports, or something sexiest like that. I know it's a horrible thing to say, but...I hate my dad. I can't believe I went to live with him, instead of my mum. He used to be my idol, I wanted to be just like him, but now I can't stand him.

I jumped as a heard a loud bang, I knew Father was home I quickly hid my drawing my bookbag with my school supplies, and tried to dry my eyes. He burst into the room, his face completely red, I could almost see smoke pouring from his ears.

I was pulled from my thoughts as a hand toched mine, I noticed my eyes were full of tears and, my face was wet, I mentally cursed myself for crying in class. My hands were also shaking. I looked up at Aiden, he had a look of concern on his face.

"The bell rung 10 minutes ago, are you okay?" His voice was laced with worry.

"Yeah, I'm fine I was just...thinking about something." I replied, looking down at the drawing I left unfinished.

"What were you thinking about?" He asked while putting his maths book away in his bookbag.

"I...I don't want to talk about it right now."

"Okay, let's go." He jerked his head towards the door.

"Okay," I said, picking up my bag.

(Aiden's pov)

I noticed that Carter had stopped drawing, he was staring at the blackboard, but I knew he wasn't paying attention to the lesson. His face portrayed no emotions, but his eyes were watering, I saw a tear travel down his cheek and fall on the desk, right beside his shaking hands.

The bell rung, and the other kids in our class started to pack up their things.

"Carter? Carter, are you okay?" I asked, he showed no sign of hearing me. "Carter?" I asked again, I was growing worried. I saw his hands start to shake more violently, and another tear fall from his eye.

I had the urge to reach out and grab his hand, I didn't want to act upon it, I didn't feel that way about him, right?
His breathing picked up. Fuck it I thought. I reached out and grabed his hand, holding it gently.

It seemed to bring him back to the real world, because he squeezed my hand back, and he blinked a couple of times. He looked at me, his eyes were full of pain and hurt, it made my heart ache.

"The bell rung 10 minutes ago, are you okay?" I said, trying to hide the worry in my voice, but failing miserably.

"Yeah, I'm fine I was just...thinking about something." He responded, his voice was rough and full of pain. He looking down at the gorgeous drawing he left uncompleted.

He took his hand out of mine to wipe his eyes, I was slightly disappointed. "What were you thinking about?" I asked while putting my maths book up.

"I...I don't want to talk about it right now."

"Okay, let's go." I nodded my head towards the door.

"Okay," he said, picking up his bag.

A/n: the picture above is the actual picture my friend drew. (Idk if you all know, but this is based on a true story about my two best friends)

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