Chapter 12

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Trigger warning: Mention of cutting, and blood.

(Carter's pov)

I was standing in the corner again, but this time I was drunk. I couldn't think clearly, I was more aggressive, and every noise around me seemed to echo around in my head. Morgen and Esther had made me stop drinking after about my fifth full cup. Morgen had gone to go get me some water and Esther was making sure I didn't do anything stupid.

I felt a sharp pain shoot up my left arm. I looked down at it, I was wearing a oversized jumper, it was incredibly hot, but I didn't dare take it off. I looked around me to make sure nobody was looking, Esther was standing right beside me, but she was looking at her phone. I rolled my left sleeve up, I looked down at all scars and gauze that had bleed though on my wrist.

I heard Esther gasp. I looked over at her, she was staring directly at my wrist, her eyes and mouth were wide, I could see her eyes fill up with tears, they slowly meet mine.

"Carter?" She said in a soft small voice. "Why did you do this?" I couldn't answer her, she would get mad, then I would get mad, and I really didn't want to punch her, so I ran.

I ran up a flight of stairs and took a thousand turns. I finally stopped when the world started spinning to fast, I nearly fell over.

"Woah!" I heard a soft feminine voice speak. "Somebody's having a bit to much fun." The voice said. I looked up and saw a girl. She looked familiar, she had straight, dark brown hair that reached the small of her back.

"You're Victoria Joseph, from my maths class, right?" I said.

"Yes, but you can call me Vicki." She smiled, and flipped her hair. "So what are you wondering around for? Especially upstairs?"

"What wrong with me being up here?" I asked angrily, amusement dawned on her face.

"People come make out." She said slowly as she stepped closer, only inches from me. "I guess some one missed the sign."

"I guess so" I said, an idea popped in my head. "Hey, you wouldn't mind showing me around, would you?" A smirk appeared on my face.

"Oh, of course. I would love to." She said as she grabbed my hand a lead me to a empty room.

If Aiden was going to kiss a guy and forget about me, then I'll kiss a girl and forget about him.

I looked down at her and pressed my lips to hers, I was full of rage and this was the least painful way to get rid of it.

(Aiden's pov)

I had just pressed send on the text, when Issac grabbed my hand and dragged me to the pool. He then had me kneel down beside it, I had no idea what he was doing till I felt the water hit my face. HE FUCKING DUNKED MY HEAD IN THE WATER! I was pissed at him.

"Dude! What the fuck was that about?" A yelled at him.

"You not drunk and loopy anymore are you?" He said, his eyebrows quirked.

"No" I said looking down. "And why did you not want me drunk? I was perfectly fine not thinking about Carter for once."

"Because you were thinking about him even more. You told me everything that happened with him and then some." He looked down at the ground before continuing "Then you kissed me." My eyes went wide.

"What?" I ask dumbfounded.

"Yeah, and no offense, but you're not my type. So, what you need do now is tell Carter the truth. Tell him you like him." He stated.

"I can't. He hates me, and he doesn't feel the same way about me. I just know it." I said, getting more upset as I spoke.

"Has he told you that?"

"," I blushed. "but I just know he dosen't like me."

"But you don't know if he doesn't not like you."

I just stare at him with a confused look on my face. "I just said that."

He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Is a double negative, two negatives create a positive, three negatives create a negative, and so forth and so on."

"Oh...Okay." I said nodding my head slowly, I was still very confused. "'re saying, that I don't know if he does like me?"

"Yes, exactly."

*Ding* My phone notified me, I looked down at. It's a text from Carter. I opened it. It's a text that says.

Carter: if you can go and kiss somebody so can i.

My chest filled with panic, and my heart started beating faster. 'How did he find out? Is he here? What's going on?' I then notice that I texted Morgen a picture, I don't remember sending anyone a picture. I open up the text, it's a picture of me kissing Issac, with the caption 'See carer iam ober yu. Morgen must have shown Carter, I was pissed at him now, along with myself.

"Shit." I said.

"What?" Issac asked.  I showed him the picture then the text Carter sent me. "Oh...well that's not good."

"Yeah." I sighed. "Let's leave this place, I don't like it here. I'm also soaking wet" I glared at Issac. "I wonder who's fault that is." He just rolled his eyes.

A/n: So that chapter was interesting, this whole night was interesting. Aiden is still slightly mad that I showed Carter the picture. Whoops.

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