Chapter 16

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(Aiden's pov)

It was Saturday at 7:30, why was I awake so early on a Saturday? I was getting ready to leave, my grandparents had gotten me a ticket so that I could go home six week early then planned.

I felt horrible for not staying longer, and helping my grandfather. I had apologized as many times as possible, his reply was the same thing every time. "No, you don't need to apologize, to me at least. Now go home and fix things with your friends."

I also felt bad for not being able to help out Issac, he seemed more stressed out and over worked lately, deciding what university to go to, and writing who knows what on his laptop, and working for my grandfather. I asked him if he would like me to stay. "No, I'm fine. I don't need you to stay here, especially since you would just be moping about Carter. Go home and tell him how you feel, and besides I won't be alone for long, I'm going to use your old ticket tye one you were supposed to use, so visit you next month." He said calmly, not looking up from his laptop as he furiously typed away.

"Really?" I asked, I was excited to have him meet my friends, I thought that he would get along really well with Morgen. "Well I'll see you then. Bye." I replied as I heard my grandmother's voice telling me that it's time to go.

"Bye." He said, doing that weird two fingered salute/wave he does.

(Carter's pov)

I woke up with my head pounding. I looked at my alarm clock, it read '5:25 am Saturday' I had woken up from a nightmare, I couldn't remember what it was about, something to do with my dad and Aiden both laughing at me, and ripping up all my artwork I've done.

It had been about a week since the whole 'getting drunk and making out with a random girl' incident, I still felt horrible. I barely remember anything that happened, but I did know one thing. Esther and Morgen found out about me cutting, they had somehow found out where my makeshift razor was, and had taken it away. I knew it was for the best...but I needed it, it helped me, I mean I know that's not true, I know it's bad. What I really want I won't be able to see for another month at least...Aiden.

Even though I am pissed at him, I miss him. I want to apologize for every single stupid thing I've done, I want to hug him, I want to kiss him, I-I want to forgive him of everything.

A/n: Sorry it's so sort, and shitty.

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