Chapter 7

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(Carter's pov)

"I have something to tell you." My hands were shaking, my knees were knocking together, my chest was getting tight, and it was harder to breathe. I had decided that as soon as I walked into the room that i was going to tell him. I was utterly terrified, I didn't want to lose my best friend, my only friend. I was someone who didn't put my trust in others very easily, even more so after everything that happened with my friend and dad. So when I put my trust in you, that means that I love you, and if you ever brake it, I won't ever forgive you, unless I really love you.

"What?" He asked I could hear the concern in his voice, I assumed his face had a equally concerned look, but I didn't dare look up at him. I felt like I was about to break down and cry, God I'm such a loser. "Carter are you okay?" He walked over and grabbed my hand. I felt my face flush and I cursed myself for it.

"I...Um...I'm...I am" I was going to do it. I was going to tell him. I just had to say it, just like ripping of a bandaid.  "I'm b...bisexual." I finally said it, I came out. He now knows my all my secrets, well except for two.

He pulled me into a hug. He was hugging me! Holy shit. He pulled away, his hands still on my waist, and my arms still around his neck. He was smiling, and his ocean eyes sparkling.

"I'm glad you told me."

"You're okay with it?"

"I kinda have to be okay with it."

I just looked at him confused. "What?"

He chuckled and then said. "I'm gay."

My eyes went wide. I might have a chance with him. No, what was I thinking, he doesn't like me.

He pulled away from me, I felt disappointed that he didn't stay in the embrace a little longer. "So," he said "you said that you have some more art here that you were going to show me?"

Oh shit, he remembered. "Um...yeah come here." I said as I walked towards my bed and sat down.

(Aiden's pov)

I walked over to sit beside Carter on his bed. He opened up the bottom draw of his nightstand, and pulled out a sketch book, he hesitantly opened the book to the first page. It was a drawing of a raven, it was done in charcoal, and had a led grey tail feathers.

"It's gorgeous."

"You really think so?" Carter asked.

"Of course, I do. Everything you draw or paint is amazing." I said, smiling, as I grabbed his hand. His face went completely red.

He showed me the rest of the sketch book, they're were many sketches of animals and flowers, and there was one of a heart covered in vines.

"This is absolutely beautiful." Just like you. I thought the last part in my head (or so I thought).

"Y-you...think I'm beautiful?" He asked me, his eyes went wide.


"Yeah, I do." I said smiling shyly as I looked down at the drawing instead of him.

"I're pretty...good looking" He said as he squeezed my hand tighter. I had completely forgotten that we were still holding hands.

I noticed a piece of paper sticking out from the pages of the book. I pulled it out, it was folded in half. I looked over at Carter, he had a confused look on his face, I guessed that he must have forgotten what it was. I unfolded it, what I saw broke my heart.

It's was a drawing of a noose made out of flowers, and at the top it said 'forget-me-not', it was covered in old tear stains.

I heard Carter gasp, then he grabbed the drawing from my hands. I looked over at him, he was staring down at his hands, he had tears pouring from his eyes, like waterfalls of sadness and pain. I took his face in my hands and made him look at me.

"I will never forget you," I said, my voice breaking as I said 'never', I knew that I was about to start crying any second. "I can't forget you. I wouldn't be able to live without you." Tears started falling from my eyes. "Because I love you."

(Carter's pov)

Did he just say that? Did he just say that he Loves me?

I wanted to kiss him right then and there. No one had ever made me feel this loved before. Sure I have an amazing mother, but I spent most of my life with my dad.

"I love you too" I'm not sure how I was able to say that with out stuttering. Then I hugged him, I hugged him tighter then I've ever hugged anyone before.

(Carter and Aiden's pov)

I knew right then and there that I was utterly completely in love with him.

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