Chapter 5

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(Carter's pov)

Aiden and I were walking towards my house, since we both didn't have our driver's licenses yet. It looked like it was going to rain that morning so I brought my umbrella, I was glad I did. As we were walking the sky opened up, and it started pouring. I opened the umbrella to stop myself from getting soaked.

"Hey, is there room in there?" Aiden asked. He was nearly complete soaked. I decided to mess with him a little.

"Nope." I said with grin on my face.

"What do mean no?" We had stopped walking at this point.

"I mean no, there's no room in here." I said trying not to laugh. "It's just a one person umbrella."

"No it's not!" He said, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"Ahh" He started to try to grab the umbrella from me. I started running in the direction towards my house, laughing as Aiden chased me.

"GEt YouR aSs bAcK heRe!" He called after me.

Even though I had the umbrella it wasn't much help, because I was running into the rain. "NEVER!" I shouted over my shoulder. Since I wasn't watching where I was going I tripped over my own feet slightly, thankfully I didn't fall on my face. But because of the trip, I slowed down, and Aiden caught me.

He grabbed my shoulder and turned me to face him. He was completely soaked. He had drops of rain falling from his normaly golden blonde hair which was now brown. His lips were parted slightly as he was trying to catch his breath, his eyes were bight sapphire blue, and seemed to shine as he smiled.

I want to kiss him, I realized. Fuck. I thought, I can't! I can't like him! His my only friend here, if I tell him that I like him he will be disgusted and he won't want to be my friend. I have to keep this a secret.

"-brela?" I sudden realized he was talking.

"What?" I said embarrassed, hoping he didn't see me staring at his lips. "Sorry, I zoned out a bit."

(Aiden's pov)

I noticed a blush slowly creeping across his cheeks as he spoke. I had realized a couple of minutes ago that he was staring at my lips, but I decided not to bring it up. It was probably nothing right?

"I said, 'Is there any point in using the umbrella?' Why are zoning out so much today?" I asked.

"I-" He took a shakey breath. "I'll tell you when we get my house, okay?" He asked his eyes displayed woryy and uncertainty.

"Okay," I said as I reached out to take the umbrella from him, my hands brushing his as I did so.

Carter's face redden even more. My hands were tingling, where they had toched his. I thought it was weird, I have toched hand with plenty people and they never tingled. I just shook my head to get rid of the thought.

"Let's go." I said, I had closed the umbrella, and was carrying it I'm my right hand. Carter and my hand keep brushing as we continued to walk to his house in silence. It wasn't a awkward silence it was a calming one, only the sound of the rain falling and our breathing.

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