Chapter 11

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(Aiden's pov)

Issac and I walked into the big house where the party was held. Apparently the kid who was throwing the party name was Ricky Gold-something, his family was very rich and his parents just happened to leave him home alone for a week while they went to their holiday home in Paris.

The house was practically a club. There was loud EDM music blasting from the speakers, and coloured lights that flashed. There was thousands of tables full of snacks and alcoholic beverages. There was a group of kids smoking and vaping in one of the many corners. I felt sort of out of place, I just wished that I was with Carter in his room watching him draw as we talked about everything and nothing at the same time.

'No!' I scolded myself. 'You are not going to think about him.'

I shook my head to get rid of the thought and took a drink that Issac was holding out towards me. "What is it?" I asked.

"It's just punch, I didn't know if you drank or not."

"Oh, um...I never have, but I won't say no to a taste." I said, smiling slightly.

"Well then." Issac said as he took my cup and gave me his. I took a sip of it, it burned going down, but it felt and tasted so good. "So?" He asked.

"I love it." I said my grin growing bigger.

It was a couple of songs and few thousand shots later and I was totally wasted. Issac had only had one or two beers and he seemed just slightly buzzed.

(Issac's pov)

"-and then I jus lef em. I kiss him and I lef." Aiden said. About an hour ago he decided that he would tell me his whole life story. His family was amazing and very accepting, and he was good at school, but his real problem was with his best friend/crush Carter's Tomson. "You know wha  I'm gonna make em see jus how much I don care abou em." He slurred.

He pulled out his phone and turned on the camera. He then grabbed the back off my neck and pulled me into a kiss. I heard the camera snap as it took a picture. He pulled away and looked at the phone.

"Perfec." I didn't see what he did after, I was to busy being lost in my own thoughts.

Did he just kiss me? Do I like guys? Does he like me? Am I okay with this I'm not homophobic, I don't care who you fuck, I like guys? I mean I wasn't repulsed that it was a guy kissing me, but I didn't enjoy it. I have never had a kiss before.

I know, it's lame am almost eighteen and I've never had a proper kiss. I've just always thought that kissing and all of that type of stuff was weird. I never understood how people could see a girl in a bikini or a guy working out at the gym and be turned on. I've never been attracted to anyone, sexually or romantically, I'm slightly worried that somethings wrong with me.

(Morgen's POV)

I was by the snack table with Esther, we were talking about which season of Stranger Things was the best, she said the first one, but I disagree the second one is so much better. There's so much character development with El and with Steve, we get to see Will so much more, and don't even get me started on how amazing Max is.

"I can't wait till the third season is out." She said. "Then we can hopefully agree on a favourite season."

*Ding* My phone alerted me. I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the screen. Aiden had texted me a picture. I showed Esther, she gave me a confused look. None of us have had contact with him for a week. I unlocked my phone and went to the messaging app, I opened up my texts with Aiden and taped on the picture.

My face lost all emotion as I saw what it was. It was Aiden kissing some guy. The guy looked shocked to say the least, his eyes were wide open in surprise. Aiden look completely smashed, he had bags under his eyes, and you could practically smell the alcohol on him though the phone.

Esther had been looking at the picture from over my shoulder. "What does the text say?" She asked. I hit the back arrow and went back to the text.

Aiden: See carer iam ober yu.

I looked at Esther. "He clearly thought that he was texting Carter." She stated.

"Yeah, no duh." I said. She rolled he eyes gently punched me in the arm. I looked up and saw Carter walking towards us. He seemed slightly happier then he was this morning, but as he got closer to us a curious look appeared on his face.

"What were you guys talking about?" He asked. I looked at Esther, asking 'should we show him?' with my eyes. She slowly nodded her head after thinking about it for a couple seconds. I handed my phone. An angry, and broken expression appeared on his face. He hand me my phone back, and walked over to the drinks, he picked one up and downed it in one, and then another, and then another, and another.

I felt horrible. It was my fault that Carter was drinking like that, it was my fault for what happened next, it was my fault for everything that happened after that day.

A/n: So? What do you think of Issac now? Do you still not like him, or do you think he's okay now?

Yes there is more of me and Esther in this chapter I hope you enjoyed it. That 'fight' with Esther is a real fight we have had. My favourite season is now the third one.

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