Chapter 6

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(Aiden's pov)

  We had reach Carter's house five minutes after we had our chase scene. It was small single story house, with old brick walls, and a small garden. The pebble pathway crunched under my feet, as we walk towards the door. When we got to the white door Carter pulled out a pair of keys from his backpack and unlocked the door.

"Is your mum home?" I asked, I know that his parents are divorced and that that he lives with his mum now. When I asked him why he stopped living with his dad he just respond 'I'll tell you another time' it was slightly odd, but I knew that I had to let him be comfortable enough to tell me.

"No, her shift is over at 6." He replied as he opened the door.

"So, we're here alone?" I asked slightly blushing.

"Yeah," respond his face also going red. "Except for the fish." He gave me a small smile.

"Oh, of course!" I said trying to embarrass him. "How could I forget, Mr. Fishy, the most dapper fish in all" I exclaimed with a grin on my face.

(Carter's pov)

Oh, that lopsided grin is going to be the death of me. I could tell he was trying to embarrass me or make me blush or something like that. He always was trying to make me laugh, I enjoyed it. Except for when he does it at school, especially in class.

I just shook my head and rolled my eyes. "Do you want to go inside? Or do you want to get even more wet?" I asked.

He looked down at his clothes, then looked up and said, "Yeah, let's go inside."

My house wasn't anything special, it looked like your typical house. It had dark wood floors in all the rooms, except the bedrooms, it had a open kitchen/dining room/ lounge on one side of the house, then a hallway with a bathroom, and two doors, one led to my room and the other led to my Mum's room, they both had their own bathroom.

I took Carter to my room, it didn't have much decorations since I moved in only about two months ago, my bed was in the left corner of my room right across from the door, with a nightstand right beside it, and my wardrobe was on the opposite side of the room, beside my desk.

I walked over to my wardrobe and grabbed a pair of black jeans and a blue hoodie.

"I'm going to go get changed out of this wet uniform, I'll be right back."

I went to get changed in the bathroom that was connected to my room, 'Is it rude that I'm changing when he can't?'
I thought.  'I could let him borrow some clothes.' I blushed at the thought of Aiden wearing my clothes. 'Would he even fit my clothes? I know he's taller than me, but he's not that much taller.' Before I knew it I was completely changed, I put my wet clothes in the hamper and walked back into my room.

I saw Aiden, he was looking at the only thing hanging on the wall. It was a painting I had made, it was the Sun and the Moon, I got the idea to make it when listening to my favourite song, When the Day Met the Night by my favourite band Panic! at the Disco, it was off my favourite album by them, Pretty. Odd. I was slightly embarrassed that he was staring at it, I hoped he didn't think it was horrible. I decided to grab some clothes for him to wear, he was dripping all over the floor and I knew Mum would freak if she found out.

I walked over to him, held out the clothes. "Here you can borrow these, you're dripping everywhere."

"Oops, sorry." He said, smiling slightly as he took the clothes.

"You can use my bathroom, it's right there." I said pointing to the door that was right beside my wardrobe.

"Thanks" he said smiling. Then he walked into the bathroom.

I turned to look at the painting, I thought of all the drawings that I have in the drawers of my nightstand. I was nervous to say the least about showing Aiden my art, a lot of it was depressing and dark. I didn't know how he was going act.

"Hey," I heard Aiden call from the bathroom.


"What do I do with my wet clothes?"

"Um...I can go put then in the dryer, so you can have them back before you leave."

"Ok, do you want to come get them?"

I blushed. 'Was he dressed? Did he want me to come in there?' Then I noticed the door open, he had on the jeans I gave him, they were a little tight and made me blush more. He was also completely shirtless, he was toned, he had a barely visible six-pack, and I could see the v of his hips as it disappeared under the low hanging tight jeans. I knew my face was bright red at this point.

"Carter, didn't you know that staring isn't polite?" He said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh..." I said looking down embarrassed. "Sorry, I...I didn't mean to. Sorry." I stuttered out.

"It's fine, I was teasing you." He said with a kind smile. "I know nobody can resist this rockin' bod" He joked, a goofy grin on his face as he flexed.

I shook my head and grabbed the clothes from him. "I'll be right back, finish getting dressed." I said as I walked out the room.

(Aiden's pov)

I had finished getting dressed and I was waiting for Carter to get back. He had given me a pair of dark wash jeans and a plan red shirt. The jeans and shirt were a little tight, but I didn't mind, I was glad to be able to get out of those wet clothes.

I went back to looking at the painting on the wall. It was gorgeous, I know I say that about Carter and his art quite often, but I say it because it's true. Both him and his art are gorgeous.

The painting reminded me of something, but I couldn't remember what. I knew it was a song or something similar. Carter and I shared the similar taste in music, he liked more calmer stuff, and I prefered heavyer more fast paced stuff.

'When the Day Met the Night' I thought. 'That's what it reminds me off'

I turned my head as the door opened and Carter walked in. He took a deep breath. "I have something to tell you."

A/n: Yep, I'm leaving you on a cliff hanger. Sorry I just felt like it was a good place to stop.

Not only is there a picture of the painting, but there is also a YouTube video of the song. If you haven't listened to I suggest you check it out, along with the rest of the album.

This is 1200 words!

Though Heaven and Hell Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang