First Date/Snuggling

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You were walking in the forest looking for InuYasha. You were about to go back home and call it a day, when you heard your boyfriend's sweet voice calling to you like a dream. Nope just kidding he was yelling at you to turn around and look at him.

"(y/n), I've been looking for you. Where have you been?"

"Oh well, I was looking for you my lovely."

"Why were you looking for me?"

"Well to take you somewhere for a little date. Do you maybe want to accompany me for said date and see where it leads to?"

"Sure, but where are we going?"

"Oh, now that's no fun to tell a secret then there is no secret." You tease him a little before grabbing his hand and running away to a waterfall. You released his hand and pulled a basket out of a tree trunk. You walk towards him and with a smile you hand him some food you made. He looked at you confused, before he realized that you meant for him to eat it and enjoy the food with you. He sat down and you followed suit before you pulled everything out of the basket.

 "InuYasha, I have a question about why you said yes to date me."

"Well I said yes because you caught my eye."

"How though?"

"The moment I saw you, I thought you were beautiful." He came closer to you and grabbed your waist and pulled you onto his lap. You giggled at his actions and snuggled into his chest.

"I'm happy at this little date of ours."


You were taking a walk through your territory when you saw a tornado coming towards you. Your boyfriend soon came into view, he stopped short of you before he grabbed your hand and ran again. You soon came to find you were at his territory. You looked at him confused.

"Why did you bring me here Koga?"

"I brought you here because I want to show you off to my tribe."

"I thought they all knew I was your mate as my tribe knows you are mine."

"I haven't told them about us just yet. I'm sorry if you think less of me for not telling them."

"It's ok, I don't think less of you."

"Thank you." With that you both walked into his den. You were immediately swarmed by so many male wolf demons ogling you.

"Koga who is the lady you brought with you."

"I'm his mate and a fellow alpha so if you don't mind you all smell of desperation and sexual needs." You stated while going back to Koga's side smirking all the while and seeing everyone shocked and Koga amused.

"Koga you found a female alpha and a very snarky one too. She's so worthy of you Koga."

"Thank you guys and also hands off my girl. If you touch her I'll hurt you." Koga growled at his tribe.

"Understood, Koga." He grabbed your wrist and started to walk away. He pulled you to a secret place to curl you up into his lap. He was smiling down at you when you looked up to see he was already staring at you lovingly.

"Koga, did you want this to be a date or just an excuse to show me off and cuddle me in secret?"

"A little bit of both I suppose."

"Well its cute either way." You snuggled closer to him and hugged him around the waist.


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