When he gets jealous

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You were currently hanging out with the pervert of InuYasha's group. You had come to be close to everyone. Even the flirty Miroku. He didn't try to flirt or ask you to bear his children but that might also be because you were a demon. You were currently sitting in a tree with Miroku below you. He was trying to climb the tree while you were giggling at him struggling. You lean down to give him a hand when he pulls too hard and you go flying down too. You land next to him, face down in the dirt. Miroku knew he fucked up and so he got up and started running away from you out of fear of getting murdered.

"MIROKU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE SO DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!" You screamed at him.

"Well there goes my boyfriend. I hope he didn't do something stupid." Sighed Sango.

"I accidently pulled her hand too hard and she fell face first into the ground." Miroku said while running behind Sango for protection.

"Oh hell no, you get out from behind me. Go face your punishment you dumbass." Sango scolded him.

"MIROKU!!! Where is he?" You growl.

"Right here (y/n)." Sango and Kagome point to the shaking form of a scared Miroku. You stomped up to him and started to tickle his sides.

"Yeah, maybe next time try to help me up not run off you ass." You relentlessly tickled him while he begged for mercy. Sango just looked at you weirdly thinking you would at least slap him or punch him. Kagome was laughing her head off and that's when InuYasha came and picked you up and walked off with you. You were dragged away from your friends and pulled into InuYasha's arms.

"What's wrong my love?"

"I don't like you that close to Miroku." He said nuzzling his head into your neck. You giggled.

"Are you jealous?" You smile at his stiffening figure.

"No!" He said while blushing. You snuggled in closer to him.

"It's ok if you are jealous because then I know you care and love me." You cuddle him closely.


You were coming over to see Koga again. You had just walked in and you couldn't find Koga anywhere. You stumbled upon Hakkaku and Ginta. You walked up to them asking where your boyfriend was yet again. They told you he was out hunting.

"Well can you tell him I'm here if you see him first." You said to them

"Will do (y/n). Is there anything that you need in the meantime?" Hakkaku asked gently.

"My fellow alpha and boyfriend here would be great." You state sarcastically.

"Well maybe I can keep you company instead." A unfamiliar voice came from behind you. You turn around to find a decently attractive male wolf demon behind you. He was tall and seemed new to you as you at least tried to know everyone in both yours and Koga's tribes. You looked up at him.

"No, I'm fine thanks but I'm waiting for Koga to come." You stated to him with an expressionless face.

"Awwwww, but I'm more hot than that guy. You could ditch him and hang out with me instead."

"How about....No." You state walking away from him. He suddenly grabbed your wrist. You turned around and screamed at him.


"Please just calm down." He stated.

"You will leave her the fuck alone and stay the fuck away from her....RIGHT NOW." You heard your boyfriend angrily stating at the male demon. The male demon was scared and had let you go. You slapped him right across the face.

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