Happy Accidents (A One Direction Love Story)

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“THANK GOD” I yelled as I got into my car. I had just finished my 1st quarter of my senior year. Thanks Bucks County Public School system for having a 5 week Track out! GO TRACKOUT!!!! Being the strange child I am I did a little dance in my beaten up car. Not my fault! I got it used so it was pretty bad when I got it now… well let’s say when I started dancing the cup-holder fell off. I sighed and threw it in the back. Eh, I’ll ask Ryan to fix it later. Ryan is my beloved little brother. He literally is my best friend and I go to him with everything. He can be annoying sometimes though especially when he talks bad about my favorite 5 people in the world. Well 6… but Justin Bieber is a second to ONE FRICKING DIRECTION!

Let’s just get one thing straight...hehe I said one thing…I am not a stalker fan but I am a pretty big fan. I have a couple of posters and all of their albums but I have yet to actually see them well, live. Pretty much my fandom is based off of YouTube and Twitter. I am still waiting for one of the boys to follow me back. If I ever ran into them in person I definitely wouldn’t scream, they don’t like fans who scream in their faces. Frankly, I don’t think I would enjoy it either, getting screamed at.

Any who, I searched through my purse for my keys. I know I threw them in here after 8th period. Grr… Not to self, clean out purse there is some seriously crazy stuff in here. I’ll do it when I get to Gabby’s house. Who am I kidding? I’m not going to actually clean my purse; I get there and then completely forget. Oh well.

“YEA BUDDIE!” I yelled to myself as I pulled out my keys. Jackpot, I thought as put the key in the ignition.

“Come on babe, Come on you got this Jimmy…” I muttered turning the key to hear the engine complain. Apparently Jimmy is protesting (ah directioner mind you funny soul you). Yes I named my car, yes I named him Jimmy. After Louis’ proclamation? No actually, I thought more along the lines of Jimmy Johns having super speedy service so I thought if I named my car after something fast it would, in turn, go fast. Unfortunately, it seemed to have the opposite effect. Driving my cousin’s old car was not a choice but more of an if you don’t, you don’t have a car. So yea, Jimmy and I had been through a lot together and I would trade him away in a heartbeat but I need money first.

Finally, Jimmy decided to start up and I navigated out of the parking lot and out onto the open road. Don’t break down, please don’t not now, I thought as I rolled down the street. I turned on the radio to hear the first few lines of the best song ever.

From the moment I met you everything change

I knew I had to get you whatever the Pain

I may be the biggest dork for saying this; but listening to Liam Payne’s angelic voice I got chills. Usually I am not impressed by voices but their voices make me want to dance, cry, laugh, sing or kiss a random stranger usually all of the above. I know I am special potato. Since my AC doesn’t work and it was the usual warm October weather I had my windows down. So did the car next to me. Both of us stopped at a light right as we got to the I’m a thief part. My favorite part of the song. So I started screaming my lungs out. The poor car next to me had to listen to my screeching for the next 30 seconds as I screamed about being a thief.

I am not saying that I have a bad voice. Actually quite the opposite. I think I am pretty good. Maybe not recording contract material but lead of the school musical 4 years running material. But when I hear a 1D song my talent flies away and doesn’t like to come back until the end of the song. I laughed as the person next to me gives me a look and drives off. I chuckle. Suddenly, I hear a noise.


I jump and pull to the side of the road and rummage through my purse pulling out my iPhone. Even though I had had that ring tone for 2 years I still jumped at Louis freaking hitting that buzzer at the beginning of Niall’s rendition of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. I smiled at thinking of Niall as I answered the phone.

“Vas happenin’?” I answered. That was the only way I answered my phone.

“Hola,  Bren Sawyer are you coming over today?”

“Gabby Finn I swear we are sisters from other misters. I am on my way over right now. You really are Psychic. I am bringing Take Me Home over by the way.” I pulled the phone away from my ear as my best friend screamed.

We had been really close ever since 8th grade. She and I had gone through some pretty bad times but we always stuck together. We both shared our love for One Direction. We would often stay up late at night discussing our favorite members of the band. I had always had a special place in my heart for Niall but I loved all the boys equally. My options were limited considering Louis and Zayn had girlfriends. Even if they didn’t have Eleanor and Perrie, Niall would still have my heart, his laugh; his smile and his personality were just amazayn! (Haha Zayn tehe silly me…!) Gabby loved Niall too but she said she wouldn’t marry one of them. I was shocked by this. I would give anything to date, let alone marry, one of those amazing creatures. I worship the god who is Simon Cowell for creating them. Haha just kidding, I am not that creepy.

“Love you Boobear! See ya soon!” She exclaimed.

“Love ya too Hazzabear, see ya.” I laughed, she hadn’t called me Boobear since freshman year. We were at a sleepover with some other girls and got dared to act like Larry Stylinson for the rest of the night. Lets just say, it was…ummm…interesting. I pulled back out onto the road since I hate when people, including myself, talk and drive. I stopped at the light and sat back. I was so disappointed about what had happened last night. I had logged onto ticketswagga.com my ticket place and I saw there was 2…EXACTLY 2, Take Me Home tickets. I refreshed the page so I could check and right when I did they were gone. Just like that…gone. I must have cried for 2 hours. Not because I didn’t get the tickets because that had happened before. But for the fact that I had gone onto Facebook to see that my arch nemesis Julia had gotten them, SHE WASN’T EVEN A BIG FAN! They were great tickets too. Front row, for just $114 dollars each compared to $568. I just lost it she always got everything the friends, the clothes, the body, and worst of all the guys. I thought that One Direction was something that I could have all to myself without someone like her getting all that she wanted and leaving people like me in the dirt.

If I was your boyfriend I’d never let you go

I can take you places you never been before

I loved this song. I watched as the light turned green and I floored it. Shooting through the intersection, I didn’t even feel it but suddenly there was a crunch and something hit my from my right and front. I screamed and then it went black. The last thing I remember was someone screaming really loudly and someone screaming “SH*T, SH*T, SH*T, SH*T,” Over and over again.

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