These are my confessions 🎶

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I made my way to set nervous of how this conversation with Florian was going to go. I knew I shouldn't have been texting my ex or going out to dinner with him and it all just blew up in my face.

I made my way over to his trailer nervously playing with my shirt.

I made my way over to his trailer nervously playing with my shirt

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On my way there, Molly stopped me. "He's filming already. They got him filled up all day today cuz Dolph has to go out of town for the rest of the week and they wanted to get their scenes together done." She explained.
I nodded, "thank." I replied before heading over to
Michaels trailer.

"Hey sis!" He cheered when I walked in.

"Hey." I said softly laying down on the couch.

"What wrong? You hungry? You wanna go get some food?" He asked slipping on his shoes.

I shook my head. "No thanks not hungry."

He lifted my legs sitting in the spot they were then laying them back in his lap.

"What's wrong?" He questioned. I couldn't tell him that Florian currently was pissed at me for going to dinner with my ex. So I decided to tell him the partial truth.

"It's just this thing with Nick. We went to have a friendly dinner to catch up and the paparazzi twisted it into us being on a date and all that." I partially explained.

He nodded. "Hate to say it sis but that's life in Hollywood. Trust me it'll blow over in a day or 2 when a Kardashian does something." He waves his hand playfully.

I nodded still deep in thought.
"I'm gonna go grab some food. You want anything?" He asked standing up. I shook my head and he walked out the trailer.

A little over an hour later, I was walking around trying to find Florian to see if he could talk.

I found him in catering, stacking a plate with food. I came up behind him.

"Hey." I said softly. He turned and looked at me before turning his attention back to his plate.

"Can we talk?" I asked. He turned walking with me trailing behind him. He didn't answer me once again.

"Florian?" I called again.

"Not now." He answered gruffly. "I can't deal with that right now. We'll talk later. When I'm done filming." I nodded sheepishly letting him walk away to wherever he was going.
He was pissed and rightfully so. I would be too. I would have to give him his space until later, even if it killed me.

~Hours later~

I stood outside his trailer door just staring at it. Filming has wrapped for the day and I made my way over as soon as possible. I hated feeling this way. I knew I was in the wrong.
I finally worked up the courage to tap on the door lightly.

"Come in!" I heard his deep voice from inside. I took a deep breathe, readying myself before opening the door and walking up the steps.

I saw him laying on his back on the couch. He sat up when I walked in and stood nervously, playing with my fingers.

"Yes?" He asked.

I sighed nervously. "I owe you an explanation. It isn't what they said it was but you still deserve to know." I spoke softly.

He slid over patting the spot next to him for me to sit down. I walked over slowly and sat down placing my hands in my lap and looking at the ground like a little kid in trouble.

"So uh... first off, he's my ex." He scoffed from beside me but allowed me to continue. "I hadn't seen him in years until we had our girls night at the club and we saw each other there. But nothing happened just talking. Then we've been texting the past few days just getting caught up on where each other is in life." I explained.

"So you've been texting your ex?" He asked. I could hear the slight anger in his voice. I couldn't blame him. I would be pissed too if I found out he was texting his ex behind my back.

I nodded. "So explain the pictures." He said.

I squeezed my eyes shut tight before opening them and beginning to explain. "So last night he texted if I wanted to get a friendly dinner which I agreed to. And that's all it was. I told him about you- about us. And the picture you see of my hand on his is me comforting him that he'll find someone one day. And the hug was just us leaving dinner. That's it I promise." I say looking at the ground, afraid of what I would see if I looked in his face.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, my anxiety at an all time high. Finally he sighed and slid his hand down his face.

"Listen, I'm a rational man. And I trust you when you say that nothing happened. I'm still pissed though that you were texting your ex and went out to dinner with him all without telling me. I'm not a controlling guy but I just want mutual respect and communication okay?" I nodded sheepishly. He deserved at least that and more.

"I'm so sorry Flo. I promise nothing ever happened. I don't want him, I want you. Since I laid eyes on you I've only wanted you." I apologized.

A small smile graced his lips and he pulled me into him, engulfing me in a hug. He placed a small kiss on my forehead and my body instantly relaxed.

"I forgive you. But if I'm a little grumpy today you know why. Sometimes I take a little bit to get over being mad especially when it's about someone I care a lot about." I nodded in his chest, grateful that he was being so understanding.

"I understand. It can take me days sometimes to get over being mad." I explained. I held onto him tightly as his head laid on top of mine. I listened to his steady breathing as I calmed myself down. I had anticipated this going way worse.

Just then my phone beeped from my pocket. I pulled it out from my pocket and saw his name on screen.

Nick: You free later?

I sighed. Speaking of the devil.

Florian pulled away from me quickly. He stood, towering over me.

"Seriously? You're still texting him?" His voice raised with anger.

"No! I promise I didn't text him. He texted me! Look I'll delete his number, block him!" I did the action and turned the phone to show him but he didn't want to hear or see it.
He grabbed his jacket and rushed out of the trailer letting the door slam behind him.

I screamed out in frustration and angry tears fell from my eyes. I wasn't one to cry but I was mad that I had done something so stupid that could cost me an amazing man.

I rushed out of the trailer calling his phone but it repeatedly went to voicemail. I let out a frustrated scream as I leaned my head against my car door.

"Whoa, Nic? You okay?" I turned upon hearing Michael's voice and practically ran into his arms.

He wrapped me in a hug as I sobbed into his chest.

"What's wrong?" He asked rubbing my back.

"Florian." I sobbed.

"What?" He asked confused.

"I messed up. The whole Nick thing is the papers and we've been texting and he's pissed." I explained.


I pulled away from the hug to look at his face.
"We're together." I said simply, wiping my face.

His eyebrows raised as his face showed surprise. "And you were texting your ex AND went out to dinner with him?" He questioned.

I nodded feeling the guilt rush through me again.

"Nic what the hell? You know you'd be pissed if he did that to you."

"I know!" I cried.

He shook his head, sighing. "You're gonna have to give him some time to cool off. Take tomorrow off. You wanna sleep at mine tonight?" He offered.

I shook my head. "No. I just wanna be alone." I climbed into my car and drove home, my heart heavy with the possibility of losing Florian.

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