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Florian's POV
I woke up the next morning with a headache pounding through my head. I had an alarm set since I had go get to the interview at 11. I looked at my phone and saw it was 9 am. I got out of bed and hopped in the shower letting the events of last night play through my mind as the water flowed over my head.

I couldn't believe that Kelly did that. I couldn't believe that I let myself get drunk enough that I could barely push her off of me.

I debated on whether I would tell Nicole or not. I mean nothing really happened right? And we're happy, in love. Why mess with that? I'll talk to Kelly, tell her it was inappropriate and never to do it again and we can just move on. Right?

I stepped out of the shower and changed into the outfit my stylist had pick for me.

A casual outfit that was dressed up a little.

I shrugged on the jacket and slid my cross on

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I shrugged on the jacket and slid my cross on. I opened the door and headed down the elevator to the car. I found Kelly waiting in the lobby. She saw me and smiled wide like nothing happened last night.

"Hey Flo." She walked up to me.

"Hey. Ready to go?" I didn't wait for her response and just walked straight to the car. I climbed in and she climbed in behind me.

She began to give me a run down of the day. I barely listened, nodding as she finished.

"I think we need to talk about last night." I stated.

"Oh um, yeah." She said putting her phone down.

"That was completely inappropriate and can never happen again. I'm with Nicole. I don't know where that came from but it can't happen again. Understand?" I finished looking at her.

"Yes Florian, I'm sorry. I was drunk. I don't know what came over me. It won't happen again." She apologized.

I nodded and we rode the rest of the way in silence.
We got to the location for the interview and I immediately separated from Kelly going to find Michael. I needed to get away from her and needed to speak to someone other than her.

I found him chatting with the woman who would be interviewing us.

"Speaking of the devil." He joked turning and dapping me up.

"Hello Florian. Nice to see you." The woman greeted. I couldn't remember her name.

"Thanks. Nice to meet you as well. I'm very excited." I greeted, smiling at her.

"I'll see you two on set shortly." She said as she walked away to her seat.

I turned to Michael. "How's it been down here?" He asked.
As much as I wanted to tell Michael about what happened with Kelly, I couldn't. He's biased. He'd run back and tell Nicole what happened. I've got it handled though so there's no need to worry.

I shrugged. "It's been good. Kelly has been showing me around." I said. "How's Nic?" I hadn't talked to her this morning and wanted to check on her when we finished this interview.

"She's good man. Missing you obviously. A little annoying cuz Kay gone on a trip with her family for the next week and you're not there so she just popped up at my place and made me watch greys anatomy with her." He complained, rolling his eyes.

"She's watching without me?!" I questioned. I couldn't believe that little sneaky snake.

"Nah man she made me start from the beginning. For hours. I mean hoooouuurrs. I'm so tired of mcdreamy this mcdreamy that. Just pick a woman Derek." I chucked as he started to walk over to the couch we would be sitting at together. I sat beside him. And soon the interview began.
We talked about the movie and training and my boxing background.
Soon it was finished and Michael and I decided to go grab lunch together. Later that night we'd be doing a bigger press event and then we would leave in the morning.

We went to lunch at a Mexican place. I got 3 tacos and a carne asada plate. And lots of queso. What can I say, I love cheese 🤷🏻‍♂️.

Nicole's POV

I sat on my phone scrolling through the comments in my instagram. Ever since we had posted the picture of us together, I'd been getting messages and comments telling me how ugly I am or how I don't deserve him and death threats. I tried to shrug it off. I had received them before when Michael and I were seen in public for the first time and people thought he was my boyfriend. After clarification that stopped. But now it was back with a vengeance.

Florian's is basically a Greek god and his fans were no joke when it came to me "stealing their man."

I sighed, closing the app and moving on to Twitter. My notifications were blowing up there and I had to disable my dms because of how many messages I was getting there as well.

After scrolling through for about half an hour I decided to get out of bed. I checked the time, 12:30 pm. That means it's 3:30 in Miami. Florian promised to call me before he went to bed. I knew they had a big press event tonight so that might be later than usual.

I decided to get some grocery shopping done. I slipped on some leggings, a hoodie and my Jordan black stingrays and head out.

 I slipped on some leggings, a hoodie and my Jordan black stingrays and head out

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I spent the next few hours grocery shopping and cleaning my place. By time I was done it was dinner time and even though I had bought a whole fridge worth of food, I didn't feel like cooking tonight. I decided to order some Chinese take out instead.

I sat on my couch watching ghost adventures and eating my General tsos chicken. I glanced at my phone and noticed the time was 10:23 pm meaning it was 1:23 am in Miami. Still no call from Florian. I huffed a little pissed but I understood how these things could go later than predicted.

I finished the episode and decided to call it a night. I put my food away and went to take a shower. I checked my phone one last time. Still nothing.

I sent Florian goodnight. Hope everything went great today.

I laid my phone down on my nightstand and soon I was out like a light.

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