Punching bag

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I woke up the next morning in Florian's arms. I tried to break from his tight grasp but it was very hard. His arms are quite large and he hold me very tightly. I finally manage to slip out of bed, going to prepare us breakfast.

Once I was finished cooking I went back in the room to find him still sleep, this time turned onto his stomach. I climbed onto his back, massaging it until he woke up.

He moaned, "I could get used to this." He commented. I giggling rubbing him a little longer than climbing off of him.

"Breakfast is ready." I called walking back to the kitchen.

He came out and gave me a quick peck on the lips before walking to the table. I set the plate in front of him and watched as he devoured it.

When he finished he leaned back in the chair rubbing his stomach.

"I knew I loved you when you cooked for me the first time." He joked. I rolled my eyes smiling and sipping on my coffee.

"What are your plans for today?" I asked.

"I'm supposed to go to the gym with your brother." He answered. I nodded.

"I guess it's time for me to go home." I joked.

He pouted. "No I like you here." Be held his hands out and I went and sat in his lap as he hugged me close.

I rubbed my hand over the pack of his head.

"It's okay baby. I've gotta go home and clean anyway. Plus I can't live in your t shirts forever." I smiled.

"But you look so sexy in my clothes." He complimented. I shook my head and kissed him before standing and going to wash the dishes. I went to the bathroom, turning on the shower and letting it get hot. I stripped the t-shirt off and stepped inside, careful to not get my hair wet.

As I was letting the water run over my body I heard the door open.

"Mind if I join you?" He climbed in with me. This was a large shower but for some reason I found myself pressed against his large body. I leaned up kissing him. He grabbed my hips, lifting me up and pressing me against the wall. And we got a little dirty before we got clean 😏😉.

Florian's POV
I hit the bag hard, delivering devastating blows. Michael stood to the side watching me.

"Damn man you'd think you were trying to kill the bag." He joked. He walked over to the bar, doing pull ups. I laughed.

At this point, we had been at the gym for about 2 hours. I was definitely sweating but not close to finishing. I loved the feeling of my hands hitting the bag. It was like pure ecstasy.

After a few more sets of combos I moved on to the weights. Michael joined me as my spotter.

"So how are things with my sister?" He questioned.

I smiled just thinking of our shower session just hours before.

"Amazing man." I replied back.

"Damn you must be sprung. Your whole face just lit up."

"What can I say man. She's amazing. She's beautiful, funny, smart, can cook and in the bed-"

"HEY! I don't need to hear that!" He gagged.

"Sorry man." I chucked, putting the bar back on the rack. I sat up, wiping the sweat off my forehead.

"How's Kay?" I asked.

We switched positions and I took off about 50 lbs of weight from the bar.

"She's good man. Crazy. Keeps me on my toes in the best way. And the sex man omg." He gushed.

I chuckled. "So you can talk about the sex but I can't?" I teased.

His face deadpanned. "I'm not talking about sex with your sister." He retorted.

I chuckled, nodding my head. "True."

"You love her man?" I asked. I wasn't sure how long they'd been together but it was obviously longer than Nicole and I.

A smoked instantly came to his face. "I think so man." He set the bar onto the rack and sat up. I sat on the floor beside him, taking a rest. "I'm thinking of taking her with us when we go to France, tell her then. Ya know the city of love?" He explained.

I nodded. "Look at you being a romantic." I teased. He threw the towel at me as I laughed harder.

"What about you man? You love my sister?" He asked.

"Yes." I answered without hesitation. "I wanna take her to meet my parents when we go to Germany."

"Wow. She's meeting your mom and pops. That's big." He replied.

I nodded. "I want them to meet the woman I love." I shrugged. It was reasonable. Nicole was the last thing I expected when I began filming this movie. I expected to come here and just film then go back to Germany. But now I have a reason to stay. I just have to figure out how to. I've been thinking about applying for dual citizenship. I'm currently here on a work visa for the movie but once we're finished filming I'll only have about a month to try to get citizenship before I'll have to go back to Germany. I haven't told Nicole that yet though...

Nicole's POV
After cleaning and doing some much needed laundry, I decided to just relax on the couch. I popped in a scary movie and was sitting in my own terror when my phone rang, scaring me.

"Hello?" I answered, calming myself down.

"Hey girl what are you up to?" Kays voice floated through the phone.

"Nothing girl just watching movies. What you up to?" I replied

"Nothing. Bored over here until Michael gets home." She answered.

"Why don't you come over? We can have a good ol fashioned movie marathon!" I cheered.

She squealed through the phone. "Yes girl I'll be there in 20 minutes!"

"Dress comfy!" I called before she hung up the phone.

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