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Florian and I decided to go out to dinner tonight since he's gonna be traveling this weekend for promo. I was low key mad at him because all week he's been paying more attention to his phone that me. I'm not one who needs a lot of attention but it sucks when you're talking and feel like no one is listening even if he's right next to me.


I just finished assembling my outfit

Hopefully this will get his attention

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Hopefully this will get his attention.

"Babe! Come on it can't take anyone that long to get ready!" He complained from the living room.

"5 minutes!" I called back. I slipped on my heels, spread some gloss across my lips and walked out of my bedroom. I caught myself in the mirror before I made it to the living room

Damn I look good

I made my way into the living room and Florian was slumped back on the couch, his phone in his face.

I cleared my throat to get his attention.

"Final- whoa." He stood and made his way over to me. "You look so good. I could skip dinner and just eat you instead." He teased, nibbling on my ear.

I giggled placing my hands on his chest. "As good as that sounds, I'm starving."

"I got some meat for you." He grabbed a handful of my ass squeezing it hard. I gasped.

"Flo..." I moaned. I pulled away from him before things could get heated.

"Let's go big boy." I winked, picking up my purse. He rolled his eyes, opening the door for me and we made our way out to his car.

~At dinner~
I sat picking at what was left of my food. Dinner had started well. We were talking and conversations. Then Florian got a call from his manager, Kelly.
I didn't mind, I knew how important her calls could be so I wasn't mad. But then, he started texting and emailing and by the time our food came, he was paying more attention to his phone than to me. So I had long finished my food and was waiting for him to notice or acknowledge it.

"Ahem." I cleared my throat. Nothing. I did it again. "Ahem."

His head snapped up. "Huh?" He put his phone down on the table. "Sorry baby." He looked down at my plate and saw it was empty. "Finished already?" He chuckled while I just looked at him straight faced.

"Yea." I said dryly. "You ready to go?" I asked. I was over this night. I wanted a date with him before he left. I know it was only 2 days but we wouldn't be talking much because he'd be busy doing press and zooming from place to place. Probably FaceTime calls at night and that's it.

The waiter came and Florian paid. I stood up, not waiting for him to pull out my chair for me with him trailing behind me to the car.

"What's wrong?" He asked getting in the car.

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