Pillow Talk

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I woke up the next morning, yawning softly. I stretched my arms out, coming in contact with a hard surface.
"Ow!" I heard a groan and realized I had hit Florian in the nose. He rubbed it glaring down at me.

"Sorry." I apologized sheepishly. I slid up and kissed his nose before sitting on his waist. His hands rubbed circles on my thighs as he looked at me in all my morning glory.

I gave him a quick peck before climbing out of bed and heading to the shower. I climbed in doing my routine then came out, wrapping a towel around my body.

I realized that I didn't have any clothes to wear other than the ones I wore last night so I grabbed a t-shirt from Florian's drawer and slipped it over me. It easily looked like a dress as it came to my thigh.

Florian was no longer in the bedroom when I returned and I began my search for him. I found him in the kitchen scrambling eggs.

"Whoa, sexy, great in bed, and can cook? Man I really hit the jackpot." I joked grabbing the orange juice from the fridge and 2 glasses. I made my way to the table and sat across from where he stood at the stove. He made his way over and scraped some eggs into my plate before sliding my a few pieces of bacon and a bowl of fruit. I immediately began to tear into the food.

Florian's POV
I watched in awe as she ate the food. She is so beautiful and sweet and kind and funny and I love the way she crinkles her nose when she doesn't like something and how she already knows that I prefer homemade brownies to store bought ones. God I love her.

Omg. I can't believe I said that out loud last night. Thankfully she didn't hear me because she was asleep.

"Flo?" Her calling my name broke me from my trance.

"Huh? Sorry? What?" I asked taking a sip to cover up that I had been creepily staring at her.

"I said what are your plans for the day?"

"Oh uh, nothing I don't have a training session since all the fight scenes are done filming. So nothing. Maybe you could stay and we could have a movie day?" I proposed.

She nodded smiling taking another bite of her food. I love seeing her in my clothes. They make her look even smaller and sexier if that's even possible. We finished eating and made our way towards the living room. I grabbed her blanket from the closet and handed it to her as we snuggled in together and decided on what movie to watch.

Nicole's POV
All through the movie all I could think about was what he said last night. I love you.
I mean he did say it right? I wasn't dreaming? How could this perfect, incredible man love me? And how was I lucky enough to have him love me?

I was thinking so hard that I missed the ending of the movie. Florian picked up the remote as he scrolled through for our next selection.

"That ending was kinda disappointing." He critiqued.

"Yeah. Totally." I lied. I had no idea how the movie had ended.

"What next? I'm thinking a Rom-com. I know how much you love those." He suggested.

I smiled at him nodding. I snuggled into him again and Love Actually began playing. He started running his hands through my hair and before I knew it I was knocked out.
I woke up and found myself laying on a pillow with the blanket pulled up over me. Florian wasn't anywhere in sight. I got up looking for him throughout the house and then as I was walking passed the glass door that lead to the backyard, I saw him crouched down doing something. I slid the door open, calling his name.

"Flo?" I asked stepping out onto the patio.

His head turned around and he smiled seeing me. He stood up holding a hand out to me. I walked over grabbing his hand before he pulled me in front of him to show me what he was doing just moments ago. In front of me was a small picnic set up on a blanket. There was pillows, a bottle of wine, glasses, various snacks and of course his favorite: pizza. I gasped at how sweet it was.

 I gasped at how sweet it was

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I turned to see him biting his lip, nervous for my reaction

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I turned to see him biting his lip, nervous for my reaction.

"So.. what do you think?" He asked.

I smiled wide. "It's perfect Flo. I love it! Thank you." I gushed pulling him into a big hug. I stood on my tip toes and planted a kiss on his lips. His hand wrapped around my waist pressing me flush against him. We pulled apart as I smiled up at him.

"I love you." He breathed out. My eyes widened but I didn't feel fear or nervousness. It was like a calm washed over me.

"I love you too." I responded. I didn't think it was possible but his smile got even bigger. He lifted me up into a bear hug swinging me around as I laughed. He stopped, still holding me up in the air. My hand cupped his cheek and he leaned into it staring at me silently.

"You're so handsome." I gushed.

"You are absolutely stunning and sweet, like caramel." he replied.

I giggled softly. "chocolate and vanilla swirl. You down for the swirl baby?" I joked.

He smiled goofily. "I love the swirl baby."

I shook my head kissing him. This is why i love him. To others, he looked like a hard, tough guy but he was actually a big teddy bear on the inside. He was so sweet and caring. He treated me better than I ever have been by any other guy I have ever been with.

"ich liebe dich." I spoke surprising him. His eyes widened in surprise.

"When did you learn German?" He asked.

I shrugged, pulling him down into a seated position on the blanket.

"I've been trying to learn some so that I could surprise you." I confessed.

He smiled goofily as he poured wine in my glass. "You just get more and more amazing."

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