2~ Patched

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"We're here." I felt a nudge on my shoulder. I slowly opened my eyes, and saw the old brick building. In big letters above the doors, it said 'Lark's' only the 'k' was missing. It must have fallen off.
When I looked down, I realized I was gripping a towel to my stomach. 'Where did he get a towel?' It didn't matter, anyways. Roger got out of the car, and came around to my side. When he scooped me into his arms, I felt a tingle run through my spine. He was so gentle.
Before we even got to the door, Lark's daughter, Phyllis, ran out. "Is that Kellen?!" I wrapped my arms tighter around Roger as she approached. "Oh my god... It is."
"Lark" I managed to say. I could barely even hear myself.
"Is Lark here?" Roger said. He continued to walk forward, as Phyllis hesitated to move. Then, she ran back into the building before us.
He pushed open the door right as Lark appeared. She was big and strong. She took me into her arms and out if Rogers, and rushed me to the back. I was set onto a small, wooden table in Lark's office.
"Phyllis, go grab the med kit." Phyllis left the room, and came back a minute later with a red box in her hands.
I looked to the corner of the room, and saw Roger leaned against the wall. He was looking down at his hands, and then to me. That was when I closed my eyes, and the whole world disappeared. 

The last thing I remember was Roger's expression. He had this look of worry when he looked at his palms. Almost like he felt guilty. I felt even more sorry. I'm the queen of screwing things up. Queen of ruining things. 

When I woke up, everything was bright. A weird kind of bright, where all I could see was this one light that shined silver. Then, the room started to take place again. A blanket was thrown over me, and in the corner, sitting on an old chair was Roger. I opened my mouth to speak, but found that I was wordless. 

Roger looked up, and saw that I was awake. He ran over to my side, and sat me up. I almost fell I was so weak, but he held me there in his arms. "I got you." he said, "How do you feel? Can you talk?"

"I-- My stomach." I whispered. "They hurt me."

"Who hurt you? W-who are they?" 

"I don't know who. I only know why." He stared at me for a second before I continued. "They want me dead. Because my father." 

"What about your father?"

"My dad told them lies about me, not to kill me, only to spread rumors about me. They were bad rumors though, and now those men want me dead." I started to cry, tears ran down my cheek. 

Roger held me in his arms, cradling me. "Shh. It's OK. Shh." He grabbed me by the shoulders, and stared into my eyes. I looked back into his. They were blue like the ocean waves against sunset. His eyes were gorgeous and soft, and it really calmed me down. "I'm gonna help you. It's gonna be OK, and those men won't hurt you again. I promise." 

"OK." I nodded, wiping my tears. 

"I'm Roger, the drummer from Queen. Can you tell me about yourself?"

"My name is Kellen. I work at a cafe, which is where I was headed when I was attacked."

"OK." He wrapped one arm around me. and held his other hand against my stomach, which had a huge white bandage wrapped on. He smiled gently, and I felt safe for the first time in a long time. "It's good to know your OK, Kellen." 

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