19 ~ Drowse

226 9 3

Filler Chapter...

Kellen's POV

It was 1:17 in the morning when Roger pulled up to my driveway. He had stopped to call El and Jamie after we went to the police station. They should be waiting inside for me. 

Answering questions for the officer was really weird. I felt all panicky for some reason. Like I'd say something wrong and they'd punish me. I don't know. It was just really weird, and I had a creepy feeling about it the whole time. 

Roger came around the car, wrapping an arm around me and walking me to the door. I could tell that only one light was on through the window. I assumed it was the kitchen light. He knocked on the door looking down at me. 

A smile stretched across my face. God, I loved him. I hugged him, burying myself into his warmth. I felt so safe. Roger was all that kept me happy. 

The door opened, but only a crack where I could see an eye peek through. Then, it swung open and El appeared. "Jamie!! She's here!!" She yelled, stealing me from Roger and pulling me into a tight hug. I felt another person come from behind me and hug me. It was Jamie. I could hear their whimpers and breathing in my ears they were so close. 

They both let me go after Roger pried them off. I was about to suffocate. Without saying another word, we all walked into the house, Roger locking the door behind us. That made me smile again, the fact that he even fixed little details like locking the door to help me. 

We all went to the living room and sat down. Jamie against the fireplace wall, El in the chair, Roger and I on the sofa. It was hard to believe I was here. Safe. 

"How is she holding up?" Jamie asked, turned to Roger. Could've just asked me personally. 

Roger turned to look at me in question. "Good, she's alright. Right, Kellen?" 

"Uhh, yeah. I guess so. Now that he's not out there." I actually was holding up OK. I was still traumatized and disgusted. I'll have a lot of night mares in the future, I know that, but at least I was safe now that my father was in prison. 

I leaned my head against Roger's shoulder, starting to daze off. They continued to all talk to each other, but I zoned out and thought about other things. Mostly about how Roger found me and was able to get inside the house and win a fight against my dad. That seemed impossible and I still didn't understand it. 

After a while longer, I fell asleep. I was so warn out and noxious. Having to go through physical pain for that long without sleep, then take a 14 hour car trip right after that, and then have to also talk to the police made me so sleep deprived. Plus, I haven't had any food in a while, making my energy go way down. 

When I woke up, I was in my  own bed. God, it was so comfortable. I didn't want to get up. I was finally able to pull myself out of bed, though, and walked to my door out into the hallway. It was 1:45 in the morning, longest I've ever slept until, but it made sense. 

I walked to the kitchen where Jamie and El were drinking their tea. They both looked up to meet my gaze. "Where's Roger?" I asked. Please don't say he left. 

"He's in the other room." El replied. Oh thank god! "Kellen, are you alright? Do you need anything?" 

No. Shit. Don't start treating me like someone else. I don't need her pity right now, it will only make me feel worse. "Uhh, no. I'm fine. Really, I am." I said. I walked into the room across the hall. 

Roger was sitting in a chair, obviously deep in thought. He looked up to see me. "Kellen," He got up and walked over to me placing his hands on my hips. He acted normal around me, unlike El and Jamie. "How'd you sleep?" Normal question!

"Good." I said, giggling a little bit. I smiled looking into his ocean eyes. 

"Good." He replied. He placed a soft kiss on my lips and gazed back into my eyes. "Somethings still wrong, though. Let me take you somewhere."

"What?" I was so surprised by what he had said. "Roger, I'm fine." I reassured, just like I did with El and Jamie. 

"No, you're still hurt. I can tell, and I hate it. I can't stand to see you like this. Please?"

I rolled my eyes at him. "Fine. Where are you taking me?"

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me out into the hallway, headed for the door. "Our special place." He said over his shoulder. Special place as in... the forest clearing? We got in his car before saying goodbye to the other two, and drove off in the direction of his place. 

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