4 ~ Love Kills

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All jokes aside, I've kinda always had a crush on Roger. I even went to see Smile a couple of times before Queen became a thing. Of course, I stayed hidden in the back so no one would see me, but I was there. 

I was awake before the sun, and all I could think about was what I was gonna say. After a while, I planned a specific set of words, which I rehearsed in my head. 'I don't feel safe anymore, but I'm too scared to go to the police. I don't know what to do.' It sounded OK to me. At least this early in the morning it did. 

I got out of bed and looked out the window. I was expecting to see someone out there, but instead I saw the light of the sunrise hitting the flowers. It was a pleasing and golden sight. I quickly turned around though, as I heard voices from downstairs. Not just one voice. 'This is probably gonna be really stupid.' I thought, as I walked to the bedroom door. I opened it slowly just a crack, and peered out into the hallway. Nobody was there, so I opened it a little more and stuck out my whole head. Still clear. Then, I realized Rogers bedroom door was opened, when he had closed it last night going to bed. He must have gotten up, and that must be his voice down stairs. 

I closed the door behind me and started walking to the end of the hall. Half way down the stairs I saw Roger at the front door, and another curly haired man leaving. It was his friend Brian, I realized. When Roger shut the door, I came down and met him face to face. When he saw me, he instantly lighted up with a smile. 

"Good morning!" He laughed. "I hope I didn't wake you. That was just my friend at the door."

"It's OK. I've been up for a while." I replied. I really just wanted to get to the point about what I wanted to say, but I thought I should wait until it's not so early. 

"Oh good. I'm making some tea right now. Did you sleep well?" How much is he gonna say? I had to take a moment to process what he asked before I answered. 

""Uh yeah. I slept OK. Thanks."

"Great!" He grabbed my arm, and led me to the kitchen. It was big and clean, unlike mine. He really had a completely different life style. "You can sit down, if you'd like." I sat down at the end of the table. "Are you hungry?" He asked.

"Uh, no, not really." I actually couldn't bare the thought of food right now. I don't know why, cause I haven't eaten in a while. My last meal was breakfast yesterday, and all I had was a bowl of oats. I should be starving.

He brought over two cups and gave one to me. "Thank you." I whispered. Tea I did want. My throat hurt so much today. I could barely swallow. I took a small sip to see if it was too hot. It was just  the right temperature, and the flavor was perfectly balanced. I don't think I've ever had tea as good as this. 

I think it's time I brought up the problem. "Uh, Roger?" I hesitated.

He looked up from his paper sheet. Probably a new song the band was writing. "What is it?"

"Uh, I..." Shit. this is hard. "I don't really... feel safe anymore." I could feel a lump form in my throat and my eyes tear up. "I just don't want to go to the police, though. I'm... I don't know what  to do." A tear trickled down my cheek as I looked down, rubbing my thumb against my palm. 

"Kellen," He said, getting up from his seat. "I know you don't feel safe, but we're going to fix that. I promised you." He came over to me, and stood me up to. I wasn't expecting him to wrap his arms around me, but he did. He gazed into my eyes, and smiled a little bit. I felt warm. "I don't know what to do either, except for watch over you, and that's what I'm gonna do." How the hell was he handling this so well? 

He wiped the tears from my eyes and held me closer. I rested my head against his chest, realizing that I really didn't sleep well, and was still weak and out of energy. It lifted my spirits to know he actually wanted to help and protect me. I think I've needed this for a long time. 

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