27 ~ DNA

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We sat outside in the waiting room, hoping the test would come back soon. I was scared though. I really wanted this to come back positive and prove Magnolia was in fact Roger's. I couldn't stop picking at the palm of my hand. 

"Hey, it's OK, Kellen," He whispered, "It's OK if she's not mine, you know that." He grabbed my hand, squeezing it. 

"I know, it's just, she would have that guys genes, and maybe grow up to be like him." I said. 

"She's not. Me and you are gonna raise her into whoever she'll be. We'll make sure it doesn't happen." Roger responded. He leaned over and kissed my temple. "Hey, when I proposed, you said your first name was John. Why John?" He asked. 

I let out a sigh. "My dad really wanted a boy, and I was a girl, so the closest thing he could get to was a girl with a boys name, apparently. So anyways, he decided on John."

"Oh," Roger looked back down, "I'm sorry, Kk."

"It's fine. Not your fault." I said as he wrapped his arms around me. It's been hours since they took Magnolia's diaper inside for testing. We wanted to stay here though, that way we could get the answers right as they finished. 

All of a sudden, the woman came back out, holding a clip board and a pen. "That was a quick test, which is unusual. But, I want to reassure you that all the information gathered is in fact resourceful." 

"What does that mean?" Roger asked.

"It means everything is true and none of the information is wrong." She walked over to the other side of the room. "Follow me please." She lead us back to a door, where inside was a small office. As we walked in, she closed the door behind us. "Have a seat."

"Thank you, miss, uhh," Roger mumbled. 

"Doctor Kline," She corrected. "Now, shall we have at it?" Without a response, the Doctor looked down at the clipboard, and started to speak again. "As it shows here," She picked it up, showing us the information. "Here, it says that Mr. Taylor, you have a STR that shows 7 repeats in site 1 and 6 repeats in site 2. Now, I know this is confusing, but stay with me. Ms. Smith, on your STR, it says 4 repeats in site1and 19 repeats in site 2. Your baby, Magnolia, has a site 1 reading with 12 repeats and a second site with 14 repeats."

Roger interrupted her before she explained any more. "What is an STR? And what the heck does site and repeat mean?" 

"I was getting to that." Dr. Kline said. "STR stands for Short Tandem Repeat. See, if you add both your agats, as in what's being counted, in site one, they equal 11, which is one short of your kids. In site two, when you subtract them both they equal 13, again one short."

Both of our faces were blank. I don't think either of us knew what she was talking about. "So, you're saying that our agats don't match up with Magnolia's?"

"Yes," She said

Roger was quick to respond, "What does that mean? Is it good or bad?" I think we were both thinking bad. The numbers didn't line up.

"You see," She pointed back down at the clipboard's data. "The STR's are different, but that's because you and your kid aren't the same person. However, the agat readings your kid has compare the same. That's only possible if the biological parents of the kid were also tested, which they were." She said, looking between us.

I softly mumbled, "So, Roger's--"

"Roger's the father." A smile spread across her face. 

Both Roger and I stood up, hugging each other. "Oh my god!" I shouted. I didn't know what else to say. This was amazing! A tear trickled down my cheek. I was so damn happy. 

"I had a kid." He whispered. "My own child!" We pulled away from each other. I could tell Roger was getting light headed. I gave him a soft kiss before pushing him down into his chair to sit down. I was getting a bit light headed myself and also sat back down. 

"Congratulations you two." Doctor Kline said. She stood up, shaking both our hands. She then walked over to the door, opening it. I still couldn't stand. "I'll give you both a minute." She winked, walking out and closing the door. 

(Two hours later...)

We walked back up to the house where everyone sat on the porch. Deaky was holding Magnolia, feeding her from a bottle. I got under the porch roof and sat down, Deaky got up, handing me the baby girl. I laughed a little bit, looking into her sweet eyes. At this, Deaky also giggled, smiling at me. 

"So? What's the news?" Brian asked, sipping his tea. 

Roger looked at me and I nodded my head. He turned back to every one else and said, "Everyone, Magnolia Bo's father is..." Everyone instinctively broke out into a drum roll. "It's me! I'm a father!" They all stood up cheering. They gathered around Roger, hugging him, and then to me, taking turns hugging me because I had a baby in my hands. 

"Congratulations, darling." Freddie said, kissing the top of my head. 

"Thank you." I said, giggling. I was really happy. I could tell everyone was.

While the group was all laughing and cheering, Maggie some how managed to fall asleep. I thought she would cry with all that was happening, but she just curled up right in my arms. "You guys, shut up! Maggie's sleeping." They all looked over, smiling as they admired the two of us. 

Right then, we all turned as the telephone inside started to ring. They all ignored it, except for Mary and I. I handed Magnolia over to Mary and pushed past all of the boys. Grabbing the phone, everyone realized where I was and followed me inside to wait out my conversation silently. However, it didn't last that long.

A tear fell from my eye as I tried to speak. "Dad?"

(Ahh, sorry for that total twist in the story. This is the end of the Fan Fiction, however, I will add on another part soon because I've got a prequel coming. It's just gonna follow up on everything that just happened. Also, I didn't really  know what I was doing with the whole STR thing. It was kind of a instant lesson for me and I just learned what it was. Anyways, some of the info on STR is probably wrong because I just copied most of it off of an online picture lol. Anyways, I've got another book coming, so hang in there.;))

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