3~ Home Again

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We were driving in his car again. I don't know where, but I really hoped it wasn't the police station. I would be too scared to go there. Anyways, I felt a thousand times better, thanks to Lark. I finally had the energy to move, think, and even keep myself from hunching over. Now that I could do all that, I started to think about what was happening. 

Step by step: Crazy men came and cut me, Roger Taylor took me to Lark's, Roger Taylor is driving me some place safe. Roger Fucking Taylor. I think I must be in a nightmare, and he's the only good thing about it. Which, the good thing in a nightmare always makes it creepier to me. Why should there be any good? It's a nightmare!

"Should I drive you to your apartment?" He asked. What? My apartment? There was no way I was gonna let him see that hell hole. It's not like I could afford anything better, though. 

"No. Not my place." He looked at me in a slight worried way. I had to make up another excuse on the spot. "They might know where I live." That was actually true. They could be waiting for me to show up at my apartment, so they can just finish me. 

Roger just kept driving, looking at the road ahead. "So, then where should I take you?"

"I don't know." I actually had no idea where to go. My friend Electra was out of town, and my other friend Jamie lived with me. 

"I'll take you back to my place then." Back to his place? I don't know if I wanted to go there, but it looked like I had no other choice. "I'll give you the guest bedroom. Does that sound alright?"

"Sure. I guess so." How was I supposed to respond to that? I couldn't focus on what to do and what to say anymore. I was still tired. I leaned my head against the car window. The cold of the glass against my skin calmed me down. It reminded me of simple, better days. 

Eventually, we pulled up to this big, beautiful house with a pretty garden and lawn. "We're here." Roger said, opening his door and jumping out into the night air. He came around to my side, even though I was already half out. He pulled me up, wrapped one arm around me, and held my hand with his other. It made me feel a lot better to know someone cared so much. 

His house was gorgeous!! So unique. I didn't know what to say about it, so the whole way upstairs, I just remained quiet. Roger led me to the end of a hall way, and opened the last door.  The room inside was amazing. A soft quilted bed with a pine wood frame. A pine dresser. Forest green walls. It had a really nice homey feeling to it. I couldn't believe this was actually happening. Something so great can't come out of something so terrible, but I guess it did. 

After making sure I was OK for the night, Roger left and went to his own room. When he did, the first thing I did was pick up the telephone. I dialed Electra's hotel number, and waited for her voice to trade out the ringing. I told her what had happened, and that I was OK, but that I was scared. She's so understandable. She told me that if someone (Roger) was willing to help a random stranger (Me) and let that stranger into their house, they will probably do their best to protect the stranger as well. They can't just stop caring. She was right. Roger came this far. Why would he give up now? Anyways, she was originally gonna come back tomorrow, so there was no need for her to schedule an earlier flight in. 

I also told Jamie. He wasn't as calm as Electra, but just to hear his voice made me happy. He's gonna come by tomorrow at 10:30 AM to pick me up. He wanted it to be 8:00, but I refused. I had to straighten things up with Roger first. Like, 'How could I be safe if I'm not even around you?' kind of questions. 

(SORRY!! That was long. I'll try and make a short filler next chapter.)

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