8 ~ Parents

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We were back in the car, Roger and me. I felt guilty, because he had to come get me right after dropping me off. That was really shitty of me. I leaned my head against the cold glass of the window as we drove down a highway. I made him promise he wouldn't take me back to my place, cause then I'd have to tell Jamie I was fired. I didn't want Jamie to pity me anymore than he already does. 

"Hey Roger?" I said.


"About your question earlier," At this, Roger turned to look at me. "I--" How was I gonna put this? "My dad was abusive. But he had his reasons." I feel like I've already said to much.

"What do you mean? He had his reasons?"

"When I was little, really little, I accidentally uh, I don't remember what I did, but it caused my parents to get divorced. For a while, I'd switch between houses, but then my mom disappeared. Went to get a job in Florida." Why was I telling him the whole story? Oh god, this is bad. I found myself still talking, even after trying to stop. "He was always drunk. Since I ruined things in the first place, I was framed for every other problem he had. Like a dirty house, or not having enough money for food. He would always hit me for it, or cuss me out. Only time I was allowed to leave my room, was for school, or for fixing his problems."

There was something different about Roger when I told him that, compared to other people. He didn't look like he felt bad for me. Not in a pitiful way. "Kellen, I'm really sorry. That's terrible, but it's not your fault."

What was he talking about? Yes it was! "It was my fault, Roger. I screwed everything up. I always forgot to finish something, I always left him disappointed. He had a perfectly good reason to blame it all on me."

"No, he didn't!" He raised his  voice. It startled me to hear him like that. Quickly calming himself down, he said in a quiet voice, "Kellen, it's not your fault they got divorced. That should have been their own problem. He shouldn't have done that to you."

"How would you know?" This was a really sensitive topic for me, and I felt several tears fall from my eyes.

Apparently, this was a sensitive topic for the both of us. He responded, "Because my parents abused me. My dad was drunk too, and would hit me when the house wasn't clean, or blame me for his mistakes." He gripped the steering wheel tighter. "My mom wasn't as bad. She'd just yell."

I really had no idea about his family. I felt really bad for assuming things about him now. He seemed like he's always had such a perfect life, but I was wrong. "I'm sorry." I whispered. I was full out  balling my eyes out now. I couldn't stand it any more. This topic, or anything. I probably hurt his feelings saying that. He probably didn't even want to tell me. 

He took my hand and kissed it, still looking at the road. "You have nothing to apologize for. I'm sorry for being the one to bring it up." For the rest of the ride, he held my hand, letting me cry. I just couldn't stop, and let everything out, all at once. Everything I've been trying not to let out, all in one big cry. I was sorry that he had to be the one with me when it happened. 

He soon pulled up to a different shopping center. This was one I've never been to. Greener, and cleaner than the one I had worked at. The pathways to each building was brick, and each building had it's own unique wall art painted to it. 

He parked the car, and turned to me. "Are you alright?" he asked.

I wiped away the few tears I had left, and squeezed his hand. "Yeah. I'm better. Thank you." I was trying really hard to avoid eye contact with him. I probably had a new set of bags under my eyes.

He opened his door and started to get out, but before he did, he looked at me and said, "Let me buy you something. Anything." 

Let him buy me something? No way! I didn't want him to waste his money on me. That was gonna be a big mistake if he did. "No, I don't want you to."

He shut his door and came around to my side. Opening my door and pulling me into his arms  he softly said, "Yes. I'm gonna let you pick anything out. Please? I want to get you something." 

This was gonna be a mistake. I still hugged him tightly, and whispered, "OK. Fine." A smile appeared on my face. I was so glad to have met him. He's already changed my whole life into something I could never imagine.

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