9 ~ Shopping

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The first shop he took me to was a clothing store. Everything in there was expensive and super in style. That wasn't my type of thing. I preferred hand me downs, cheap unique clothing, or handmade clothing.

 I pretended to enjoy the shop though, since Roger obviously was. I walked over to where he was standing. He took off the ugliest yellow dress off a rack, held it to himself, and started twirling around and humming. I giggled a little bit. He was so amazing. He put it back up and walked over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. 

"Maybe not a good store." He grinned. His  smile was so adorable and cheerful. "Let's go." He grabbed my wrist and quickly walked out the door to the next shop. 

We had gone to three other stores (4 total) before coming across a unique, handmade items store. They had stuff from clothing, jewelry, decorations, and even children's toys. While Roger wondered around, I went to the cashier and asked who makes it all. She told me local people starting new business's like to start by selling their stuff here. I thought that was really cool. 

I decided to make my way to the back of the store, looking at the stuff on the way. There was a lot of really cool stuff here. I found Roger near the back. He walked over to me, holding something in his hand. He was trying to hide it, but made it very obvious. 

"Kellen, what about this?" He smiled, biting his lip a little bit as he held up a silver necklace. The charm on the end wasn't big, but it wasn't too small either. It was a crescent moon with a red gem dangling between the two tips of the moon. It was beautiful.

"Roger, it's really pretty. Wow." He laughed a little when I said that, out of excitement. 

"Let me get it for you." He clenched it back into his fist, and started walking to the front counter. Before he did, though, I grabbed his arm. 

"Wait, how much does it cost?" Like I said, I didn't want to waist his money, so I was trying to find something cheap. 

"Oh, only a few dollars. It's fine." He said, running off in the other direction. 

Just to be sure he was telling the truth, I headed to where all the jewelry was. I found more crescent necklaces with different designs. When I looked at the price of them, I realized the mistake I've made. They were 30 dollars each. No way was I letting him get that. 

I rushed to the front of the store, pushing past the other people. When I got to the counter, I saw the lady putting money in the cash register, and Roger grabbing a miniature gift bag. I was too late. 

Roger waved me over, and I quickly walked to his side, heading out the door. "Roger, you lied." I said. 

"What? About what?" He slowed his pace so he could look at me.

"You said it was a few dollars. I checked, and it said it was 30 dollars. Why did you do that? You shouldn't have wasted that money on me." 

"Kellen, it really wasn't a bother. Maybe I did say it was only 3 or 4 dollars, but no way was I letting you get something cheap. You're worth more than that." Oh. Was that actually why? My heart started beating faster, and I felt a chill run through my spine. I really didn't know that's what he thought. It made me feel better about myself. 

"Turn around." He said, taking the necklace out of the bag. "I'm putting it on you." I turned around and lifted me hair. "You're such a beautiful person. I love to be around you, Kellen. I promise, this was worth every penny." Oh my gosh. That was so cheesy, but I loved it. Those words made me smile. Especially coming from him. 

He spun my around and gazed into my eyes. I knew compared to his eyes, mine looked like shit, but the way he looked at them made me feel like they were the prettiest diamonds to exist. 

Smiling, I could feel my self start to blush. "It's perfect!" He exclaimed, as he embraced me into a big hug. 

We got back into the car, and started to pull out. "It's 5:43. Should I drive you back?" He said. Holy shit. We've already spent that much time?

"Uh, yeah, sure." I answered. I really have to work on my speech. He simply nodded his head, and turned on the FM radio. ABBA's song 'Another Town, Another Train' turned on. Roger started humming along. 'You would have to find me gone, I just have to move along' It was a really great song. 

Him and I sung along to the music all the way back. It was really fun, but we eventually pulled up into my driveway. He kissed me on the cheek and said good bye as I left. 

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