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Third Person P.O.V

Wooyoung walked out of his classroom, a frown plastered on his face as he made his way to his locker. He dreaded what he was about to do, but he wanted to get it over with. He was a senior so he was on the opposite side of the building from San.San was only a  sophomore, which San was happy about since he wasn't on the same end of the school as Mr.Bad Boy named Jung Wooyoung. The way Wooyoung's name sounded to San made him shiver. In no way did the boy deserve the way Wooyoung treated him. San stood up from his desk, holding his books close to him, walking out of the classroom with his friends, as soon as they stepped out of the classroom, his friends went the opposite direction. San turned the corner, not looking up, thats when he heard a low toned laugh."Yo, short ass, get over here!" A voice yelled, San's heart sank as he thought he might get away from Wooyoung that day. He turned to the direction that he heard the voice. He looked up, gulping when he saw Wooyoung. He wanted to run but he looked around, seeing a bunch of seniors who were looking at him. Thats when he realized...he was on what his class like to call "Alpha Territory." He sucked in air before walking in front of Wooyoung. "Wooyoung, please i-i still hurt alot from y-yesterday, i-i'm begging you!" San said, choking back tears. Of course Wooyoung didn't listen and he slammed his fists against San's chest, causing San to fall. San of course didn't have alot of strength, his chest was probably the weakest part of him. He landed on his back, he nearly screamed but he just whimpered instead. He felt a strong kick on his stomach, making him gasp for air, he thought Wooyoung was done, instead Wooyoung grabbed him by the shirt collar, pinning him against the lockers. He stared into Wooyoungs eyes, pleading for mercy. Wooyoung punched him in the stomach before dropping him. San felt something cold but warm fill his throat after that punch. Thats when blood started to drip out of his mouth, his chocolate brown eyes were brimmed with tears, he lifted up his shirt a bit, a huge bruise layed on his skin. His white t-shirt had some of the blood on it. He spit the rest of the blood out, looking up at Wooyoung. "I-I hate you!!!!" He screamed before standing up, his legs felt weak and his chest was filled with pain. "I don't give a shit if you hate me, now get away from here, and don't come back!" Wooyoung said, San took that chance to grab his things and walk away quickly. Tears streamed down his face as he walked to the lunch room. He sat down with his friends, Jongho looked at him, raising an eyebrow. "San, you alright? Or did you get rejected by some random girl?" Jongho said, San cringed at the thougut of trying to get with a girl. "I-I'm fine" He mumbled before taking Yunho's water bottle, opening it and drinking it. "Aish, San...you need to tell them what's going on with Wooyoung" Yunho whispered to him. Yunho was the only one to know about San getting bullied, but yet he didn't do anything about it. San shook his head."I-I'm fine, i don't need to." He said. "Fine, but if you get really hurt one day...i told ya so." Yunho whispered, San scoffed, rolling his eyed. Yea, whatever!. He told himself. He was so close to breaking, he was so close to telling his secret...he was SO close to fighting back.Well...what will he do?
Aish, sorry for any typossssss

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