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Third Person P.O.V

San layed on his bed, breathing in...and out, over and over again, he tried to stay calm considering he was in unbearable pain. "W-Why me?" He whispered to himself. Of course there was no answer. Why did he have to be the one that got bullied? What ever did he do to Wooyoung? God, he didn't know, the boy just wanted answers. He wanted answers so badly that he didnt even think about their consequences. He closed his eyes, mumbling to himself before drifting into a deep sleep. He looked so happy when he was asleep, like nothing had touched him, like he was a normal boy that wasn't hiding anything.

Wooyoung sat next to his bed, tears cascading down his his face, landing on his phone. He couldn't take it anymore. Why did he think bullying was the way to go? He should have just confessed to San then forget it. He had to think of a plan...and fast. He grabbed a sheet of notebook paper, which the lines were hot pink. He grabbed a purple pen from his desk, sighing as he began to write, his tears hitting his hand as he wrote. "Dear San, I'm sorry for everything, i hate myself for thinking i should do that to you, the truth is...i think I'm in love with you, i know you won't know who wrote this, i just need to get some stuff off my chest, when i look into your eyes, all i see is beauty, i could never stop thinking about you. I mean it when i say this... Choi San....I love you" He finished it off with a small heart and "Love, Anonymous" He smiled a tiny bit, slipping the note into his binder. He dropped the pen, pulling his sweatshirt off and crashing on his bed. He kept thinking about the boy, closing his eyes. He drifted to sleep, anxious to slip the note in San's locker tomorrow.

《Time Skip》

San opened his eyes, pouting and sitting up, he wasn't ready for the day ahead of him. He climbed off his bed, still in pain. He walked into his closet, grabbing a pair of pastel pink, ripped skinny jeans and a baby blue sweatshirt, and black, hightops . He slipped on a pink hat, smiling a bit at himself. He looked around before slipping a few things into his bag....makeup. He slipped his bag over his shoulder, sighing and grabbing his phone. He ran downstairs and out of his house, he wanted to get to school a bit early so he started to run. By the time he made it to school he was out of breath...but early, he was happy about that so he walked inside, looking around. He skipped to the bathroom, looking in the mirror. He hadn't ever wanted to wear makeup before but...maybe he would seem less...stupid..if he wore makeup, well..thats what he thought. He pulled out the makeup, staring at it. He propped his phone up, watching a few randok videos while he started to put makeup on, he was scared when he got to the eyeliner, only because he didn't wanna mess up the eye shadow, in which looked hella good. He breathed in, trusting himself as he slowly did his eyeliner, he was surprised at how good he could do makeup, even though he hadn't ever done it before. He stared in amazement, thinking the wing might possibly cut him. He finished right after applying a pastel pink liquid lipstick. He slipped the stuff back in his bag, looking in the mirror and breathing in. He fixed his hat, turning off his phone. "They might find out, but its fine...right?"He asked himself as he reluctantly walked out of the bathroom. He held his eyes closed tightly as he walked down the hall, the bell rang and lots of highschoolers started walking through the halls, he opened his eyes, gulping as he made his way to his friends. Yunho looked at him, turning bright red and laughing, his eyes wide."What the hell San?! You look so fucking gay!!!" Yunho said, the others looking at him, he sighed, mumbling."I just wanted to try something new, okay?" He opened his locker, grabbing his books until a pink and white sheet of paper slipped out of his locker, he grabbed it, opening it, he read it, very confused but the butterflies in his stomach started to flutter. He smiled, grabbing a pen and paper, writing a quick note back, not realizing that the guys were watching him write. "Aw, thats so sweet, but...what exactly did you do to me?" He said, signing his name in cute, small and curly letters. "To, Anonymous" He wrote on the back, sliding it halfway through his locker so the "To Anonymous" was visible. He closed his locker, looking at his friends."Who was that to? Do you know who the girl is?" Jongho said. He didn't respond, starting to walk off. "San, who was that to!!?" Jongho said again, raising his voice. San stopped walking, turning to Jongho." it's nobody..." He said, Jongho wasn't buying it so he pulled San close. "Who was that to and who is the girl?!" ,he yelled, thats when San had enough of all the "girl" shit. He pulled away, slapping Jongho. "HAVE YOU NOT NOTICED THAT I'M FUCKING GAY?!?" The whole hall fell silent, Jongho's face went pale."Gay?" San blushed in embarrassment, nodding."G-Gay." Oh god, what on earth was he thinking?!.
Sorry for any typos hehe

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