Not Part Of The Plan

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The next afternoon

I snuck down the stairs and quickly dialed Bev's number. The rest of my family, including the Trashmouth, was watching tv in the living room. I could hear Richie and my mother arguing over the Jeopardy answer as I clutched the phone with both hands, praying to whoever would listen that Bev's dad wouldn't answer.


Damn it!

"Hello, Mr. Marsh, is Beverly there?" I asked, hoping he wouldn't have too much to say to me.

"Why do you wanna know about my Bevvy?" He asked, slightly slurring his words.

"I was just wondering if she wanted to come hang out and do you know...girl stuff." I shrugged, even if he couldn't see me.

"Well, I don't see why Bevvy wouldn't be able to. I'm sure it'll do her some good to hang out with some other girls. I'll let her know you called."

"Thank you, sir." I said, slamming the phone back down. God, he gives me the creeps.

About fifteen minutes later there was a knock on the door. I quickly answered it, hoping that no one else heard it over Richie's gloating. He must've gotten the answer right this time. I quietly opened the door and standing before me was a smiling Beverly. She looked almost relieved to have something to do today. I just hope she isn't still upset about everything that went down yesterday.

"Hey, Bev." I smiled and stepped aside so that she could come in.

"Hey, (y/n)." She came inside and I grabbed her wrist to lead her upstairs.

We made it to my room and I closed and locked the door behind us. Bev walked around for a moment, looking over all the random shit I had hung up on the wall. Then, she turned to me, almost suddenly aware that there must have been a reason I called her.

"So, what did you need me for? Are we gonna jump Richie?" She laughed.

"No, nothing like that. It's're the only girl friend that I have, if you consider us friends, I don't actually know where we stand...friendship wise."

"I'd say we could be best girl friends if you wanted to be. I just thought you didn't like me too much until yesterday." She shook her head, sitting down on the bed next to me.

"Best friends?" I ignored the comment about me not liking her, because she wasn't entirely wrong and we don't really need the conversation to head in that direction.

"The bestest friends." She laughed, throwing an arm around my shoulders, "So, what did you need good old Beverly for?"


I can't tell her that I'm going on a date with Bill. I know for a fact that she likes him and you can't break the girl code. Maybe I should just keep it vague, ya know? Tell her I'm going on a date and just not tell her who I'm going with.

"Well what? Richie talks too much, and you talk too little, is there any middle ground with the Toziers?" She giggled.

"Someone asked me on a date, and I was wondering if maybe you'd help me get ready." I asked, awkwardly.

"Absolutely! We'll have you looking like a million bucks in no time!" She clapped her hands before pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

"Thanks, Bev." I smiled as she popped off the bed.

"No problem, Little Tozier." She shook her head, making her way to my closet.

She pulled out shirts and shorts, shaking her head before tossing them onto the bed. She didn't look too happy with what she found, but that quickly changed when she pulled out the big white shopping bag I had been hiding in there.

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