Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: A new Friend

"Yellow?",A mans voice rang out through the house as a door opened. The blonde groggily picked her head up from her desk. Pieces of paper scattered everywhere, drawings on her walls, bed, desks and even on the floor. Her room was littered with papers, some had math equations, essays, geographic maps, and drawings of electrons and protons.

Basically, what you'd be taught if you were at school.

But Yellow doesn't go to school.


After Red and Yellow said goodbye, she waited almost everyday to see the red-eyed boy again. Her uncle had to constantly remind her that Red was still a student, and it would take years for him to finish school and get strong enough to take over the Gym.

Yellow knew this already of course, but it didn't stop her from checking almost everyday at the town's entrance for any sign of the raven haired boy.

There never was.

After a year, Yellow started losing hope, her thoughts always went to where she didn't want them to. What if he forgot about her? What if he just didn't care anymore? Did he promise her that so she wouldn't look for him? Was she THAT annoying that he had to resort to lying?

No, Yellow scolded herself for those thoughts. He wasn't like that, Red would come back. Like her Uncle said, he had to finish school and then get stronger. She could wait.

After what happened with Dratini, Yellow was scared of Pokémon battles. She still loved Pokémon dearly, but the battles always brought back horrible memories. She and her Uncle knew if she went to a public school she'd be given a Pokémon partner and be forced to take part in battles. They didn't want that, so her Uncle homeschooled her.

Sure, it was lonely sometimes but still it was better than getting panic attacks whenever a battle ensued. Her Uncle always reminded her that she was lucky her body was abnormal. She healed too quickly for someone so young and injured, they were both confused as to why but took the miracle and didn't question it further.

Another year went by, and Yellow got busier and busier with more homeschooling work. When she was 8, she walked into her living room and turned on the Tv. There was a Pokémon battle going on, it was being recorded by a school Yellow never thought she'd hear of again.

Kanto middle school.

While the factor of watching a battle was already a cause to switch the channel, what made her stay was who was battling. Raven hair, white shirt, light pale skin, a similar red sleeveless shirt from years ago, blue pants and the same red hat. What made her truly know who it was, was the eyes.

That perfect shade of red. Not too bright, not too dark. Just perfect. Yellow was entranced. She watched his movements, his gleeful smile as he defeated every trainer who challenged him. He looked so happy. He was doing it.

He was getting stronger.

He was keeping his promise.

A bright smile formed on Yellow's face. This means he hasn't forgotten her...Yellow made a mental note on the channel, if they showed battles of Kanto middle school it'd most likely keep showing them.

She was right.

Weeks went by and Red kept getting stronger, he had a few close calls when he battled a green-eyed boy with spiky brown hair, and a girl with brown hair and blue eyes. She was really pretty. They all seemed to know each other and weren't that disappointed when Red ended up beating them.

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