Chapter Fourteen - Bean and Pip

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"Ten million!" For fuck sake man bang that gavel already! The auctioneer had given up mediating because now Daniel and Aaron were calling out jaw dropping figures all on their lonesome. I took the opportunity to glance at Lorraine who looked paler than usual and almost like she was about to pass out. That made me smile slightly, yes I'm childish get over it! My attention was quickly drawn back by the sound of the gavel finally hitting the god damn wooden podium. The auctioneers assistant was helping him bang it while staring at the Quinn boys in shock.

"M...Mr. Quinn uh...please come and claim your million dollar prize!" I felt the sudden urge to beat this guy's head to a pulp but I managed to restrain myself and sooth my growing headache by rubbing my temple. Both Aaron and Daniel made their way towards the stage and put a hand out to help me down. As it wasn't bad enough that the room was silent with the odd gasp escaping people but now I had to pick a freaking guy! I don't think I've ever wanted to kill someone as badly as I did this idiot of an auctioneer I mean how hard was it to clarify which Quinn?

I swallowed hard and placed a hand in each of theirs. Well played Charlie, well played! As soon as I cleared the stage stairs I slipped may hands out of theirs and shifted awkwardly as they continued to give one another the ultimate Texan standoff glare!

"Moving on, our last lot for tonight Miss Lorraine..." Daniel was pulling me away before I got to watch Aaron buy Lorraine thank god!

"Daniel!" Aaron's voice had me freezing in my tracks, which made it pretty difficult for Daniel to continue pulling me! We flipped to find Aaron standing right behind us, I glanced over his shoulder to see a fuming Lorraine going red with embarrassment I heard the auctioneer bang his gavel at five thousand and some frumpy guy guiding her off the stage. She practically tossed him aside as she made her way through the crowd to get to us but was stopped mid way by a group of people. "Don't you think I should have at least the first dance with my prize?" My mouth fell open, what is happening?

"What the hell was that Aaron? You know she came here with me! You put her in such an awkward position! Did you even think how she felt when you went all bidding Nazi on me? She asked me to bid because she didn't want to have to spend the night with some stranger-"

"I'm not some stranger I'm her-"

"Her boss! You're her boss and I just don't even understand. What was that? Why were you so god damn determine? People's eyes and slowly their attention began to shift to us and I wished I could just disappear.

"I overheard her, she was nervous about being auctioned, and I thought it was for a good cause so... I was trying to help out-"

"I had it handled; nobody was out bidding me except you! Why were you so aggressive? Shouldn't you have bid for your date, you know the women who lives to make Charlie's life hell! You're about as much a stranger to her as all these other people, not to mention her god damn boss-"

"You don't know her like I do so stop acting like you own her! She isn't yours and she never will be!" He was yelling now and I could see his chest visibly expanding from breathing heavy. He was pissed and ready to hit someone, that someone being Daniel. Daniel looked if possible even more confused than before.

"Why are you acting so god damn possessive Aaron she isn't yours either-"

"Enough! Daniel it's ok just...just let it go, at least I'm not going to spend the night with a complete stranger, he is your cousin after all." He softened slightly but now he was suspicious of me too. I could tell that he wasn't letting this go, not by a long shot. If I knew Daniel which I do than something tells me he'll find out about our relationship one way or another. But not tonight Daniel, not tonight!

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