Chapter 10: Highschool Begins

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Once he married Addie he didnt come around as much. It was the first of school it was his last year of highschool and Paisley's freshmen year.

Bucky was standing with his friends. "Where is your sister?" He said

"Oh she didnt want to ride with me. So she rode the bus." Steve said

"Wait till you see her though." Natasha said

"What do you mean" Addie said

"Look right there." Clint said

They both turned around as she came down the hall. Bucky swallowed hard as he saw her hair as she kept her head down.

"What the hell did she do? Thats not Paisley?" Addie said

He watched as she walked to the freshmen wing. "What ever is eating her is bad. She has changed her hair so much. Its bad enough that dad has been sleeping on the couch because he is scared that she is going to attempt suicide." Steve said

"She hasnt though right?" Bucky said

"No they check her over every morning" Natasha said

Bucky took a deep breathe. "Ill be back." He said and went to find her.

She was at her locker she seen him coming. She shut her door shoved her hands into her hoodie pocket and walked away. He stopped her "what the hell?" He whispered.

She tried to leave again. "Paisley.." he whispered.

She looked down. "Darlin I know you are hurt but I cant help how I feel. You have got to move on and let me go." He said

She whispered "I cant just turn it off Buck." And walked away.

He sighed and whispered "I know that."

All day he watched her as she walked around with her head hung low. Natasha found him in the library after school.

" to me. You know whats wrong with my sister in law." Natasha said

He looked down. "Its the reason why we dont live there." He said

"Buck.." Nat said

"I had no idea that Paisley had a crush on me and here I was not paying a bit of attention to her. All those times I asked her to help me with homecoming proposals for Addie. I found out a year ago that she felt this way. So I thought if I gave her some space that it would give her time to heal. But that just seems to make it worse." He said

Natasha shook her head. Steve made him jump "I had a feeling that she liked you. She would smile so big at you when we use to do the band. But I would watch her face fall when she saw you sing to Addie." He said

Bucky shook his head. "I never saw her I always kept my eyes on Addie." He said as he gathered his stuff.

"I love my wife but it breaks my heart. That I broke hers without even trying." He said as he left.

" need to tell your dad." Natasha said

"Why..she will eventually get over him. She just needs time I think it will be easier once we are gone." He said

"Steve..Addie said something about possibly being pregnant. If she is.." Natasha said

"She will be fine." Steve said as they left the library.

*3 weeks later*

Bucky was hoping that Paisley wasn't home as he and Addie walked up to the front porch. He walked into the kitchen where he saw Paisley doing homework.

"Hey James honey.." Winnie said

"Hey mom and me and Addie have something to tell you." He said

"Okay whats that?" Joe said

"We are having a baby!" Addie exclaimed

Bucky closed his eyes as he heard books slamming then a door and another. Joe and Winnie congratulated them. Winnie was over the moon about her first grandbaby.

Steve and Natasha were standing there. Natasha shook her head as she and Steve went to check on Paisley. Bucky quietly walked downstairs.

"Why? If only I was older or had bigger boobs. Or maybe if I..I have been in love with him since I was 12 years old. But its always been Addie she has been his girl for 4 years. And all I have ever been is the annoying stepsister." She said

"Paisley..stop it has nothing to do with how you look." Natasha said

"And I have tried to push these stupid feelings away. But no boy ever wanted to go to dances with me. I have never had a boy kiss me or a boyfriend. All I ever wanted was for him to see me like that. But who could compete with Addie. She is a lucky girl to have someone love her like he does." Paisley said

Bucky looked down he wiped a stray tear. He went back upstairs "Come on Addie its time to go." He said

They said their goodbyes and left.

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