Chapter 20: Babies and Deployment Announcement

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On April 17th Paisley got a phone call from Natasha. "Get your ass on a plane..your nephew is coming.." Natasha yelled through a contraction.

"Good lord dont have to yell its 4 in the morning." Paisley said half asleep.

She got up and packed a bag she got into her car. She drove herself to JFK airport. She walked into the terminal

"Hi I need a ticket to South Carolina airport that is close to Fort Bragg." She said

The lady got her last minute ticket. She ran to the gate cause it was going to be leaving in thirty minutes. She got through security and found her gate.

She made her way to her seat. She texted her dad to let him know she was on her way. She flew into South Carolina she got herself a rental car with GPS. Steve let them know at the front gate that family would be coming in.

She drove over to the hospital. Steve or Natasha failed to mention that they were sharing a maternity room with Addie and Bucky. Addie and her had gone into labor two hours apart.

She had dyed her hair again another purple color. She had a messy bun leggings and a hoodie. She knocked on the door.

"Come in." Steve said

She opened the door. "Natasha.." she said

"Hey look who is here its aunt Paisley" Natasha said to the baby in her arm.

Bucky moved back the curtain to reveal Addie Chloe and their newest addition. She just ignored them and walked over to Natasha.

She stuck her keys in her hoodie pocket. "Meet your nephew Silas Gregory Rogers." Natasha said as Paisley took him.

"Hey there little are a cutie. You must take after your mama but you do look like your daddy." She said as she sat down.

Bucky looked over at her as she gushed over her nephew. Winnie and Joe came in she passed Silas off on them. Winnie went to see her newest granddaughter as Joe gushed over his new grandson.

James came in and held both babies. Steve looked over at Bucky after Bradley came in. Steve said "Well since we have you all together. I guess now would be a good time to tell you all that me and Buck are being deployed next month."

"For how long?" Winnie said

"A year.." Bucky said

The room fell silent for a few minutes then they started to talk again. Everyone else started to leave Paisley went over to Natasha. She hugged her and her brother. "You come down and see me off okay?". He whispered.

"Yeah I will be here." She said

She swallowed hard then walked over to where Addie and Bucky is. "Um she is cute and all. I have to go I have a flight to catch. And Im sorry Addie for causing any problems that was never my intention. So yeah bye." She said

She walked out Bucky ran after her. "Paisley..Paisley wait." Bucky said once he caught up to her.

She stopped but kept her head down. He walked to stand in front of her he lifted her chin. "Paisley..what was that about? You havent caused any problems." He said

She pushed his hand away. "I get it okay..I have given up I have chosen to accept the fact that I will never be your girl. I dont believe in finding true love anymore. But I really do have to go." She said

"Paisley..dont do that. Dont give up on love. I saw your face in there when you held Silas." He said

"Babies and love was something I wanted with you James. But you clearly wanted that with Addie. So Im letting you go." She said

"Paisley.." he said as she started to walk away.

"Go be with your wife and your daughters. She is who you want the girl you have always wanted. All I will ever be to you is the bratty annoying little sister." She said as she looked at him then walked to her rental car.

She drove herself back to the airport and left for NY. Bucky sat down on the bench that was outside. Steve came out and sat beside him. "You okay?" He said

"No..I have no idea how to fix this." He said

"Natasha said that from the time Paisley was 12 till you announced your engagment. She use to hear my sister whisper if only. When I asked Natasha what she meant she said that whenever you did anything for Addie she would whisper it. Alot of the times it was always if only I was older or that she wished we were twins." Steve said

Bucky let out a laugh as he wiped tears.

"Lets go back inside" Steve said

They headed back up to their wives. Bucky kissed Addie "Everything okay?" She said

"Yeah.." he said as he laid beside her. Winnie and Joe had taken Chloe back with them.

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