Chapter 30: Maybe It is Our Time

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A few days later Bucky finally figured out where she was hiding. He went to talk to his dad.

"Hey son.." James said as he was reading scans.

"Hey.." he said

"What do you need?" James said

"Advice.." he said

"On what?" James said

Bucky proceeded to tell him everything including their drunken hook up. James shook his head "Son.." James said .

"What?" He said

"Ever heard of drunken actions are sober thoughts. I think somewhere deep inside your heart son you have feelings for Paisley. You have done your best to fight them off cause you loved Addie Jo but I think you losing Addie was the kick in the ass you needed. But I sat there and listened to you cry and beg for her to come back cause you were scared. But what you dont know is Paisley almost died like her mother. Her car stalled in the middle of the intersection. Some guy was so high he didnt see her. She found out she was pregnant with Liam that day." James said

Bucky looked down.

"Son its okay to admit that you love someone new. Addie Jo is gone if things were to work out with Paisley. You could re enlist if you wanted." James said

"God no..I did my time dad.." he said

"Just try and see where it takes you son. Maybe she is the one." James said

Bucky went picked up the girls from daycare and went home. James had called Winnie to let her know about the conversation with Bucky. She found him doing his homework in the basement.

"Hey..when you finish that come find me I have some stuff to show you honey." Winnie said

"Okay mom." He said

He finished up his homework ate dinner. Winnie lead him downstairs as Joe played with the girls.

"You remember all those times that you all played a "gig". You wanted tapes to see how you all did to see if you needed to change anything." She said as she put the 4th of July show dvd in.

"Yeah..I wanted it like a real show so dad would use his drone. You used your go pro and you both figured out how to combine the footage." He said with a smile.

"This DVD is just my footage. Before we combined them. So alot of it has Paisley in it. Pay attention to her to just her." Winnie said as she sat beside him.

She pressed play the footage started to play. He watched each time he was singing her smile her dimples but watched as it faltered. He saw her wiping tears as she mouthed if only.

He watched as his sister try to get her to have a good time. "Daddy Im ready to go home.." she said loud enough for the camera picked up.

Bucky looked down. "Baby you know how to make this right. She has waited for you long enough. She isnt that little girl anymore she is almost 20 years old." Winnie said

He wiped tears. "Dont make her suffer anymore. Just try baby and see where it takes you two. You two might be surprised by the result." Winnie said

Bucky looked up at the screen where it was paused on her 12 year old face as he did each fake smile she forced. All those years he was to crazy over Addie to notice that she was upset. The night he found her by the river how she didnt want to be in front seat. All of it ran through for his mind like a memory film strip.

He swallowed hard. He stood up "Watch my girls for me.." he said

He went upstairs found his keys. He went out to his truck and left. He drove around for 30 minutes thinking about what all his parents said to him.

He finally turned down the little gravel road to her house. She was working on her own homework as Liam was asleep in his swing. She saw headlights outside she put her homework on the coffee table.

Bucky took a deep breathe as he knocked on the door. She opened the door " can we talk?" He said

"Sure.." she said

She unlocked the screen door and let him in. He saw Liam sleeping as he followed her to the kitchen.

"Um I want to say that me and Ellie ended two days ago. And maybe its time that I own up to some things." He said as he leaned against her kitchen table.

"Okay" she said as she kept her distance as she leaned against her counter tops.

"I know for the longest time 12 years almost I have been a complete ass. I have done things that I am not proud of. I read your journals I found your letters. I see now the whole big picture now Paisley. With Addie gone I see it now I see the pain I caused you. I know about the time that she said some mean things about you. And for that I will apologize for her. She had no right to say those things..but I do wish you had told me not Bradley and not your journal." He said

She looked down.

" more of this." He said as he walked to her. He lifted her chin "no more hiding the hurt." He said

She swallowed hard.

"You aren't drunk?" She said

"No..why would you me that?" He said

She bit her lip. "Baby what did I say when we had sex?" He whispered with his forehead together.

"You said that you were going to make all my dreams come true. That we both know who I want to pop my sweet cherry. We have both waited long enough.." she whispered

He kissed her lips she started to kiss back. He cupped her cheek as he rolled his tongue into her mouth. He pulled her closer to him as her tongue fought for dominance.

He reached down and grabbed her ass. 'Mmm baby oh my god.." he whispered.

She looked up at him as she bit her lip. "Maybe its finally our time baby." He said

She smiled at him.

"Now..please tell me the truth. Who is Liam's daddy?" He said

She smiled at him "his name is Liam Greyson James Barnes..he is yours. I lied to everyone so you wouldnt have marital problems." She said as their foreheads were together.

He smiled at her as they kissed. "Oh baby doll..god you are amazing." He said

She giggled as he kissed her nose. "Baby I would like to take you on a real date. I want us to do this right you deserve that after all the hell I put you through. And a proper first time.." he said as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Are you asking me on a date James Barnes?" She said with a smile.

"Yes I am baby..what do you say?" He said as he smiled

"I would love to go on a date with you.." she said

"Yeah?" He said

"Yeah.." she said

Liam started to cry they went into the living room. Bucky picked up his son and pulled off his beanie. He smiled at him "And here I thought I could only produce girls and I have this little guy..hi my boy its daddy." He said

He went into the kitchen with Paisley where she gave him a breastmilk bottle and he fed Liam. He helped her get him ready for bed.

Once they got him asleep they made out on the couch till midnight when he went home after leaving bite marks all over her neck. "Good night baby doll I will call you in the morning. We will set up that date." He said as he kissed her and left.

She leaned against her front door with a big smile. "Oh my god..oh my god.." she whispered.

He smiled as he drove home "God please dont take this one. She is special to me." He whispered.

He pulled into the driveway Winnie was still up with Joe. "How did it go?" Winnie said

"Perfect we are going on a date." He said as he stopped on the stairs with a big smile.

Winnie smiled "there's my baby boy. " she whispered as he went to check on his girls then went to bed.

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