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a/n: my babies are back at being angsty again because that's what they specialize in. unwanted_and_unholy :)

Prompt: "You don't care. Nobody cares, just leave!"

Lydia was shivering, the winter wind was blowing and the air was so fogging it was hard to see where the edge of the roof was. Lydia had stripped down to shorts and a tank top. She was freezing to death on the roof, as she starred out into nothingness. Lydia had completely given up on her life, she was falling deep into a pit of darkness, and there was nothing to grasp to save herself, her simple life had germinated into something horrid that Lydia couldn't stand, she was taking steps forward slowly. She didn't want to move, but she slowly came. Her whole life was shattering, and she was still falling down, and further down, until she hit the ground and her heart cracked. & She gave up. Moving a bit closer to the edge, she started to hear a voice.

"Lydia! I was looking everywhere for you, and your father said I could find you up here!"

Barbara squinted, she saw Lydia, shivering down to her bones, Lydia did not say a word. But Barbara moved forward. She gripped her shoulders, and kept moving towards Lydia, until she stopped. Lydia was at the edge of the roof-


It all flashed before Barbara's eyes, she was holding onto Lydia by her wrist. Lydia's life was in Barbara's hands. With all the strength Barbara could muster she pulled Lydia up. & into her arms. She held Lydia as she shivered against Barbara.

"Shh I have you now everything is going to be okay."

Barbara whispered to Lydia, she was still crying and shivering, she was broken.

"I will never let you go, never again, my baby girl, my angel, my princess."

Barbara said all kinds of things, to Lydia, whispering sweet nothing to her,


Lydia was in the bathroom, sitting on the counter as Barbara warmed her up, wrapping Lydia in a towel. Lydia had a faint smile on her face as Barbara rubbed it all over her. Making Lydia's heart burst.

"You don't care, nobody cares, just leave."

Lydia mumbling, though she felt completely different her mind was telling her that Barbara didn't care. That she found her as a burden, and Lydia was wasting Barbara's time. Barbara sighed, she looked into Lydia eyes.

"Lydia. I'll be here as long as you need me. Lydia Kerry Deetz I care, and, you know. Maybe I'm the only one that does care. But at least someone does."

Barbara whispered to Lydia, it made Lydia tear up a little. She didn't want to cry, she didn't feel like crying but yet here she was. She didn't cry, she was sure but teary eyed, let's call it that.

"Arms up baby."

Barbara softly said, Lydia's arm slowly rose as Barbara pulled the icy tank top off and put a sweater on Lydia. Then Lydia started to kick her feet, she felt so much better then she did on the roof.


Later on in that day Barbara & Lydia were reading a book together. Lydia was trying to pronounce a word,

"Pa, pa, ugh, naa, cish."

Barbara had her fingers running through Lydia's hair, while she stuttered the word out it made Barbara blush, and giggling a little.


"Good job Lydia!"

Lydia smiled wrapping herself in Barbara more, today had been fairly rough, tomorrow would be the exact same. And everyday forward, but Barbara would be by her side, strangely, for the second time in history at the same time, they both faintly said.

"You deserve so much better."

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