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Lydia had woken up screaming and in a cold sweat, she heard clicking footsteps and got up as quickly as possible and shut the door, she sunk down in front of it and stared to cry. "Sweetie?" A soft voice from the other side of the door, Lydia paid no mind, she didn't even move. Paralyzed, laying against the door and crying her eyes out. "Sweetheart?" The voice asked again, but Lydia didn't move. "Honey bee." Lydia could detect it was Barbara, she heard the movement and she looked up to see Barbara rushing towards her, teleportation, she thought completely forgetting she was aggressively crying. "What happening baby?" Barbara used pet names a lot, Lydia noticed that but every time it worked. Lydia, once had told Barbara the reason she avoiding many questions. Lydia's eyes widen, her pupils started to shake and she was gone.

(flash back)

Lydia looked up from her bed to see Barbara walking around her room, they had just been chatting but now Barbara was pacing around the room, Lydia then asked, "Did you just frown?", to which Barbara looked up at Lydia. "Maybe." She didn't even crack a smile, just a straight face. This was not normal for Barbara it made Lydia wonder if she was okay. "Did you hear that cracking sound?" Lydia asked, to which Barbara, tilted her head and then nodded. "It's the sound of my heart breaking." Lydia said flipping through the book she had. "Honey no, I'm not unhappy." Barbara said getting closer to Lydia, which made Lydia jump and move away. "What are you doing to me?" She asked, very silently but Barbara heard. "What am I doing to you?" Barbara asked. Lydia looked to the floor, she asked herself one question. Are you ready to open up? She answered herself with a yes. "I've never had someone in my life, that makes me feel the way you do. You're always there for me, and you always forgive me when I do something stupid. Barbara, you ask me a simple question and I feel like I can tell you everything. You didn't do anything wrong, I'm just scared if I truly open up to you, you'll leave." Lydia said, looking at Barbara who may have been crying now. "Sweetie, no. I would never leave, especially for a reason as you trusting me." Barbara kissed Lydia on the forehead, "I love you." Lydia mumbled out.
"I love you too angel." Barbara said.

(flashback ends)

Lydia looked to Barbara who was now crying, "Lydia, Lydia thank god." God isn't even real and yet Barbara was thanking her. Lydia fell into Barbara's arms, she was shaking and damp like she had just jumped in a pool with her pajamas on. She shook violently as if she was just scared to death. "Lydia what happened?" Barbara whispered to her. "I had a nightmare." Lydia said, without stuttering even though she should have been. "What did you see?" Barbara asked, "I was on a beach, and I had my surf board, and my mom was there. We didn't talk to each other, I just waved at her, she waved back and I smiled." Lydia didn't finish, she broke down into sobs. "And you were happy." Barbara said, wiping away Lydia's tears the rest of the night.

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