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"Good morning Ma- why are you wearing a chicken suit? You know the office rules, and we have new interns coming today!" Taeyong exclaimed, wildly gesturing at the said chicken suit worn by Mark.

"I lost a bet to Jaemin and he told me to wear it to work today." He sighed, leaning a feathered arm on the top of a nearby cubicle; which happened to belong to Taeil. Speaking of the certain red haired boy, he had quietly placed down his folder and abandoned it to listen in on the conversation, head looking from side to side as if he was watching a tennis match.

"So why don't you just change?!" He paced backwards and forwards slightly, bringing up a hand to rub his eyes.

"He said I would have to buy him a new game console if I chickened out and took it off, and I can't exactly afford the game console he wants." The younger boy sighed and looked to Taeil for help but only got a shrug and a small laugh, that was from his chicken pun, as a response.

"As long as it is gone by the time the new interns arrive." Taeyong spoke with a hint of harshness and gave the pair one last look before marching off to his office.

On the other side of the office, a certain light pinked hair boy was typing away at his keyboard, his eyes never leaving the screen. A folder thicker than his keyboard, was carelessly dropped onto his hands; making him keyboard smash in the process which ruined the document that he had been working on for the past hour or so. Yuta sighed for the millionth time that day and slowly looked up to the boy stood next to him, who was mindlessly chewing on a piece of gum; blowing bubbles every few seconds. The Japanese boy pulled his fingers out from underneath the tan folder, and reached for a nearby pen which he used to pop the next bubble that escaped the other boy's mouth.

"What's this and why did you give me it?" Yuta asked, tilting his head up to look at the boy.

"It's the end of year numbers, which was supposed to be Jaehyun's job but he said he didn't know how to do them, so he asked me to give them to you since you apparently know how to do them." Johnny shrugged, blowing another bubble.

"Then why didn't you ask Jungwoo to do them, he has less work than me and does them more than me; I'm not doing another person's work." Yuta sighed, turning in his chair to properly face the other boy.

"Well go and tell Jaehyun that, there's no way I'm going back over there." Johnny raised his brows slightly and turned around to begin walking out of Yuta's cubicle.

"Johnny! C'mon!" Yuta groaned into his palm before turning back around to face his desk only to lightly slam his head on the edge of the desk, hoping to knock some sense into him.

He was drowning. Not literally but rather drowning in mountains of paperwork and folders; it was getting to the end of the year and work kept  piling up. Most of the work was from his fellow colleagues who always seemed to wear the brightest smiles when they approach his desk; spitting out any type of excuse just to get out of work. This was the sixth time someone has passed their work to him in the past four hours he has been working and he was starting to get a slight bit annoyed. It is usually worth it all since he gets to see his fellow colleagues happy once he approaches their desks, head pounding and eyes droopy. 

However luck clearly wasn't on his side today, the boss had asked him to sort out all the payouts and receipts they have done over the entire year, which seemed to be never ending. This sat in the middle of an already tall pile of crumpled paper which he didn't dare look at. Just to make everything worse he was sent an email with a simple smiley emoji at that moment with all of next years goals which was supposed to be Haechan's job but he was currently snowed in at home with the flu.

Yuta watched emotionless as the tan folder began to slowly fall off of the pile and onto the floor, sheets spreading everywhere but no one said anything. This was because literally everyone's cubicle looked the same or even worse.

He tried not to make much eye contact with his colleagues as he got up and walked over to the nearby coffee machine. He watched as Doyoung began to repeatedly slam his head against his keyboard, letting out the loudest groan he's heard in ages from the dark haired boy. Taeil was now laying on the floor of his cubicle, his hands covering his face as Jaemin was talking about the taxes whilst stuffing some sort of snack into his mouth. As Yuta got closer to the coffee machine, he saw Chenle go from standing in front of the vending machine to kicking it harshly to straight up getting on his knees and trying to reach up for the snack. The end of the year was difficult for everyone.

Mark was also currently at the coffee machine, seen to be chugging down his seventh coffee of the hour. Yuta hesitantly approached the boy after making his own cup and sighed.

"Hey Mark, do you know how to do the end of year numbe-" He started off but stopped abruptly as he saw the black haired boy grab the three cups of coffee he had prepared and sped back over to his desk as soon as he heard 'end of year'. A frown was now evident on his face as he quietly sipped his coffee, as the machine churned out another two cups for him to take back.

It shouldn't take too long, it'll be easy!  he kept muttering to himself as he made his way back to his desk, shoulders slumped and eyes tired.

too many papers, too little timeWhere stories live. Discover now