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All Yuta wants to do is hide under the giant pile of work that was already stacked up high on his desk. It's only been half an hour since he's arrived and all he can think about is how he's going to face Taeyong. How he's going to look his boyfriend in the face after a week long fuck session that turned into them now dating. If it was anyone else, it wouldn't be a problem. Why couldn't he have just had a crush on Johnny. Shit, even Jaemin. Literally anyone else and this would be so easy.

Instead, he's afraid to even talk to his boss (read; boyfriend). Simply because all he honestly want to do is curl up against him and watch some crappy movie and fall asleep. He can't even give a slight hint that they've even seen each other over the break, let alone had sex way too many time to count and started dating.

"Hey, did you get the email?" Yuta nearly jumps out of his at Jeno's voice. The younger boy laughs, head tilting and eyes widening. "Did I actually scare you?"

Yuta laughs, fingers pushing his glasses up as he shakes his head; teeth biting at his bottom lip for a moment. "No, I'm still really tired from before the break."

Jeno blinks, brows furrowing and lips pressing together. Yuta crosses his legs, waiting for Jeno to just blurt it out. 'You got fucked by our boss about a hundred times during the one week break, didn't you?! Thankfully, that's not what he says. "Taeyong sent some essay about all of us being more responsible during the new year. It took me like an hour to read." The boy sighs, shrugging as he looks at Yuta. "Anyways, I came to apologise for making you do my work a lot. You already do so much and you didn't need me putting more on your plate."

The words take Yuta by surprise. His lips purse into a pout and he feels his own shoulders slump. "You don't have to apologize." He says quietly. In all reality, Yuta really didn't mind it. Of course in the moment it made him angry but it wasn't that big of a deal; but having Jeno come and apologize to him made his heart warm. "Thank you though. I appreciate it."

Jeno smiles turning around before quickly returning his gaze to Yuta. "Oh, Jungwoo may not have told you but he told me to tell you that he's sorry too. He's still a bit," The boy pauses, teeth biting down on his tongue before he clicks it against the roof of his mouth. "Scared that you're going to yell at him again."

Right. Yuta had done that out of instinct. "Well you can tell him I'm sorry too." Yuta says, hand rubbing at the back of his neck. With a smile and a small wave, Jeno left Yuta's desk which left the boy a sighing mess. He downed the rest of the coffee that was in his mug before glancing at the pile of papers sat on the edge of his desk.

He doesn't make it far out of his cubicle before Jaehyun pins him against the wall, successfully making Yuta drop the folder full of papers he just reorganised. The boy has both hands blocking Yuta's head from moving and a knee between his thighs. Yuta's sure if anyone were to walk by right now, they'd definitely get the wrong idea. Oh god, especially if Taeyong were to walk by and see him caged in by Jaehyun. He would never hear the end of it.

"Nakamoto Yuta."

The way Jaehyun says his name makes shivers run down his spine. The hairs on his arms stand up and the spit in his mouth is swallowed. "Jung Jaehyun." He tries to make the situation light. He tries to play dumb like he doesn't know what his best friend is going to yell at him about. Unfortunately, it earns him a pinch on his cheek that makes his eyes tear up. "Ow!" Yuta whines out, hand swatting away Jaehyun's fingers. "That hurt!"

"You know what hurts," Jaehyun says, cheeks puffed out and a pout present on his lips. "The fact that you've ignored me the whole vacation! We were supposed to hang out. Supposed to go to the beach."

"First of all," Yuta begins with a scoff, "Who goes to the beach in December?" He watches Jaehyun part his lips, brows furrowed and ready to argue. Yuta leans back against the wall before letting out a sigh. "Secondly, I'm sorry."

The apology doesn't sedate his friend for long. There's a moment of calmness on his face before it contorts again. "You still never told me what happened at Taeyong's house."

Yuta whines, wiggling against the wall in an attempt to escape out of Jaehyun's arms. "Nothing happened! We watched some TV and that was it."

Jaehyun's obviously not believing him. As Yuta's already admitted to himself, he's a terrible fucking liar and there's no way that his best friend is buying anything he's saying. "Right. You, Nakamoto Yuta, who has a enormous crush on our boss, is telling me that you guys just watched TV?"

With lips pressed tightly together and a face that literally has liar written all over it, Yuta nods.

"For the last time, I'm didn't sleep with the boss; he was only being nice!" Yuta exclaimed to the pink haired boy who only snickered in response.

"I'll believe that when pigs learn to fly. Now what are you guys doing?"

Yuta tilts his head, cheek resting against Jaehyun's arm as he sees Sicheng staring at them, face bland and money hanging from his hands. The elder boy quickly moves his arms and Yuta sticks his tongue out. When Jaehyun breaks eye contact with him, cheeks flushed pink and head tilted down, Yuta bites his bottom lip. A feeling of guilt washes over him as he sees Jaehyun quickly walk out of the office area and into the break room, eyes never leaving the floor.

"Are you two dating." It isn't said as a question, more like a statement as Sicheng continues to stare at him, face bored and voice monotone.

"No," Yuta laughs hand pushing his bangs back as he tries to come up with an excuse. "He was worried that his roots were starting to show and wanted me to look at his head to make sure his roots are still concealed." God, what the hell was his mind thinking. Strike three of many for terrible excuses today.

Sicheng opens his mouth to speak again but Yuta bends down in an attempt to pick up all the scattered pieces of paper, throwing them all back into the folder. He then flashes Sicheng a small smile as he quickly pushes past him, huffing as he makes his way back to his desk.

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