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By the time Wednesday rolled around, Yuta really couldn't wait for the weekend to arrive. Christmas was on Sunday, which meant this was their final week of office work; Taeyong even gave them all the following week off which they were beyond grateful for. However the amount of work Taeyong made them do in the last few days was beyond what he usually gives them. It was literally enough to make them feel as if they've worked for an entire two months instead of one week. Yuta wasn't yet free from the daily routine of his colleagues trudging up to his desk and handing the piles of work over to him with a bright smile with yet another excuse that he wouldn't ever fall for.

Here he was, for the third time this week, his tired eyes never leaving the computer screen as the others in the office began to leave for the day. The hand that was once on the mouse was now grabbing his cup of coffee as the other hand continued to type away at the invoice sheet, his head tilting back to gulp down the rest of the hot beverage. Yuta had left the office the previous night at three and was back in the next morning at seven, and it was currently almost eleven and he was lying if he said he was fine; because he clearly wasn't.

"Are you going to go home tonight?" Came the question he kept getting asked every night.

Yuta nodded his head emotionlessly, his eyes trained on the screen. "Sure, let me get this page done." Came the same reply he used every night but this time he actually wanted to go home, he didn't want to spend another night at the office. Yuta wanted to actually sleep in the comfort of his own bed instead of the break room couch; which caused him to sleep less than more. He was also one hundred percent sure that the cleaning staff hated him for never leaving and not letting them clean his desk.

"I feel bad for your dog. She always gets excited when she hears the door but she looks so sad when she sees me or Jaehyun." Winwin admitted, draping his arms over the wall of the cubicle and sighed, a small frown on his face. "You should let me have her, I'll take better care of her plus Penny and Figure will have a new friend."

The mention of Winwin taking his dog made him tear his eyes away from the screen and stared at the other boy, a frown tugging at his lips. "Am I really that bad of an owner?"

Winwin nodded, tilting his head to the side. "Honestly yeah, like when was the last time you properly went home? Saturday? Me and Jaehyun have looked after her and watched her grow more than you have." He admitted.

Yuta felt bad, no he felt awful. He had gotten Rapunzel, his dog, a few months ago to keep him company and happy when not at the office. Now it was the dog that needed the company. Yuta didn't want to give her up, he loved the way he could come home to see his pet and be greeted happily instead of silence. He loved going out shopping for a range of costumes to put on her or the look she would give him whenever he makes food. Watching tv with her was absolute heaven to the boy considering he didn't have a significant other to make him happy. He knew Winwin was right but he wasn't gonna give her up. She was like his home and his happiness.

"I'm not giving her up. This is just for the next two days and then she's gonna get spoilt rotten." Yuta declared, sending a playful glare towards the other boy who just simply raised his arms in defeat with a small laugh.

"Please do go home tonight though, you're starting to look really miserable and depressed." Winwin pointed out, walking around to gently rub his shoulder in reassurance. Yuta nodded slowly whilst displaying a gentle smile, waving at Winwin until he was out of sight. For once, he didn't have much work left to do which was a bonus for him. The furious tapping of keys and inaudible muttering could be heard which told Yuta that some people hadn't left yet. He saw Renjun pacing up and down the aisles of the office, chewing on the end of a pen as he stared at the clipboard in his hand; his face distorting into one of frustration. He could still hear Jungwoo and Jisung bickering back and forth about something as Jaemin wandered back to his desk with a cup of tea in hand.

The four of them left one at a time which left Yuta on his own again, as he usually is. This time he only had to input one more paper into the computer and then he was finally free. He was finally free to make his own food, feed and play with Rapunzel, shower and sleep in his own bed. Those tasks gave him enough motivation to finish up quickly, clapping slightly as the last document was submitted.

With tired eyes and a pounding head he got up, more like stumbled up from his seat and turned his computer off. He didn't bother to put his jacket on or fix his tie, and his bag falling off of his shoulder every ten seconds just made him walk quicker. He made sure all the computers were off before flicking the lights off, and letting out a big sigh as he made his way to the main hallway.

Yuta may seem like he hated the job but he really didn't. Some aspects of the job involved days where some things were more difficult than usual but he didn't mind, in fact he liked it at times. He liked when he was given tasks and the thought of getting them done made him satisfied with himself. On the other hand he did sometimes wish that he was like the others, get to slack off half the day due to passing their work to someone else.

This was his first actual job. Yuta has worked in a coffee shop and a small convenience store for a total of 3 years, spending one and a half years at each shop. It was a job that was fun to do but didn't promise him a fixed future. This job was an actual career. A career that made him smile every time he received his paycheck at the end of each month. It was a career that promised him a future of opportunities and promotions. It was a job that even made his mother happy whenever he would ring her, ranting about what he had done that day and his upcoming plans. The late nights and the painful cramps he would get in his wrists from typing practically all day and all night was worth it. He never went home and thought about how much he hated the job and how much he didn't want to go to work the next day.

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