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It is the loud ringing of his phone that causes Yuta to fall off of the couch. He groans, cheek pressing against the cold wooden floor and his eyes barely open. With blind and frantic hands he reaches up onto the couch, grabbing his phone and holding it to his ear.


"Where are you?! I literally tried calling you like five hundred times. Are you okay?"

Jaehyun's voice is stern, and for a second it makes Yuta freak out. He looks around, eyes still adjusting to the light. Fuck. He bites his lip, carefully watching as Taeyong breathes slowly, eyes closed and sleeping soundly. Yuta sucks in a breath, lifting himself up and feet dragging across the floor as he attempts to find somewhere to talk to Jaehyun without waking the other up.

He slips into the bathroom and shut the door quietly, taking a minute to register how nice the bathroom is. He shakes his head, letting his back hit against the door as he slides down it slowly. "I'm fine. Um.."

"Where are you though? I totally forgot I have your key so I hope you're not somewhere stupid." Jaehyun rambled with a stern tone.

Yuta runs his hand through his hair, pushing it back as he stretches his legs out along the tiled floor. He shouldn't tell Jaehyun. He shouldn't. But if Jaehyun found out from someone else or later on, the younger one would surely let him have it for keeping it a secret.

"Don't kill me," Yuta says as he exhales. "And don't you dare say anything to anyone about this." He can already hear Jaehyun taking a breath, ready to deliver a string of words that may or may not be rather harsh. "I'm at Taeyong's." As prepared, Yuta already has the phone a few inches away from himself. He can still hear Jaehyun yelling and Yuta bangs his head against the door a few time. "Listen to me." He says firmly. "Don't say anything, Jaehyun. I'm really serious."

"Are you sleeping with him? Oh my god, Yuta did you sleep with him? What the fuck are you thinking?!" Jaehyun's voice has never been so high pitched and whiny before. Not even that one time Yuta had wasted all of Jaehyun's money at the vending machine and then got his arm stuck for trying to get his chips that didn't fall.

"I'm not. You had my key and he offered me to sleep here." It's a terrible lie and Yuta is a terrible liar so he's almost positive that Jaehyun isn't going to believe him. But he doesn't want to act like a teenage boy who brags about who he sleeps with.  And to be honest, Yuta didn't even know if this was real or not. It could just be a drunken dream and he could be passed out in his bed or something. "It's nothing." He breathes out. "I'm sleeping on the couch."

"I feel like you should be the one sleeping in a bed and not him." Jaehyun spits out and continues on his rant that Yuta can't be bothered to listen to.

He pulls the phone away, fingers rubbing at his eyes as he checks the time. It's nearly five in the morning and Yuta guesses that Jaehyun had just gotten home. Well, home to Yuta's apartment since they agreed on having a sleepover. "I'll be home soon. Don't fall asleep or I'll literally kill you."

Yuta hangs up before Jaehyun can complain about something else. He rubs his forehead, fingers pressing at his temple. Thank god he didn't have work and he wouldn't for over a week. Not only because he only got like two hours of sleep but because he wasn't sure if he was ready to face Taeyong again. At work at least. Yuta definitely wasn't going to be able to look his boss in the face.

Unfortunately, he has to when he opens the bathroom door. Taeyong is staring at him with sleepy eyes. His hair is still messy and he's still only got his underwear on. "I should get going." Yuta says quietly, teeth biting his bottom lip and hand gripping his phone way too tightly.

"Is Jaehyun at your apartment?" Yuta nods, wondering if it would be rude to squeeze past his boss to gather his things, well his pants. Luckily, Taeyong turns to the side and motions for Yuta to walk out of the bathroom.

It's quiet as he tugs his pants on and buttons his shirt up. Yuta doesn't know what to say because what do you say after you just had sex with your boss and fell asleep on the couch with him afterwards. There's a thought in his mind that reminds him that Taeyong was drunk. Maybe not completely drunk but definitely under the influence. Maybe that was all this was. Taeyong was desperate and Yuta was the only one left.

The thought makes his lips curl into a frown and he knows he looks like a pouty baby as he grabs the doorknob to leave. Taeyong's hand gently grabs his shoulder, turning him around slowly. "Hey." He says quietly, eyes still tired and voice raspy. "Obviously, keep this between us." Yuta nods. He expected that and he was way too scared to tell anyone anyways. "But I'd really love it if we did this again soon." The elder leaned his head down so it was level with Yuta's ear and spoke.

Yuta swallows, eyes blinking rapidly as Taeyong pulled away with a slight smirk; feeling his whole face light up bright red like a firetruck.

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