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"Dude, you should go home; you're starting to look worse than Renjun."

Yuta sighed for the millionth time that day and leaned back in his chair, his fingers rubbing harshly at the bags under his eyes that seemed to grow more each hour that passed by. He had a feeling he already knew what his current state looked like, and it wasn't exactly pretty.

Being the person he is, he had stayed back at the office way later than he should have, even the cleaning crew had been and the lights had automatically gone out a few hours after they left. The clock on his desk blinked a bright red, showing that the time was 4:05am and he still wasn't finished. Since he had stayed back late, he couldn't get the subway or the bus home since they had stopped hours ago and he didn't dare get a taxi home at that time; it would be way too expensive for his liking. It's not the fact that he didn't have enough money, it's just that he didn't want to spend all of it on public transport.

Yuta didn't want to think about walking home simply because he lived too far away and he wouldn't even reach reception in his state. With all options gone, he pushed himself over to Mark's desk and grabbed the blanket he kept under his desk. Mark was just like Yuta, hardworking and keen on getting jobs done even if it meant staying back; which happened to be a frequent occurrence. That was how the two got closer, Yuta would stay back if he had extra work to do but would get frustrated when he heard the tapping of keys coming from the other side of the office. The two would often come together to rant about their work and how much they would rather be elsewhere. Once he obtained the blanket, he wandered over to the break room and practically threw himself onto the couch; curling up and snuggling into the blanket.

"Why do I say yes to everyone and everything?" He sighs, resting his head on the armrest of the couch.

"Because you're a kind person and don't know when to stop saying yes." The boy mentioned, cooing at Yuta as he gently ran his hands through the boy's peachy-pink hair. "Plus, you know that if you didn't do other people's work then this office would look even worse than it is now which is something the boss doesn't want."

Yuta knew the boy was speaking the truth and he hated it. He didn't know applying for the job would be this stressful, he only wanted a simple job that would give him some extra money. When he saw he had received a simple one sentenced email saying he was hired, he was beyond ecstatic but that simply made him the office target. He didn't mind it at first, he wasn't given many tasks by the boss since he was new so getting more work from others made him happy and gave him something to do. He was happy that people were noticing his potential in the industry which acted like a big compliment to him. But it started to get old as soon as he realised people were just using him to get out of the task of doing work, which hurt him quite a bit. He knew they meant well though, the others just simply hated their jobs and  saw that Yuta was a fresh face that hadn't been touched by the years of never ending office work that the rest had to go through. He was good friends with everyone who worked there; his main friends being Johnny, Jaehyun, Winwin, Doyoung and Mark. Yuta hasn't exactly gotten the chance to talk to the boss outside of work matters but he imagines what lays below his stone like exterior. 

"You going to the dinner party this Friday? I heard it's gonna be better than last month." The older boy spoke softly, playing with Yuta's now slightly waved locks. Yuta just simply groaned and shut his eyes, it's not as if he hated the others but he isn't exactly a big social butterfly like everyone else. 

Johnny is one of the few that never pushed his work onto the boy, no matter how hard it may be; he would ask for some input on the matter at hand but nothing more. Johnny was a charming man that loved to make others laugh when in dark times and quoted 'I would run to the end of the Earth if it meant seeing you happy' which seemed to cheer Yuta up every time. Not only that but Yuta seemed to enjoy Johnny bringing in homemade lunch,Johnny was also someone he would rant to about the job and would listen to Johnny's never ending rants about fixing the printers. When it came to the weekends, Johnny was usually the one he would hang out with; sometimes inviting Winwin, Doyoung and Mark.

"I don't know if I still want to go." Yuta spoke up, opening his eyes and looking up at Johnny. "I just want to get the work done for this year."

"Come on Yuta, you're gonna have so much fun as usual I can guarantee. It's gonna be a good time time if I'm there." He joked, cracking a small smile.

Yuta did love going to the monthly office parties, it was a good excuse for him to loosen up from all the stress of the office. He knew the end of year party was going to be the best one of the year, plus the boss had booked a very expensive dinner alongside a karaoke room that gave the staff the golden opportunity to sing their drunken hearts out. There were a few reasons Yuta loved the parties, one being the fact that he gets to see everyone happy and even receive a few compliments from the others. However the main reason he loved the parties so much is that he gets to see their boss relaxed and happy which is a sight he didn't see very often in the work year.

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